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Twas my first visit and will be going again... lovely place, free of the hubbub of the coastal towns with fairs nearby

Great fish n chips too (Seaview restaurant takeaway) - they taste so much better by the sea

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Went for a quick hike in the hills east of Santa Cruz, this weekend: classic coastal / low-elevation Northern CA: green grass, live oaks, & wildflowers










Likely more photos coming in the next few days

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@julian-wolf Looks like a fantastic time. I love being a new dad but makes me miss not being able to get out into the Blue Ridge this spring to go hike this spring so I'll live vicariously through this. Care to get out to Big Sur for me sometime soon? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A friend of mine makes/upcycles braziers out of old Calor Gas canisters, hinged door on the front, shelf for cooking food and a chimney out the top... ive had one on order for 3 f***ing years, i even gave him the damn gas canister but he was doing it for nowt... he usually charges £50 for the small and £80 for the large, i assume folks with cash take priority  :rolleyes:

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Took the pooch for a walk around Hampstead Heath today. Here’s the London skyline from Parliament Hill.

Bonus photo of pooch resting at home after walk.



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Here’s our cast iron brazier from Graham & Green - looks like yours Neal. We previously had a cheap one with legs from B&Q or similar that fell apart after about a year.

Don’t be alarmed by the jaunty angle of the parasol and stand, it’s bungee-tied to a large vertical wooden post!


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Thers a few different companies which sell them, i think they all come from the same foundry..

We had a terracotta chiminea at the old house stood on a wraught iron stand, it was pretty damn good and lasted years but it eventually cracked (i think the boy booted the footy at it) it was still useable but it wouldn't have survived the move so we left it for the folks who moved in.

If you want an exorbitantly priced base, you know where to come ;)


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@AlientoyWorkmachine would love to, but not sure how much of Big Sur is open these days—after the fires a few years ago it seemed like a whole big swath was closed down for the foreseeable future, no? At least up North around Julia Pfeiffer…sad times to be a California outdoorsman (or maybe a just a member of the younger generation, in general)

@JDelage they’re pretty much everywhere, this time of year. Always really nice to be on a ridge or in a valley in the evening and see one side all closed up for the night and the other side still open soaking up sun, or the reverse in the morning

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As luck (or a very generous partner) would have it I was able to get out with a friend for about 36 hours over the weekend to get in a few short hikes and make some work off the Blue Ridge Parkway. 

The goal was to check out a few "balds" - treeless mountaintops, usually because of clearcutting decades ago. I'm more or less a stay at home dad right at the moment but my art practice isn't going away, it's just mostly dormant for a bit. Anyways, while the view at these places is amazing most of the work I do has to do with places that have some kind of history of blatant mediation in the landscape. While I make landscape pictures - these images below aren't my work - just some iphone pics to catalog the trip a bit. 

We started off at Max Patch, which used to be a cattle and sheep pasture and even had a landing strip for airplanes ~100 yrs ago. It's right off the AT (Appalachian Trail) so you cross paths with some serious hikers from time to time who stop to enjoy the view. I'm also not sure how much they love us denim clad car hikers.


small car park after about 10 miles on gravel roads - if it's full you're SOL and need to drive the 30-40 min back out. Not quite peak season yet thankfully.


A quick view from up top.

Then crashing at the Pisgah Inn right off the parkway. It's usually tough to get a room there, but travel is still down because of Covid, and also early season. I'd never been able to get a spot at the Inn during my 5 years living in NC - so I was happy to get it finally. 


Dusk from my dinner spot. 


Doing this trip in one of my preferred tuxes - Companion Natural Indigo jacket / MF midnight 64's. Hat is Cottle. 


Woke up to that Thomas Cole / Hudson River Valley painters kinda light the next morning. The city I live in is just forested and hilly enough that I really don't get to see much sunrise/sunset so this was a treat. 

Hit a couple of more spots the after this before jetting back down the hills but will leave it here. 

Probably the last time I get up there before our family moves back to the Midwest so while a short trip I'll take it. 

@julian-wolf any part of Big Sur will do if it's open. I have no idea how it is these days, it's been almost a decade since I got out there but some of my favorite camping I've ever done - there was a spot off highway one first come first serve no reservation - overlooking the sea. Just bananas. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did a spot of urban fishing in the Sheaf this morning, jumped over the railway bridge and climbed down the wall..

Caught 4 nice trout in 1.5hrs with a perch plug (for reference, the lure is 3" long so the fish was around 16")

This was the best of em...


I spotted them in the river on my walk up Abbeydale Rd last weekend :)

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Spent the last few days hiking up and down the far south end of the Lost Coast / living on beaches
















Very, very pretty country

The density of foliage made me think more of WA or MT or BC, not CA—especially not drought-ridden CA—& being able to safely build fires was a lovely change of pace

Plenty of wild garlic & nettles to snack on; fresh mussels harvested for lunch on Monday; good swimming & good bouldering

Unmaintained trail w/ heavy poison oak coverage, so persimmon Cane’s & long sleeves were worn throughout

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@julian-wolf now this is the stuff I'm here for. At one point there were plans to explore this area. I used to see a prof out in the Bay area and we would hit up different coastal areas whenever I would get out there. Sad I missed on this one. My life (happily) went in another direction since that time but I will never be able to get enough of the coastal area out West, all the way up to northern WA state. Maybe eventually, though I'm pretty happy with what's more local these days. 

It's not pictures of scenery so much but there's a pretty great documentary photographer who did a project out that a ways. https://www.dashwoodbooks.com/pages/books/16755/curran-hatleberg/lost-coast?soldItem=true Too bad the book is $900 on the used market now. 

Looks like a beautiful trip - hope you didn't get too chewed up by the plants or the flies. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

We met George walking his dog on the beach at Saltburn-on-Sea (see previous page) who mentioned Skinningrove only a few miles south along the coast
It turns out it's an old mining village with a steelworks, now demised and in decline respectively

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Glorious sunshine on a big ole glorious beach - just beware what some dog walkers leave behind!

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Thankfully there was no need to call Northumbrian Water

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Spotted a street named after our very own jolly japester - blue badge pending, no doubt

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Short visit over and out!

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Had a day off and we took a little walk near the lake

Spotted a Zeppelin 


Walked through the vineyards


An old Mercedes turned into a little shop



A view of the lake (alps hidden by clouds)


The monastery Birnau


A nearby castle


And more local and older architecture 


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