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How many pairs of jeans do you own?

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On 5/29/2024 at 11:37 PM, MJF9 said:

@swiss-jeansfreak do you have an inventory of all the jeans in your Jeansmuseum?

I have finished the pre sorting and will start the inventory now but this will take quite some time since over 14‘000 jeans and denim jackets approximately  

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It looks like my last update was 1st May 2021... added and subtracted a few since then... so I now have 23 pairs of jeans


  1. Canes M41001 (patch)
  2. Canes M41001 (no patch)
  3. Canes M41101 (Lee 30s model)
  4. Sugar Cane 1943
  5. Freewheelers 1945-46
  6. Freewheelers 1937
  7. Freewheelers Golden Spike overalls
  8. Denime Lot 220A
  9. At Last Lot 162
  10. At Last Lot 147
  11. TCB 20s
  12. LVC 33s (early 2000s)
  13. tatsunosuke / Woods Mountain USN denim trousers
  14. Belafonte hi-back jeans
  15. Mister Freedom (indigo chinos)
  16. Ooe Yofukuten x Bandanna Almanac overalls
  17. Tender 132 extra pocket


  1. Samurai 710 – Don’t wear, will sell
  2. Dry Bones x Self Edge SEXDB19 – Don’t wear, will sell
  3. Roy SF01 – Don’t wear, keep
  4. Ande Whall Caribou - Don’t wear, keep
  5. Denim Demon hair on hide - Don’t wear, keep
  6. Evisu (early 50s fit, model unknown, pre-2000) - Don’t wear, keep


  • Levi’s Red (1999/2000 model) – SOLD
  • ONI 527 – SOLD, lost by shipping company in transit

Non-denim trousers (for the record)

  • Freewheelers Derrickman
  • Freewheelers Trackwalker
  • At Last military chinos
  • Belafonte hi-back trousers
  • Real McCoys N3 trousers
  • Vintage military chinos

Sold since last update

  • Mister Freedom sportsman chinos - Sold
  • RMC ‘Great Escape’ chinos - Sold
Edited by MJF9
1) Added non denim trousers, 2) Added jeans count
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Since we're all doing updates, here is mine after a little over a year. Changes are in bold.
FW 1942 to be added soon, thinking about selling all my WH jeans if anyone is interested. I just haven't been wearing them at all lately.
If you happen to see a pair up for sale that sparks your interest hit me up, haven't properly listed any of them yet (besides the Boncoura and At Last).

Bootleggers 601XX
Bridge Of The Times MT824XX

601XX 1937
601xx 1943
S601XX 1944-45
Lot 102 Ironalls
Lot 560 1922 Overalls

LB Denim 40s

Ooe Yofukuten
1702XX Contest Jeans
Boss Overalls
Mechanics Overalls Ecru
Mechanic Overalls Indigo
OA01XX (Inspiration LA special)
Saddle Pants

Rockets 0001XX

All Duck
Big Bro CB1
Indigo Lovers
Kinda Special" KS1001
Memorial Jeans
R01 Test Lot
RS02 Nihon Menpu
Roy Test Lot 00

Sugar Cane Super Denim Collectibles 1943
YM Factory Army Trousers

For Sale
At Last & Co Lot 126
Boncoura XX
1001 Inazuma
Lot 1202 USN trousers
S1001XX 46 25th Anniversary
Hinoya 1001HXX

45rpm Sorahiko
At Last & Co Lot 147
Conner's Sewing Factory 46 1st half

Denim Base GBG001
Denime Shins
Fullcount 1101
Fullcount 1101PH
Iron Heart 634s-b
Left Field Greasers
LVC 1976
Mister Freedom Lot 64 Okinawa
Mister Freedom Lot 674 Golden Pique
Momotaro 1705
Old Hands OH15-9
OrSlow 105
Pure Blue Japan XX-009
Pure Blue Japan XX-019-BB
Real Japan Blues 105BSP
Real McCoy's 991
rebuilt.jp 1922 repro
Resolute 711
Rogue Territory Stanton
Samurai 16th Anniversary 710OG
Self Edge X Dry Bones 19
Self Edge x Iron Heart 22 663s
Stevenson Overall Co. 714 Valencia
Stevenson Overall Co. 737
Studio D'Artisan D1538XX-B
Sugar Cane Junky Special 1946
Sugar Cane 1947 Black

TCB 20’s Contest Jeans (returned)
TCB 40’s Contest Jeans
Sugar Cane Kakishibu
Sugar Cane Black 1947
The Flat Head 2111
The Flat Head 3009
The Strike Gold 2105
The Strike Gold 5105
Warehouse 1001 Natural Indigo
Warehouse Lot 1002
Warehouse 1004XX 1936
Warehouse DSB 1001XX

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  • 1 month later...

