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Samurai Jeans


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Here they are a day after their 7th wash. The pics were taken during the afternoon in the shade. They are lying flat without any creases set. Sadly, they've shrunk up a bit too much in the waist to be comfortable anymore:(

I'll wear em on days when I feel skinny.

Thanks to pruple for taking the pics for me






Pretty ghetto back pocket repair. The Redmoon was chewing it's way through the back pocket and I didn't want the silver concho on the wallet to get gashed up...but didn't have any spare denim so found this material lying around and decided I had to use it


The copper button corroded and rubbed off on the denim, leaving a mark above and below the button hole that's the same color as the statue of liberty


And for fun, here they are when I first got them/soaked them in Japan, I was so amused that they could stand on their own. I showed the family I was staying with and they couldn't believe it, haha, they took more pictures than I did


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Just wondering why all the 2009'ers keep asking if they should starch? (not just in this thread) How is this whole thing getting perpetuated and what can we do to stop the insanity? Answer: SUPERDENIM ENCYCLOPEDIA and/or SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD!

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how to wear jeans:

1 unbutton

2 slip one leg in at a time (or both when sitting down)

3 button

4 wear

5 repeat when you want to wear your jeans

6 wash when dirty or soak

7 repeat

You forget, take pictures and put on SUFU and discuss how they are fading to get pos rep.

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For anyone else besides myself wondering about the sizing for the 24 oz Sammies pre-order, here's what I got from Gordon:

"As far as we know these are expected to have the same sizing issues as the lot 10 21oz jeans so you may consider a size 33 if you’re looking for a post wash size 32. . . we’re not 100% sure how the sizing will be but Samurai has told us that they expect it to be the same as the previous 21oz jeans."

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For anyone else besides myself wondering about the sizing for the 24 oz Sammies pre-order, here's what I got from Gordon:

"As far as we know these are expected to have the same sizing issues as the lot 10 21oz jeans so you may consider a size 33 if you’re looking for a post wash size 32. . . we’re not 100% sure how the sizing will be but Samurai has told us that they expect it to be the same as the previous 21oz jeans."

Damn. The downside to that with me is the massive thigh, back rise, and leg opening I will now have to deal with because I want a 33" waist. I guess I'll just pre-order that 34 even though I wanted a 33.

So I'd be safe sizing down two to three on them?

No. These are low rise jeans. Do you not have balls? Do not size down that much. Size down one if you really need to, and two AT MOST (If you totally lack testicles). My lot 9 s5000BK size 32 fit slim, but are comfortable, and my lot 10 s5000VX size 34 gives me an attractive fuller cut. I would never size down.

On another note. I bought the last size 34 Samurai s5000AI-10SP from Blue In Green. If you didn't already know I do currently own a s5000AI-10sp (I now have two pairs) and I also own the s0510AI-N.

I will hopefully do a photo shoot with all three pairs of amazing denim as soon as I can.

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It's to account for the stretch. I'd rather them fit nicely at the waist. I'll have extra room if I downsize, they're straights.

No. These are low rise jeans. Do you not have balls? Do not size down that much. Size down one if you really need to, and two AT MOST (If you totally lack testicles). My lot 9 s5000BK size 32 fit slim, but are comfortable, and my lot 10 s5000VX size 34 gives me an attractive fuller cut. I would never size down.

They're mid rise.. That's equivalent, if not more rise than that of my other pairs. I'll down one.

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haha so you bought em without selling off the other pair?

that's crazy.

ps, pm.

Responded to your PM. I wanted to end up with two pairs of s5000AI-10SP either way. I may end up trying to make my size 33's work if I don't get more decent offers.

If you want something bad enough.. you go for it.

wow thats a lot of samurai love you got going there someone's not feeling the pinch.. on a different note s5000bk are almost here.

Those aren't the only Samurai's I own. I'm feeling the pinch. I've had to modify my grocery shopping for some of this months spending. Make sure you get some fit pictures with your new s5000BK's.

Hope you can do it soon and remember to post fit pics so we can see the difference on your 33 and 34 s5000AI-10sp

Some time after the weekend I'll have them up. I doubt anyone will really be able to tell the difference between the 33 and 34 on me, but I know my goods will sure know right away!

It's to account for the stretch. I'd rather them fit nicely at the waist. I'll have extra room if I downsize, they're straights.

They're mid rise.. That's equivalent, if not more rise than that of my other pairs. I'll down one.

Blue In Green lists them as a mid rise on the website, but they are pretty low rise on every size below 33. Now the s500 is a REAL mid rise cut. One of my favorite cuts so far.

Also, I have massive thighs which usually take up space in the groan area. I'm finicky about my rise and my testicles. Good luck.

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