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Ande Whall Denim


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Beautiful jeans Poly.

A few pages back I posted my old Grifter 001's, trying to decide if I should get them repaired one last time. I decided to spend the money, and try to squeeze a little more life out them...

Fast forward one week - I was in North Carolina for the Holidays, and decided to go sledding when we got a bit of snow. After the first few runs (and a few bails) my cousin says to me "Man, you got a pretty big hole in your jeans." Two MASSIVE rips. One along a whisker on the lap, the other extending from the crotch and around the back of the left leg. I'm super bummed as I loved those jeans to death, but they lived a long happy life. I did pull the leather patch off, as I always liked it more than the current linen patches. Perhaps I can find someone with expertise to swap them.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to whatever new goodies Ande has in store for us. I'm definitely going to need a new pair now.

Bring back the hickory stripe pocket bags!!!

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Has anyone got photos of the new(ish?) black denim worn in a bit? I'm on the edge about picking some up... but would like to know more about the denim. thanks folks.

They look really nice. Go for it. You can't beat Ande Whall details and quality for the price. I love my 15.5 oz Slackers. I probably wear these more than any other new denim. I have over 10 pairs to choose from including Iron Heart, Samurai, PBJ and FlatHead

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Hi guys! I hope everyone is well and had a cool Xmas and New Years.

A bit of bad news on the workshop front over the holidays. On Boxing day we had another quite bad 5 scale aftershock which was centered low in the city. It caused major damage to a lot of the already cracked old buildings. I was working away making jeans and council hard hat guys came and told me to vacate the premises asap and put a red sticker on the door, which means 'must not enter'. There are parapets that could be dangerous if they cracked and fell onto the footpath and also a fair size hole in the red brick wall inside along with other bits and pieces of damage.

The good thing is my landlord has hired a big company to get started on the repairs. I have been able to sneak into between the guys working and get some stuff done, buts it's slowed me down massively. It's been a nightmare really. No worries though, everything will be up and running at normal speed again soon. If anyone has ordered a pair of jeans lately, don't worry as I will be working hard to get all the orders out as quickly as possible, with just a slight delay.

Thanks again for all your support over 2010 guys! Most appreciated and look forward to some cool things happening in 2011.

Bests Ande

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hey ande-

since you are once again active (and thankfully all in one piece) in this thread maybe you can provide info/pics/insight into your black denim? (shrinking/fading/etc) Obviously you sound a little busy, but when you get a chance I'd appreciate it.

Glad you've been able to suffer mother nature's wrath relatively smoothly, keep up the good work!

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Just throwing this out there...

Would anyone be interested in an Ande Whall contest when the new models come out?

I always see these contests on SuFu, but I've never participated. Surely Ande has plenty of fans, and it could help bring him some well deserved attention.

It'd be different than most contests because you could choose whatever cut you wanted, as long as it was the same denim model.

Just a thought.

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I thought all the new models are out?

(edited because I apparently can't read)

You may be right, I thought there was a new DLX version coming out, but looks like its just an add-on to the current models. Poly did mention some changes coming soon a few pages back. But maybe this is what he was talking about....

From Ande's site:


I still think a contest would be fun. Maybe I'm just getting geeked out by the details on the Roy x Cone contest jeans. The idea of custom Ande Whall contest jeans just makes my mind go crazy.

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Some custom Ande Whalls for a contest would be absolutely amazing. +rep

who would set this up though?

I'm not sure how these contests are usually done. It may require a more established user than myself with some weight behind their name. But maybe not! If we have enough people commit, I guess it wouldn't be an issue as to who was organizing it.

I could email Ande and ask hypothetically if he'd be interested in doing custom jeans if we had enough people. If he's not down, we could always do an un-official contest with whatever jeans are available at that time.

But none of this matters if folks aren't interested. So speak up if you are!

That denim above is amazing by the way. $500 is steep, but damn they look good.

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good memory! Understood some folks aren't fans of heavyweight denim but a 18oz+ denim in a pair of cougars would be amazing for me. We could even overlap the heavyweight contest if it's in time :D

i think he said that pair was for his denim supplier. cost would be ~500 or so?
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damn, I'd be down. Especially if it could be put together with this denim:


possibly some hickory strip pocket bags, and a custom contest leather patch.

Me too. Second on the denim and all details, especially a return to the leather patch. Choice of cuts would also be great, as I love my fatty Miners.

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as much as i would like a denim contest with that denim, you guys realize natural indigo (which i think those are) doesn't fade much right? they're more of a lifetime project by yourself vs a year long contest.

Yea, I'm not hung up on that denim for the (hypothetical) contest. I was just agreeing that it's beautiful. Ande always has badass denim, so I'm sure whatever he came up with would be fantastic.

And I while I don't mind the linen patch, I really liked the thick leather one (was it Tanner Goods?). I remember the day my first pair of Grifter's arrived in the mail and I saw that badass patch. It just seemed to say "this is a rugged, well-crafted, well-designed pair of jeans"

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i was thinking about emailing ande a few weeks ago to see how/if something like this could ever be set up. i didn't at this point because of all the shit going on down there with the quakes.

one question, does anyone interested have a special connection to a denim supplier so we can get something that makes this unique from just another pair of whalls? because, to me, that is the intrigue of a contest, something you can't ordinarily get by just ordering a pair from his online store.

for example; if mike is interested, he could get us some sweet leather for patches.

edit: sbreslin, lets see the miners

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