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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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been thinking about selling my raf parachute jacket so i can eat again i hardly wear it these days but i really just cant let it go


raf simons would not approve of your burrito-based diet


the foundation of a raf simons diet is diet coke

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to me, the book depository is still the best online store ever (trumps ebay) - even after all these years, the selection is incredible and the fact they still offer free worldwide shipping is insane.

Up until I converted to a kindle I was all about the book depository. I thought when they got bought by amazon things were going to change, good to see they haven't. 

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I thought the same until I tried it. Turns out you stop noticing that youre reading on a silly plastic thing about 5 pages in. You lose awareness of the book/kindle as a physical object and are just reading words. Or do you often, half an hour into a reading session, think "damn this book feels nice in my hands"? You have to remember, e-reader screens aren't "screens" the way phone/tablet/laptop screens are.


I still buy the occasional paper book, but I move around a lot and if you add up the money it has cost me over the last few years to transport my books from place to place it's probably many times the cost of the books themselves, so I'm buying as much digital as I can for now.


The main exception is books I know I'll want to write in. I've tried every major e-reader and all of their annotation features suck compared to a pen.

Edited by ProfMonnitoff
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i did try using one that my ex-girlfriend's dad owned but i didn't like it, but to be fair i was only messing around on it for 15mins and didn't attempt to use it 'properly'. as someone who has moved house 5 times in 3 years, i feel you re: moving house with a ton of books - last time it was such a pain that i just left them boxed up at my parents house.

"we need to make books cool again. if you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them."

Edited by conqueror
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Yeah I am with ProfMonnitoff on this one. I was so anti-digital/kindle before I tried it properly and have converted straight over never to return. That said the books I really love I buy in hard copy so when the bitches come over they will be impressed and to kept waters happy. 

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the inability to annotate properly is definitely the major drawback at the moment. i manage to get by since a lot of my texts are in PDF/ adobe reader format, which i find has the richest annotation features thus far. i read between an ipad (supinated) and a laptop (at a desk); but they need to implement a way to sync annotations better. 


unfortunately the access to academic or non-mainstream titles still have years to develop to a stage comparable to music. i still rely on libraries and their books with other peoples nasty underlining and annotations. worse than shitty graffiti. 


re conqueror: checkout booko.com.au , it's an aggregate search engine that brings up the best price around you

Edited by roundhouse
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