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It's only for in-store SF! $50 max discount.

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hey kiya, how come i never see the guitar wolf jet jeans anymore at self edge but they are still on the site? i remember really lusting after those when i first saw them.

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hey kiya, how come i never see the guitar wolf jet jeans anymore at self edge but they are still on the site? i remember really lusting after those when i first saw them.

They're at the store, there is a reason they're not hanging up.


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When are the sugar cane 3/4 sleeves arriving?
super curious to see the 3/4 sleeve shirts.

Here are some quick phone shots. These are some of our favorites out of the many shirts that just arrived at SELA. There are also some other 3/4 sleeve shirts in a lightweight plaid, a cream colored polo with a great diamond print, and a workshirt using SC's jean cord fabric that they constructed shorts out of last Spring.



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Here are some quick phone shots. These are some of our favorites out of the many shirts that just arrived at SELA. There are also some other 3/4 sleeve shirts in a lightweight plaid, a cream colored polo with a great diamond print, and a workshirt using SC's jean cord fabric that they constructed shorts out of last Spring.



Thanks for the photos. Can you post some photos of the other fabrics, particularly the jean cord fabric?

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Those new Iron Heart shirts look great. The sleeves in your photos look too short. Do the sleeves run short or does your model just like the short sleeve length?

Josh has long arms. They'll be fine on most people.

New SC shirts are SELA are pretty amazing, i can't wait till the SESF ones show up so i can robokob.

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Hey kiya, any chance of restocks on F310s or do those only come around every so often?

Full FH jean restock is coming to all three stores on April 20th.

how long does it take to get jeans hemmed? I'm probably going to stop by friday to drop off my jeans, and I'd really like to be able to pick them up on sunday. is that possible somehow?

Hemming takes 3 to 5 days.

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Would it be possible to see some shots of the new 3sixteen genes?

Really interested in seeing the denim.

You mean the new 3sixteen+ jeans?

They're still in Japan, we'll have photos up on April 20th.

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when's those 3/4 SC shirts goin on the site, must get ready to brobokop...

Get ready to rowrowrowyourboatkob on April 20th.

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Do any of the Self Edge stores have the black Sugar Cane belt in a size 34?

SELA has one or two left in size 36.

We never carried a 34, it didn't make sense because it would have overlapped too much on the 32 and 36 sizes. The 36 starts off where the 32 leaves off. I'd call SELA for a phone order, shipping is still free to you.

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That's a preview shot of our new indigo selvedge denim that will be used on main line 3sixteen jeans going forward. It was custom developed by us and woven in Japan. But, I think the other dude was asking about the new 3sixteen+ jeans that are constructed in Japan.

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How light are the new spring Ironheart shirts?

Light enough for a summer in Saint Louis.

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