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What Are You Wearing Today (Denim Version)


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Wore this to a fire tonight. The awkward white is flour. If you have a fire and you throw flour in it the flour will catch on fire and if you do it a couple times you can get huge towers of fire.



Vintage Pendleton

Old Navy



Sorry for the crappy phone pics by the fire.

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You know it. Running stock, but it's my daily driver.

I rebuilt another one but had some troubles so it's just sitting right now. :(

true, i love that color, theres a woman who's the original owner, 110k on it and it's been serviced regularly for 17 years @ HONDA. its the only car the drivers DON'T rape, it's mentioned so to the noobs also to not fuck w/ it, i know this because my boy 3 years ago was once one of those newbs

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@ -five- are those lone wolves?

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@five I think you're gonna get your wish, looking at next week's forecast.

@pomata looks fine to me mate!


Sloppy/casual fit, just trying to enjoy the last sunny day we'll have for a while. If I look a bit blue it's cos our family dog had to get put down yesterday. :(

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