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givemefive last won the day on March 5 2016

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  1. My skulls from SE had a rivet pop off within days. good denim though not really sure the dragging on about sizing down. they were vanity sized one size. apc was usually 2 sizes depending on the model apcs tended to stretch a lot. skulls tended to shrink a lot for sanforized jeans. (and then stretch back) just typical confusion about buying clothes off the internet. The new jean fabric I saw was pretty boring compared to the 6x6, but yeah after SE dropped them they seemed hard to get. I think being hard to get + QC issues was just the issue in general with them.
  2. IG warehouse sale post crashed the site I bought 3 pairs during the previous sale so it's probably for the best. I do wish those detroit jeans had a dior 19cm style inseam length cuz that top block is incredible for tall guys.
  3. reddit is just too ephemeral for my liking. I grew up with forums and find them much better for hobbies. I find it kind of tragic you have to apparently pay to join sufu now. I guess that keeps the people with no forum etiquette out but we're stuck in time. I'm definitely still on the wash infrequently side as I live in a car centric city with an office job but if they're dirty or smell bad they get washed -- no doubt about that.
  4. wonder if Lewis Hamilton would be into those GETH jeans when he comes in October to Austin.
  5. I'm no expert but the amount is clothing over $800 I believe. Also depends on the country of origin. And of course depends on whether the retailer lied for you or told the truth on the shipment billing. Germans go by the book I think I should have just made two smaller purchases.
  6. I used to ride a lot but I sold my bike a couple years ago. I'm kind of too scared to get another. Dallas drivers have gotten noticeably insane. I want an Africa twin next.
  7. I accidentally slipped into customs duty territory with an $820 purchase at merzbschwanen Guess I won't let that happen again. $170 down the drain for no reason. I've got to go to an all-white party tonight. Not super psyched about the dress code.
  8. @Kiya, can you tell us anything about the new Austin store?
  9. I'm glad you're selling through Boncoura but I was also disappointed to see those inseam lengths as they look awesome.
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