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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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been a while and loving all the fits...

mikelowrey and rirawin please stop posting the head porter bags, especially the pok a dot...sucks there is NO where in a million mile radious (exaggerating) that that sell those damn bags...well where I am from...if any suggestions lemme kno please...great stuff!!!

today...changed to shorts on a beautiful day!


favorite shoe currently


-Nike White Label windbreaker

-Community shirt

-Rugby bag

-Gap shorts

-Harris Tweed Footscape Woven

have a nice day!

Not feeling the shoes but the rest of the outfit is on point, all with labels easily available pretty much everywhere. Congrats!

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whoa thats a lot of gatorade! dope vest, vintage?

hahaha I fucking love that flavor of Gatorade, and only that flavor.

also white Powerade, that's where it's at.

and yeah, picked it up at a thrift store awhile back, I like its versatility.

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getting in the halloween spirit a bit


skull & crossbones sweater

cultpop jack necklace

vintage t shirt

cheap skinny

vision street wear duane peters

i didnt have matching dishgloves hap


gave blood today.


woke up to this. it was all gone by noon.


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Guest Fade to Black

that's a very Zissou-ish look indeed.

It snowed this morning in Ann Arbor and again in the afternoon. Fuck I wish i was in Miami right now.

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