I guess I enjoy a range of brands.

3sixteen CT-102xn (unworn)
APC New Standard
Denime 220A Offset XX Model
Fullcount 1101W (unworn)
Imperial SEXI26-ST
Iron Heart 633s-142
Iron Heart Duck IH-888D
Naked & Famous Weird Guy Natural Organic
Nudie Steady Eddie II Dy Selvage Indigo
Nudie Steady Eddie II Dy Selvage BLK
Nudie Tuff Tony Utility
Resolute 714 (unworn)
Roy RT – XX Experimental*
Samurai S710XX19oz-II
Studio D’Artisan SD-508
Sugar Cane Anni Edo-Ai*
Sugar Cane 1947 Indigo
Sugar Cane 1947 BLK/BLK
Warehouse 1001XX (unworn)

Imperial SEXI26-1947 (unworn)
Momotaro 0906-SP GTB

Nudie Grim Tim Light Blue Comfort
Tsubi Dee Dee Worn Grey

Retired (but kept)
Imperial SEXI14 Indigo
Nudie Thin Finn Dry Black Coated
The Flat Head SE05BSP

*pairs that are a little tight and might need to go up for sale 

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  • 2 months later...

Finally took a good comprehensive inventory of jeans (+ a couple other pants)


Is there any way to just insert html / bbcode / whatever tables into posts here? This feels really unweildy


Apparently I have 3 pairs of M41030 that I haven't worn

Brand               Model               Size            Status          Notes

Ooe Yofukuten       SOA03XX             W36 L36         Rigid           with tags
Roy                 Foreman pants       W33             Rigid           with flasher
Roy                 Foreman pants       W33             Worn
Roy                 R01 Test Lot        W33             Heavily worn    Blackseed denim; lots of repairs
Roy                 R01 XUVS            W34             Rigid           with flasher
Sakura's            1946                W34             Lightly worn    No. 43; too small; for sale
Sugar Cane          MP-619              W33             Worn            too small
Sugar Cane          M41027T             W36 L35         Worn
Sugar Cane          M41030D             W34 L36         Rigid
Sugar Cane          M41030U             W34 L36         OW              for sale
Sugar Cane          M41030W             W34 L36         OW              with tags & sticker
Sugar Cane          M41051              W32 L35         Rigid           too small
Sugar Cane          M41057E             W34 L36         Rigid           with sticker
Sugar Cane          M41057E             W34 L36         Worn            hemmed short
Sugar Cane          M41058A             W33             Heavily worn
Sugar Cane          M41058A             W35             Worn
Sugar Cane          M41059B             W35 L36         Rigid
Sugar Cane          M41059C             W33 L36         Rigid           too small; for sale
Sugar Cane          M41119C             W34 L36         Worn            dope knee repair
Sugar Cane          M41150A             W33 L36         Lightly worn    brown plant-dyed
Sugar Cane          M41200J             W34 L36         Heavily worn    very dope repairs
Sugar Cane          M41300M             W34 L36         Rigid
Sugar Cane          SC40285             W33 L34         Worn            brown plant-dyed
Sugar Cane          SC40285             W34 L34         OW              gray plant-dyed; too small
Sugar Cane          SC40300A            W34 L34         Worn
Sugar Cane          SC40302             W34 L34         Worn            hemmed to shorts; kakishibu painted thighs
Sugar Cane          SC40345             W34 L34         OW              bull denim gray overdyed
Sugar Cane          SC40381             W60 L34         OW              display jeans
Sugar Cane          SC40401             W34 L34         Heavily worn
Sugar Cane          SC40501             W34 L36         Rigid           unopened
Sugar Cane          SC41946 MiUSA       W34 L32         Worn
Sugar Cane          SC41955 MiUSA       W33 L34         OW              with tags, flasher, & box; too small; for sale
Sugar Cane          SC42460             W34 L34         Lightly worn    black 1947
TCB                 50s black           W34             Worn            too small
Tender Co.          Type 122            4               Worn            green corduroy pleat-back trousers
Tender Co.          Type 132            4               Worn            Achille's Heel
Tender Co.          Type 133            3               Lightly worn    Flowerpot canvas cross-cut trews; missing crotch rivet; too small
The Flat Head       S2004               W33             Heavily worn
The Vanishing West  601RB               W34 L32         Worn
The Vanishing West  601XX 1951          W34 L34         Worn
The Vanishing West  S601XX              W34 L32         Lightly worn    olive twill pocket bags version
Warehouse           1001XX 1000         W33 L32         Worn            black, ca. 2010; too small
Warehouse           1001XX DSB          W34 L32         Heavily worn    1946 model


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  • 1 month later...

