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What Are You Wearing Today (Denim Version)


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  Vinneus said:
bullies... theyll get theirs when Almost Nice comes to town!

just kidding, super runny nose.

liar.its from an unhappy customer who asked for a simple parted cut,but creative as you are you decided on bubble-perm hairstyle.

also negged for posing next to a Timberland sign.

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jp wilson


vintage officer boots


ok ok..no denim but I think this fit suits this thread more-so than the other one.

(plus the patch on the knee of my chinos is chambray so technically...)

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About to head out with a couple of friends to get coffee...

Wearing my Artist Denim and a polo (nothing special) tucked the polo in to get a better look at the jeans...



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  beatle said:
07's drying from yet another snow rainstorm soak..so time to put some Busters on




Those Beatle Busters are absolutely sick!!! SICKNESS indeed! I would cop but I have a SPECIAL pair coming in SOON...you guys know the "so I´m having a pair of jeans made" thread...same craftsman but I´m the customer.

I´ll post pics when they arrive!

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