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OK, random post alert:

Last night I dreamed I was in NY, and on headed to SENY. When I got there, I was surprised the find that there was a now a noodle shop attached to it, and you could walk up some short stairs to this incredible, tiny ramen house. there was no sign or anything. when i walked in and looked confused, kiya just said "oh, yeah, these guys are making killer food here now. you should stay and have lunch." I did. It was.

I should note that I lived about a 10 min walk from where SENY is now for 4 years, but now that I'm back on the west coat I have not been to the store yet. I think my dreams are telling me something...

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OK, random post alert:

Last night I dreamed I was in NY, and on headed to SENY. When I got there, I was surprised the find that there was a now a noodle shop attached to it, and you could walk up some short stairs to this incredible, tiny ramen house. there was no sign or anything. when i walked in and looked confused, kiya just said "oh, yeah, these guys are making killer food here now. you should stay and have lunch." I did. It was.

I should note that I lived about a 10 min walk from where SENY is now for 4 years, but now that I'm back on the west coat I have not been to the store yet. I think my dreams are telling me something...

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Just chiming in to say that I visited SENY On Monday and it was really awesome. Totally crazy to see all the stuff in person. I should remember but Anthony? A... something? Was really nice and Even though I'm not in the market for a new Pair currently he showed me a pair of Real Japan Blues that were pretty ridiculous on all levels when the 380s I wanted to try on were not in stock.

I do have to say, and I mentioned it in store, ive paid the price for jeans but always was totally not on board with the price of shirts from lots of these companies. Getting to see / handle them in person somehow made me and my friend who only shops thrift stores both agree we needed 200$ flannel shirts. They are pretty nuts.

Nice work guys. Next time Im in SF ill make sure to see that store as well.

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Just chiming in to say that I visited SENY On Monday and it was really awesome. Totally crazy to see all the stuff in person. I should remember but Anthony? A... something? Was really nice and Even though I'm not in the market for a new Pair currently he showed me a pair of Real Japan Blues that were pretty ridiculous on all levels when the 380s I wanted to try on were not in stock.

I do have to say, and I mentioned it in store, ive paid the price for jeans but always was totally not on board with the price of shirts from lots of these companies. Getting to see / handle them in person somehow made me and my friend who only shops thrift stores both agree we needed 200$ flannel shirts. They are pretty nuts.

Nice work guys. Next time Im in SF ill make sure to see that store as well.

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While those do look interesting i have to admit that there is something very strange about the way they aged. The ratio of wear between the atari points and the rest of the jean is very extreme.

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While those do look interesting i have to admit that there is something very strange about the way they aged. The ratio of wear between the atari points and the rest of the jean is very extreme.

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wtf is an atari point? where his "joystick" hangs out?

Atari = "to hit" in Japanese

It's the high friction points of the jean, therefore the areas that faded due to friction. It's a term that's used even by english speaking textile industry nerds and in Japan when the speaker is using the english language they throw in "atari" because it's the fastest way describe what they're trying to get at.

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