More vintage love a studio d' Artisan model from the mid 90's the lot number i cant remember due to it wearing off and the care labels fading, and another EVIS 2101 Lee cowboy 101 reproduction with a more intact lazy S paint


Edited by paulm
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Well it looks like I have 22 pairs that are keepers, soon to be 23 with the addition of the Word of Mouth Contest jeans.


Pure Blue Japan XX-019

Pure Blue Japan Super Rough Kakishibu - 019

Pure Blue Japan Super Rough Aisora - 019

Sugar Cane + Self Edge BSPOW Okinawa

Sugar Cane “Type III” black

Sugar Cane Anniversary Edition Edo-Ai

LVC 1947 501

Warehouse 1001xx

Tanuki Amagumo HT

ONI - 902ZR Secret Denim

Ciano Farmer 901 Cone Mills deadstock

The Strike Gold 8104 Shower Slub

3sixteen CT-100xk

3sixteen CT-120xk


Fullcount 1180EC ecru

Samurai S0511XXII Otokogi

Samurai S211VX Benkei

Samurai S004JP Yamamoto

Railcar Spikes X080

Roy R01

Ooe Yofukuten OA02


Looking to sell off (minimally worn and/or hemmed):

Samurai S004JP Yamamoto

Imogene + WIllie Barton Slim Vidalia Mills

Pure Blue Japan Slim Tapered stretch

APC Petit Standard

APC Petit New Standard

TCB 50’s Slim R Jeans

Railcair X084 Limited 9.5oz in Cone Mills

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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Momotaro 0105SP Going to Battle 15.7 OZ

2. Samurai S0500XX 15 oz OTOGI Straight 

3. Fullcount 1108 13.7 oz (pre 2020 version)

4. Warehouse 800xx 

5. Sugar Cane SC41470 13 oz Black

6. Fullcount 1108 13.7 oz

7. Fullcount 1109 13.7 oz

8. Ooe Yofukuten Lot OA01XX-0522

9. Warehouse 1001xx 13.5 oz Banner Denim

10. Freewheelers 601xx 1951

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9 hours ago, julian-wolf said:

^ My post just earlier on this page includes a slew of repeats 

It seems pretty common for folks to post repeats in their collections

My bad. I must of missed that. It's nice to try all that's new but there's comfort finding that perfect pair. 

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I have a few repeats but in variation - ie same model different fabric, same model different size for a different silhouette.

Reality is a little bit of change is enjoyable and 3-4ish years in a single pair is enough for life - at this point for me. Which tends to be about what I get with the rotations I keep. It’s not like the next pair will be really that different from the previous. Lots of subtle differences yes, but that’s fun. 

For me, buying two of the same thing has come to feel perilously close to hoarding that brings me little to no day to day use. That on top of the varied pairs stashed away that are probably enough for a decade plus - if I can keep in shape - which is why I’ve been selling off a few things. 

I may eventually buy a second pair of freewheeler 51s, but I’ve got a lot to get through before I ponder that seriously. 

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This is a serious question with an obvious philosophical undertone. If we are deeply impressed by something (it could be anything, from a pair of jeans to a piece of music or a fascinating journey, and so on), we might want to repeat it, to relive the same experience. Or even to experience it endlessly. Of course, this is impossible. Everything changes endlessly, and these changes, both objective and subjective, are beyond our control. As for me, I have never bought duplicate pairs—not because there weren’t jeans I particularly liked, but rather because I tend to seek variety and try new things in the quest for the denim grail... 🙃

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From some of my personal worn out jeans I have a deadstock duplicate to explain the visitors the change from new to heavy used in the Jeansmuseum later, when I really have to retire them

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1 hour ago, Talan said:

This is a serious question with an obvious philosophical undertone. If we are deeply impressed by something (it could be anything, from a pair of jeans to a piece of music or a fascinating journey, and so on), we might want to repeat it, to relive the same experience. Or even to experience it endlessly. Of course, this is impossible. Everything changes endlessly, and these changes, both objective and subjective, are beyond our control. As for me, I have never bought duplicate pairs—not because there weren’t jeans I particularly liked, but rather because I tend to seek variety and try new things in the quest for the denim grail... 🙃

I like this^

Forever chasing the first hit for me.. the feeling i had when i thought.. this is it.. this is what i've been looking for, that emotion is forever stuck in your brain, it can grow to become something more than it ever was.

I'v always been mildly hooked on SC-47s because of this^ reason, are they the 'best' jeans i've ever owned, no of course not.. but after a 20+ year quest for the denim grail wearing numerous pairs to rags without ever buying a second pair.. i've come to understand that somthing which can trigger an emotional response is more important than a perfect replication of a 1946 detail.

When i look back at my overwhelming feelings of want for past denim acquisitions, hoping they would replicate the feeling only for them to be forgotten and replaced by more current acquisitions.. maybe this one will? .. i'm glad i stepped off that train.

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