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The Flat Head


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Flathead 3001. On rotation with my APCs and Skulls, probably about 2.5-3 months of total wear?

These are my favourite jeans by far. The denim is just beautiful and the fading contrast looks like water in the sunlight. If you are on the fence about these, get them.

I've been destroying these guys. No mercy :)



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Its been a while since we've seen any Balders on here so i thought it time to post up a picture of my girlfriend in them. kinda far away, but its the best i have of her in them atm..


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well it depends on what kind of fit you want. if you want a more slim fit id say good. but if you want a more skinny fit i'd say hot soak then maybe they'll be a tighter fit. other than that i'd say good fit overall. EDIT: however you may want to get them hemmed. they seem a bit long

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I've been wearing the Flat Head SE05BSP. I've notice a lot of indigo bleeding with these jeans. My hands will become a little blue throughout the day. I've stained a few hand towels in the process as well.

My wife is worried that this dye could have an affect on our cat. Has anyone heard of any problems like this?

I love these jeans. The fit is nice and slim but not crazy skinny.

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Indigo dye is not considered toxic. LD50 is 5000 mg/kg. (Which means you'd probably have to eat about half a pound of indigo to kill you.) Or put another way, with a pair of jeans needing somewhere between 3-12g of indigo, you'd have to eat all the indigo off of 50 pairs of jeans. Yes, your cat is smaller, but you get the idea.

Regardless, if you were worried about your cat, shouldn't you be more worried to have them anywhere near your body!

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I've been wearing the Flat Head SE05BSP. I've notice a lot of indigo bleeding with these jeans. My hands will become a little blue throughout the day. I've stained a few hand towels in the process as well.

My wife is worried that this dye could have an affect on our cat. Has anyone heard of any problems like this?

I love these jeans. The fit is nice and slim but not crazy skinny.

i have pets too.... no, the cat wont die...

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