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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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There's a new fold out thing I picked up in cinch last week. Gives shrinking, washing, drying, starching, storage advice. Quite nicely put together.

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Good one, Sympathy! That must be the US version, the Euro line has a few more, notbaly the 1901 Deadstock and the 1901 Indigo Immortal.

I THINK the stock number for the 2003 1901 is 50101-0133.

Given that this is the only place where people are sad enough to need to know every LVC range, when I get a new camera I will scan everything I have. I might photograph all my 501s, and ask people to fill in the missing years, so I can do a visual glossary on the history thread.

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  Paul T said:

Given that this is the only place where people are sad enough to need to know every LVC range, when I get a new camera I will scan everything I have. I might photograph all my 501s, and ask people to fill in the missing years, so I can do a visual glossary on the history thread.

Sounds good!

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Quick question, if a pair of 47 LVC raws are stamped R on the waist button, where/when may they have been produced??

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from memory, these are among the first non-Levi's factory jeans, from 2004 or 2005. I think for LVC it went 555 (Valencia St), 554 (San Antonio), 643 another Levi's factory ( some of which have blank buttns but the 643 code on the tag), R - a non-Levi's factory - and then, as at present, blank.

There's also the issue of the italian (or is it Bulgarian?)-made LVC. altho this applies only to the washed product. As I might have mentioned here before, the washed jeans use, I think, Italian denim, not Cone. Something to do with trade tariffs, i was told.

Edit:L Thanks Shorty for correcting me..

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Called into my mates retro clothes shop this morning to pickup the jeans i sell for him on ebay (usually 516s !!!) and lo and behold what was waiting for me but a pair of 201xx leather patch with 555 stamped waist button . Leather tag is W36 L40 but they were more like W32 L37 , just soaked the waist and stretched them (dried with hair dryer) and they now are w34 and fit me like a dream (apart from the legs !!!) The person who previously had these must have cold shrunk them and decided they were too small . They are still very dark , my hand are stained with indigo after soaking the waist . Will I hem them or store them ? dont know yet but still reallly stoked !!! :)

Question for those in the know , on the wash tag under wpl423 is the no 1097 , does this date them to Oct 97 ?

If i can reduce the file size I will post pics .

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Cool, yep, deffo a '37. I've still got a deadstock pair of Valencia street stamped 20's & 37's hidden away. May have to sell 'em soon tho' :(

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I have a pair of raw with tags1955 501xx with a 554 stamp stashed , but i will hold onto these . Will probably stash the 201s away also , dont want to hem them . Might wait and see what the new LVC collection looks like and get something new . But seem to have bought so much in the last year , although I have sold also .

Pity about you maybe selling yours .

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Yup, that's as far as I go on the over-rated, self-centred Enoch Powell-supporter.

I've never got to the bottom of why those 201s had leather patches, because I've never seen an original 201 from as late a year as 1937. But the denim is supposed to be very good, and as for Clappo, he told Cinch that those were the perfect mod-friendly 501s. that was before he spent his money, of all things, on buying Cordings, the famed tweed suit-makers...

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Mr Black, couple posts back you were asking about decent LVC stockists. Know it's a bit of a trek if you're in london but a2 in brum carry LVC, usually have some prev. seasons stock left over too, guess you could phone ahead if you were looking for anything in particular. And to be fair, worth goin for a mooch anyway, carry some brilliant stuff, stock SC too.

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As i mentioned earler I was in my mates retro shop in Belfast today when i got the 201s and ironicallly he was playing the Yardbirds live from mid 60s ? on cd(lot of chuck/blues etc.. i am more of a rockabilly / punk fan myself) still it kicked ass in a diluted way .

As for the mod connection ??? has he been on the junk again :eek:

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Interesting point about the Clapton connection. When I was in American Classics last year the guy there said that a 'rock star' had asked Levis to re-introduce the 1955's to the LVC collection cos he wanted some and allegedly put up money for them to be ordered so he could get some.

My first thoughts were Clapton cos I know he's a Levis nut.

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button back-stamps (from what i've been able to gather over the years):

'555' - Levi Factory, Valencia Street (stopped approx. 2002)

'554' - Levi Factory, San Antonio (stopped approx. 2003)

'643' - Levi Factory, Georgia? (not sure about this one, stopped in 2003 as well AFAIK)

'R' - non-Levi Factory (2003/04 to present)

Back in the day, LVC made by an overseas factory (such as in Italy, would have the first letter of the country on the stamp, so for Italy it would be I44 or something to that effect...I have a pair of these from 2002, I'll go and double-check)

  Mr Black said:
Quick question, if a pair of 47 LVC raws are stamped R on the waist button, where/when may they have been produced??
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