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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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Anybody have experience with the 1960's 606 fit on women?


The 606 designed for women is impossible to find at an affordable price (Damn you, Christmas budget) but the rigid model looks to have very similar proportions and may do for my partner's Christmas. Has anybody ever bought this for themselves or a lady-friend? 


Mainly worried that while the measurements will match up the difference in proportions may make it unflattering.

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With the access you have to Japanese jackets, I don't know why you'd bother with LVC.  If you must have one, don't expect any deals.  I'm guessing with your build you'd want a Medium in the 506XX, or a Large in the 507XX.  


I'd be all over this if it's big enough for you:



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Does anyone know what the heck is up with the new Unionmade x LVC 1947s? Apparently it's the first collaboration LVC has done. But canvas on the front?




I'm willing to bet that it's not very historical...lol

wow just wow

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problem with repros is that theyre all long well at least 25 -26 inches body length i need a 22-23 inch body length i wanna get that

50's feel of a type 2, not the modern feel...


maybe you can get me one aho? when you on your thrift adventures.. i need a 22.5 inch chest the rest follows

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i wear my jeans pretty high like on the navel. well the pants ive been wearing lately though.


i need something shorter.. yeah fh's are short but the chest on them is so small!

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Ed, Stevenson makes a couple of vintage-length denim jackets. I found their newer Engineer jacket as well as the Saddle Horn, a more traditional Type-2 inspired jacket, on Yahoo Auctions:

http://page24.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/q46897212 (Engineer) 23 inch chest, 24 inch length. I have pictures of this jacket over in the Stevenson thread.

http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w102050961 (Saddle Horn) 23.5 inch length and about 23 inch chest--sounds about right for you!

I think you can get a bit of extra shrinkage out of either jacket--mine definitely shrunk a half cm or so in the length and sleeves after the first wash.

Both size 40. Hope that helps!

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Boy, if they're all oversized, a 36 should fit me perfect (my old 38s are pretty sloppy at the waist now).  I'd expect any pair of LVC to shrink 2" and stretch fairly easily out to the original raw measurement (so size up 1" at most).


Picked up a pair of 551ZXX from Mr Porter on sale for $130.  I see the sale ended with the remaining pairs marked down to $78.  I'm sure Mr Porter wasn't selling them for less than they paid for them, so gives you an idea what stores are paying for raw LVC.  Not sure why they insist on pricing them so high, and letting them sit on shelves for months.  At $130 a pair, I'd pick up another pair of '55s and '66s. But at the current quality level, I wouldn't touch either at $260

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type 2 lvc with a 22 inch body length and a  22 inch chest possible? what size to get?

Hi Edmond,

Based on the info I get from the internet, I think you should go for a Medium or size 42

For reference, this is Medium sized type II true vintage, which measures 22 in length but 22.5 chest (according to the seller): http://www.ebay.com/itm/Levis-Vintage-507-Type-II-Big-E-1950s-Denim-Jacket-2nd-Edition-Pleated-Sz-M-Rare-/251789508498?hash=item3a9fd2ff92

My 1969 true vintage type III which is 42 in size measures 22" chest, but 23 in length (measured from bottom of collar, including waistband)

I believe the LVC repros follow the same measurements...maybe :D (except for the Japan made ones IIRC from some posts I read)

I hope that helps as reference for you

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And LVC site lists it as Shetland wool, but it's a blend of mohair and two synthetics.  Between this, and having to get my new 551ZZX hemmed because one leg was 1/4" longer than the other, and lopsided at the hem, I think it's time to say good bye to the brand, even at big mark downs.     

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Would a vintage levis leather jacket be desirable , worthy addition to a collection ? And if so how much do you think one in good condition would be worth ?

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the guys at the levis store in the meat packing district said the sawtooth is non-selvedge Japanese fabric, which probably makes us none the wiser but I thought it was worth mentioning. Graham Fowler (awesomely) brought in an XS for me and they weren't sure either.

I wonder, has anyone here achieved real contrast with either the Rigid Sawtooth or especially the rigid one pocket sunset? I was really glad LVC put out rigid versions of the type III, sawtooth, and especially the one pocket sunset--I had to get all three and I'm trying to wear them hard but no inner elbow comb action just yet

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I have my rigid sawtooth for about a year now (the "1955" one, right?) and I didn't wear it hard and also washed it several times, but nothing really happened besides it losing the sheen it had when brand new and the denim getting a bit softer. I even tried stark on the arms to help the creases settle in. What rubs me the wrong way a bit is the sizing on that shirt, it's overly long IMO. The shoulders fit fine though so sizing down isn't an option for me. It's ok as an overshirt I guess.


I did see one of these on eBay recently though with real high contrast elbow fades. Can't imagine how that must've smelled :D Maybe I just sweat too much but I could never wear a shirt without washing every two or three wears.

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