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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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CMF- nice fit as always, very simple. That leg twist is out of control though, it's definitely cool, but is it's direction because it's LHT since it's a lee repro? and apparently Lee repros don't get sanforized just the originals? either way they look great, i'm looking forward to new pics in "evolution of jeans"

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are those white eras??

and also, just curious, but what size shirt do you wear?

not to be nitpicky but if thats a blue foxing stripe around the shoe but i believe they're authentics, not eras.

difference is in the padding around the heel...eras have it, authentics don't. to date, i've never seen white eras with a blue foxing stripe...

numerous white eras are coming soon though according to the spring vans look books...

carry on!

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thanks im in my post hypebeast era these days, although you may not be able to tell. I ahve been slightly trying to move away from it although it still has a large impact on my style. Its hard to completely step away from something ya know. I mean, i am always gonna like shoes and the culture that serrounds it but its always good to switch it up. I have been spenidng a lot of time skateboarding this last year or so my style has started to reflect that a bit more than it did in the past, hence the shoe lace belt...and maybe even the skinnier jeans but i think superfuture has more of an influence on that to be honest. Regardless, I try to draw inspiration from everything around me.... clothes are fun, style is fun. I never try to take it too seriously.

i'm not trying to be a jerk, and i completly understand the influence of superfuture on ones style, i wouldn't be wearing raw jeans had it not been for my discovery through super future, but, whats with getting a new pair of raw jeans every month? it seems whatever is hot you quickly scoop up, soon abadoning the project you got just a little while ago, again., no hate, it just seems alittle off.

oh and, that leg twist on CMFs looks greattttt.

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Guest Fade to Black
i'm not trying to be a jerk, and i completly understand the influence of superfuture on ones style, i wouldn't be wearing raw jeans had it not been for my discovery through super future, but, whats with getting a new pair of raw jeans every month? it seems whatever is hot you quickly scoop up, soon abadoning the project you got just a little while ago, again., no hate, it just seems alittle off.

lol i love how people always add a 'no hate/no offense' whenever they are ripping someone, like that's gonna somehow negate the attacks they just gave. damn dude if you gonna give it to them, then let them have it raw and uncut. no need to cushion the blow, the damage is already there.

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fade, whatever.

I simply said it seems as if that's what kix is doing. for all I know he has a perfectly good reason, and even if its not my business, I'm interested. I've given him the benefit of the doubt (again, not my place, but I'm interested) and asked him instead of whole heartdly accusing him.

if I offended kix in anyway, I apologize, but the question was directed @ him, not anyone else.

I'm all for the 'if you have nothing nice to say' but cmon.

sorry for the tangent mods. delete @ will.

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Man those polkas are growing on me... Tempted to invest in one of those kramas seeing as shemaghs over here are soooo overplayed.

the good thing about kramas is that they're pretty thin compared to shemaghs, but you can still cover your face when robbing a bank. oh I meant to say when its cold and windy :o

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