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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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I noticed on this site http://www.trynka.net/Site/501%20FAQ.html that for sizing LVC mocels from 2009 on, that you should go true to size. Are regular shrink to fits sized differently? I was thinking of picking up a pair of regular STFs just for experimenting. What do you guys recommend?

The tags on modern 501 STFs recommend sizing up two inches (or three, depending on your size)- when I purchased some last year I got two, one true to size and one over-sized by an inch. The true to size one seemed like a good, slim (not skinny) fit. The sized up one felt a bit baggy, to me.

Modern 501s are usually pretty consistent in sizing, unlike the LVC stuff.

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The tags on modern 501 STFs recommend sizing up two inches (or three, depending on your size)- when I purchased some last year I got two, one true to size and one over-sized by an inch. The true to size one seemed like a good, slim (not skinny) fit. The sized up one felt a bit baggy, to me.

Modern 501s are usually pretty consistent in sizing, unlike the LVC stuff.

I just picked up a pair of regular STF for experimentation. I am usually 32 in Levis and the 33 STF were huge so I decided to go with TTS. Soaking now :)

As for the LVC, Farinelli's says go 2 sizes up and Cultizm says that theirs are smaller than tagged so I am not sure where to go with the LVC yet.

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I dunno, b'tween you and your G-Man horse hide biker jacket and PaulT's Cossack jumper, I think you guys need psychiatric help...lol. Although I personally don't like it with its broad lower rib knits and large buttons, I gotta say it does look very striking on you -- very cool style Roy6. Dig the jeans too ('17s?) perfect fit...thanks for pics.

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....From what I've seen from the new stuff, since XX took over the helm, is better attention to detail overall.

This seasons' 1944's were amazing! May have to pick up a pair.


Yeah you mentioned the '44 in earlier post, I've seen them @ Ferinelli's online and they do look great plus I like the raw 12oz. weight Cone. I'm really excited to see the XX stuff starting to hit the streets without any bs fanfare, it's like, 'here;s our finely crafted vintage style jeans take 'em or leave em', you know like letting the quality product speak for itself. Anyway, I'm passing on the '44 for now til I find out if the '15 will be offered in my size this season, would much rather have the '15.

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Bad man! I'd ask what the stains on the mirror are, but then I'd be almostnice

Jacket looks amazing. Just beautiful. That is my lust-for LVC jacket after the Black Blue. I liked the rough-trade lining shot too. Can't rerep.

i would be glad if iam able to do stains that high up.

cheers for the pics,roy88.

does that lamp crashed down after our little session at friday night?

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I'm glad I have another image to associate with you other than your avatar, roy6. Nice jacket!

I went to the Levi's store in Soho (New York, not London) and asked about LVC and was given more misinformation (as expected). A person who seemed to be the manager said that LVC had been discontinued. I told her what was actually happening to which her response was "Really?" It's insane that no store in NYC seems to be carrying LVC other than the crumbs available at the J Crew store. Those who live in Europe should count their blessings. I know we have Cultizm, but its nice to see the merch before one buys it.

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I went to the Levi's store in Soho (New York, not London) and asked about LVC and was given more misinformation (as expected). A person who seemed to be the manager said that LVC had been discontinued. I told her what was actually happening to which her response was "Really?" It's insane that no store in NYC seems to be carrying LVC other than the crumbs available at the J Crew store. Those who live in Europe should count their blessings. I know we have Cultizm, but its nice to see the merch before one buys it.

I wonder if this means I should call the levi's hotline again and ask them about LVC. thats always good for a laugh and some serious misinformation.

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I know that back in the day you could at least call the "800" number or email Levi customer service and get a fairly reliable US stockist, but I guess that no longer the case.

I'm sure there are NYC retailers, but I haven't been able to track down any.

I remember calling the SF store 10+ years ago and getting virtually no help then either.

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just a small question , did the type1 jacket have a red tab

I believe this jacket was pre-red tab, going by the buckle type, and the pics (but not the sellers description). The pocket stitch belies any tab originally being attached, but it's just MHO.



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