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mlyngard giles is super helpful if you do decide ordering from him. As far as the cuts go, well, it has been mostly said by both gaijin and midnite8. But to say it again, the BSP was meant to have a wicked taper that is a real nice thing to have if you are looking to stack and comb. they were made a bit small so the general norm was +1 to regular size or tts if you can take the stretch. the 5001/3001 are about the same cut, though i believe the 5001 is a tad less slim, maybe .5" in all areas. its still roomy as gaijin said but you def will have room in the lower legs that was previously not there in the bsp. i would go tts. hope that helped.

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Anyone here have experience with the 5001 slim-straight?

I've tried on all the XXX1 cuts and the 5001 (eventually owned the 3001, 5001) and the 5001's were definitely roomier. I'd even go as far as saying that they fit a whole size larger than the others.

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Many thanks on previously answered questions! FH_Uk is out of stock, but Rakuten has some left...

A few quick questions to anyone with experience ordering FH from Rakuten.

1. Lead time - what can I expect for delivery time once I order?

2. Customs - should I expect to have to pay duties upon arrival (I know this was partially answered somewhere but couldn't find...)

3. Shipping rates to US (2 pair) - Bad? Reasonable?

4. Payment - any issues with just using a Visa?

Edit: one more - stock - if they show stock on an item, how confident can I be that it's real?

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My KMW 1980's (tagged 30) are exactly what I want in a pair of jeans, aside from the gigantic back pockets/seat which don't compliment my cracker ass very well. I am wondering if the F380 would be a similar fit, and if so, how would you size them? (The guy from flat-head.co.uk suggested if my natural waist is 31", to go with that tagged size).

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My KMW 1980's (tagged 30) are exactly what I want in a pair of jeans, aside from the gigantic back pockets/seat which don't compliment my cracker ass very well. I am wondering if the F380 would be a similar fit, and if so, how would you size them? (The guy from flat-head.co.uk suggested if my natural waist is 31", to go with that tagged size).

Don't know the 380 cut, but my 05BSP cut had a very similar top block to my 1980s post-soak (slightly lower rise). After the awkward break-in period, which included some hip-flair but no diaper ass like the 1980s, a second soak at 2 months totally shrank them further to a perfect fit. Hip, seat and rise are all ideal now (though thigh/leg shrank a lot more too) Exactly what the 1980 is not on me.

I slightly downsized on them, so yeah, go TTS (31) and give them a second soak before you pass judgment on final fit.

I'm a cracker-ass too, btw.

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Anyone here have experience with the 5001 slim-straight?

Anyone here have any experience with ordering from http://www.flat-head.co.uk ?

Even better, can anyone do a head-to-head of the 3001/5001 and the BSP model in terms of snugness? I have the BSP, which is just too slim in the leg - both thigh, taper and knee (top block is great though).

Would love any feedback.

that website is a great place to buy flat head's. I was worried about it as well, for some reason it gives off a fake vibe....other people would agree. But the service is great

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3xxx and 1xxxx don't really get slubby, I know because I've had both pairs. A lot of times, I see people refer to slubbiness in jeans like Pure Blue Japan because it is true, their denim(esp. like my 007) is made to look sooooo slubby its pure sex lol
"Slub" isn't that abstract a concept...Here is a picture:

PBJ (I know, this is the FH thread but he needs help)


Not the best example, but see all those little "nubs" that stick out?

I seee! Thanks for the info, very very informative (:

By that example, i'm not sure if my 5100's count exactly as slubby....but they're definitely hairy haha. They're not very worn (actually only about 3 wears deep and then retired till the hot hot months 'cause i wanna wear my IH as much as possible until i can't)


What do you guys think?

I'm a little late on this question, but my BSP (which use the same 14.5oz denim as the 3000 series, I believe) got some real vertical slubbiness going on. They appear smooth when new, but if you know what you're looking for, you'll see the slubbiness there. Once washed/soaked and worn for some time, it becomes very pronounced. My BSP at 3 months:


I have PBJ too. Even initially very smooth denim like Momotaro will develop vertical slubbiness like this. PBJs and some Sams are extreme examples, showing a more pronounced slub from the short-fiber cotton used (like Texan). Longer-fiber cottons like Zimbabwe yield a different, longer slub effect. All of those slub features are controllable during the weaving process.

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Alright everyone I've been wearing this pair of FH 4001 BK's for about 7 months now and recently I noticed that this strange what looks to me like a possible future rip maybe in my jeans. Has this ever occured to any? Could anyone possibly explain what might be going on and if it may result in a rip?


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ive got a pair of 1001s and beeen wearing em everyday for about 3 months....is it common that i can "barely" see any fade on my whiskers/honeycombs. Although, when i am in the sun, it is much more visible. My days consist mainly of being in class, walking to places, recently started skateboarding, please let me know

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ive got a pair of 1001s and beeen wearing em everyday for about 3 months....is it common that i can "barely" see any fade on my whiskers/honeycombs. Although, when i am in the sun, it is much more visible. My days consist mainly of being in class, walking to places, recently started skateboarding, please let me know

just wear them....

you might wanna try hiking or cycling if you want crazy fades....otherwise, stop worrying about your jeans and just do whatever in them! (:

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Alright everyone I've been wearing this pair of FH 4001 BK's for about 7 months now and recently I noticed that this strange what looks to me like a possible future rip maybe in my jeans. Has this ever occured to any? Could anyone possibly explain what might be going on and if it may result in a rip?

The unscientific answer is that the lack of moisture in the denim fibers increases its sensitivity to friction. At seven months, you should be soaking your jeans on a semi-regular basis (if not full-on washing them). It's not a rule, but a definite recommendation to better prevent such holes and rips from forming.

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The unscientific answer is that the lack of moisture in the denim fibers increases its sensitivity to friction. At seven months, you should be soaking your jeans on a semi-regular basis (if not full-on washing them). It's not a rule, but a definite recommendation to better prevent such holes and rips from forming.

alright thanks man. I thought with black jeans you're supposed to wait longer before you soak/wash them since it's harder for black jeans to fade. or am I completely off with that?

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got my bsp several days ago. sized up one and pretty happy with it although could have sized true to size. anyway thanks kiya for the advice and heres the fit

sweet fit


Day 1

FH balder sz26 tapered to a 6.25 (i need a hem)


a hem is definitely in order

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Self edge is a good place. i would try there if you can make the trip. if not, local tailors/dry cleaners can give you a hem... probably wont be chain stitched though.

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nothing wrong with the dunks'

angela's showing the fit on the FHs not asking for sneaker advice (NSB represent). i think they look good but also agree you need to hem those a few inches. i know you're gonna do work

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