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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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Sidney, your video is kind of ingenious... At the risk of inflating wdywt's role as a forum for craft and expression (rather than merely a means for all of us to flaunt our materialism), it's nice to see someone's art evolve so apparently...

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RRDS w/ ass pocket stitches taken out? Shit man, such a big dilemma for me whether or not to take mine out. Lovin' the clean look, but its there to be Nudies.. arggg!

A brand does not a product make. If there was a Lacoste gator on the pocket, would the jeans cease to be Nudies? Of course not. If you came up with a way to stitch Samurai arcs onto the pockets, the product would not become any better because of it. Without the stitching, the only thing that has happened is that they have lost some thread that served no function. If you like the clean aestetic, it should be a no brainer.

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