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Cotton that article is hilarious in its sort of grim outlook. I've been saying that for ten years.

I grew up in the BOONDOCKS, and came up with it looking around at the swampies and hicks in my 10th grade math class.

The dumb ones were generally uglier. The smart ones better looking. Not rocket surgery.

The dumb-uglies are having kids by that age already. And will have 4 or more by the time they're done. While the smaller group of attractive/smart people are generally having fewer children (leaving them behind) and having them later in life (leaving them FURTHER behind)

Even go through a kindergarten yearbook and I bet you can pick out a lot of them... Throw in the fact that attractive kids get more attention from teachers and it skews it more.

I feel I have an obligation to my species to sow my wild oats. In a responsible, intelligent way.... and only with very attractive women of course.

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to anyone who gave me +rep yesterday, thank you. i wasn't asking for any, but im glad you all seem to approve of me in some way.

i just got the shittiest haircut ive had in a while. considering the last 3 haircuts ive gotten from my regular hairdresser, im thinkin of dropping her cause its starting to piss me off. i asked her for it short in the back, a bit cropped on the sides, and long in the front, because i do a variation on the teddy boy look (my hair isn't straight so its hard, and i don't put any gel or product in it, so i never get a full ted). it ended up she left it longish in the back, shortish on the sides (fucked up my sideburns) and short in the front. wtf. i couldn't have been more clear. this is the third time shes botched something in my haircuts and im starting to feel like shes doing it on purpose. i tip her generously and im a nice person, but she seems to have it out for my hair. im not so upset that its weird looking as that this is the third time.

anyways, i cut my own hair normally, as shitty as it ends up looking. ill probably look for someone closer, i hate driving 30 minutes for a 20 minute haircut that costs me $35 and always looks like shit.

...not to sound like a bitch or anything


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saddest dream ever last night. dream 1. my brother dies. i wake up seriously on the verge of tears. dream two. my friends get addicted to heroin and all of a sudden i am the one to take care of it all. dream 3. im in class, and my teachers asks me to make a movie, i tell her that i had two dreams last night, and i will make the movie about them(i start filming about the two previous dreams)

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I am determined to learn the 'thriller' dance.
i learned it last week. tru story. not all of it. but the part that matters.
i think a group of my friends and i are going to dress up and dance to thriller for halloween this year

they did it in the senior show last year.. poorly. i was in it, but i got too drunk on opening night to participate.. oops.

anyways, that video of the inmates doing the rehearsed thriller routine has gotten national attention and become a pop culture phenomena - its in Blender magazine and was mentioned in a NY times article.

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my best friend met my girl last night and he was fucking hittin on her the whole night

i was just like what the fuuuuuuuuuuuck

and then later i was smoking sage with some friends and we only had this shitty 20x and it didnt even work on me

do you mean salvia? and if so, you have to smoke a portion of it, like a bowl, by yourself to feel the effects. salvia is sorta a thing you do by yourself, then a friend packs another bowl and they do it themselves.also, most extracts aren't potent enough to get you crazy gone unless its up near 60x or 80x.

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yea sage=salvia, and yea it wasnt potent but that was all we had, i can trip out with some 35x, ive never tried anything stronger tho.

ive done 80x, and that was the extent of what ive tried with it. knocked me on my ass, sorta had some Altered States sorta trippage going, and i havent' done it since. ill do it again soon, but i dunno, its intense stuff.

and sage can refer to non-hallucinogenic salvia, which is non-extract salvia.

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ohh i didnt know about the sage thing. yea i wanna try something stronger, maybe shrooms, allthough im still hesitant about shrooms

well shrooms are all good fun, but you actually need some relatively sober to watch over you during that. i made the mistake of doing shrooms with a bunch of kids already tripping on acid. at least my experience was mellow, but it was just too long and not at all comfortable for the last hour or so when one of my friends acid trips went bad.

you just have to remind yourself that you're on drugs, constantly.

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superconfessional 09-16-2007 02:34 PM pearlnecklace stop replying to every one of my posts you fucking weirdo


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