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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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sorry about that i was not as articulate as i should have been. I am looking to purchase both SC and LVCs. So given my 36 waist on top of skinney legs, i m concerned in both brands about waist sizing.

So opionins on both in this situation would be appreciated. i found the canes before realizing there was some decent lvc stuff out there. So no im looking for suggestions for both brands....

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Similar question... how do the 47's & 55's compare in terms of rise, thigh, knee & hem widths. Just got some Raw 47's on Ebay 33x34(R stamped on top button, so perhaps from the 05 collection? Suspect i'm gonna find these a bit on the slim & long side so am eyeing up some 55's 34x32

Anyone know if LVC publish pre & post shrink size measurements.

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55s are cut very much like origianl 55s 47s are very trim. My 47s were tagged 38 waist but were 37 when raw. 35 after full shrinkage. I never liked tthe 47s much really like my 55s though. Anyone interested in getting LVCs check out Dejan. I'm wait'n on the 1905 209 coveralls but he has large sizes in 1955s and 20 201s.

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  superBobo said:
how does the f/w06 37s compare to the cut of the f/w 06 33s? I know the details differ, but is the cut the same? also, how is the color of the 37s?

I would think theyu waould be similar though I have a pair of 33 555 501s and they are very full. I had a pair of 33s from a few years back and they were much trimmer. I have a pair of 37s from early this year and they are cut allot like my 555 33s. Those looser cuts are great in the summer.

Oh the color is very dark on my 37s. Also I had a pair of 37s from a couple years back and these newer ones are nicer.

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  airfrogusmc said:
I would think theyu waould be similar though I have a pair of 33 555 501s and they are very full. I had a pair of 33s from a few years back and they were much trimmer. I have a pair of 37s from early this year and they are cut allot like my 555 33s. Those looser cuts are great in the summer.

Oh the color is very dark on my 37s. Also I had a pair of 37s from a couple years back and these newer ones are nicer.


I got the 33s from 06 which are great. The cut is very roomy and comfy, perfect summer jean as you say. I was a bit dissapointed with the color (being more royal blue and not so dark), so I was thinking about getting some 37s aswell if they are darker.

The denim weight is the same for 33 and 37 you think?

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Can someone please advise what the rise should be on a 34 waist pair of 55's. Watching a pair on ebay, but the seller's told me it measures 15" raw which seems unfeasibly massive to me.

Either he's cocked up, or these are proper high-waisters:rolleyes:

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  superBobo said:

I got the 33s from 06 which are great. The cut is very roomy and comfy, perfect summer jean as you say. I was a bit dissapointed with the color (being more royal blue and not so dark), so I was thinking about getting some 37s aswell if they are darker.

The denim weight is the same for 33 and 37 you think?

37 are heavier and much darker. Original 33s were 10 oz and a light colored denim than the 12 oz 37s.

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  Mr Black said:
Can someone please advise what the rise should be on a 34 waist pair of 55's. Watching a pair on ebay, but the seller's told me it measures 15" raw which seems unfeasibly massive to me.

Either he's cocked up, or these are proper high-waisters:rolleyes:

My 55s from late last year Fall 06 measure almost exactly the same as my late 1990s (99) STF 501s. My 55s are 38 waist and are 12 inches from the crotch seam to the top of the waist (front) but have probably full shrunk.

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  kbuzz said:
  airfrogusmc said:

Newb question but can anyone tell me the difference between these 33s and 37s....thanks again sorry for the newb question

32_0.jpg Levi´s® BIG E 1933 DRY GOODS 501xx LVC

USD 179,00 incl. 19 % Tax

Shipping time: 3-4 Days

button_buy_now.gif 81_0.jpg Levi´s® BIG E 1937 501xx JEANS DRY GOODS LVC

USD 169,00 incl. 19 % Tax

Shipping time: 3-4 Days


33s are 10 oz and a lighter blue. THe 37s are 12 oz and very dark. Also the 33s have the NRA tag under the leather waist tag


Also the 33s have exposed rivets and the 37s have covered pocket rivets and the small big E red tag on the pocket.

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I´m planing to buy a par of lvc 501 47´. My question is about the size. I have tryed on a size w34 and they fit great but when I tryed the w36 they were so big that I could almost fit two legs in them and a fist between the waist. I am worried that when I soak the w34 that they will be to tight. How much do they really shrink because I don´t want to wear them baggy. What would you recommend me to do?

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@ed-47, I wouldn´t be afraid that these W34 are getting too tight, maybe the are tight after the first wash but my experience is that LVC´s stretch back in waist after two or three days of wear so go for the W34, I´d go that far to say that these stretch to a W35-36 after few weeks...

one advice: after you´ve you soaked the jean, pull em on while they are still wet, close the button and pull em down to your hips as far as possible, finally knee down, so you get maximum stretch

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Another newb question and yes i have used the search function. Can we safely say that consenus is, that to obtain maximum shrinkage on my 33's- ( i bought them too big) without fade, i should do a cold water shrink ( no detergent) and then hang dry. In other words, id like to shrik them as much as possible and avoid having them look like the 30 dollar mexico shitty stf in that ugly medium blue that i have.

Im not adverse to using a washing machine as i want to use these jeans. Any one have thoughts on cold water, with woolite dark, with or without no dryer?

Thanks again and im glad to be on this forum and apologize again for the basic queries

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i had a similar concern about some '555' LVCs a number of months ago. dont panic, like i did...

im sure theyre real.


in fact i quite like my 505s. I have been wearing a pair of 555 1947 501s a LOT lately, really great jeans and the denim is different than anything else I have. Cone Mills has its own flavor for sure...

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  Leopold said:
Perhaps, they're not, but the denim feels so damn soft, especially in the crotch area.

Perhaps they're real, but I find it weird that my Nudies are harder than my LVC's :(

It's not weird at all. Stiffness does not indicate quality or "realness"

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