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Sugar Cane Denim


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I have a pair of LVC 1947s and I'm looking into getting something from Sugar Cane for my next pair. I realize the Hawaii and Okinawas are modeled after the 47, but how similar are they? I sized up on my 47s so they're a little roomy.

Finally, what's the consensus on the SC 1966? I like what few pics I've seen, but it doesn't seem like many people here have them.

EDIT: Realized the Okinawa/Hawaii comparison question is done to death.

66's are definitely slimmer all the way down. They taper aswell from knee down. They will have the paper "Made in USA" tag, not the leather tag the '47's have. No hidden rivets. Denim is both is similar in both weight and weave

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taylor - yes they are...I only have a few random pics ...



lovely pics,beatle.bought a 45 last summer for € 70,-,eurovision with no leatherpatch.still waiting in my closet for some wear.did the not unsual mistake here of buying more denim than i can wear...
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Question for your SC experts. Im a 32" true waist, Im looking to grab a pair of SEXSC06 off self edge. With the shrinking/stretching taken into consideration what would my best bet be for sizing?


Sad news for you. Nothing even remotely close to your size in stock, and no restocks on the collab. For something similarish cut wise and appearance wise, I would check out the Self Edge Dry Bones collaboration with is absolutely gorgeous and a great fitting jean.

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I didn't check on denimbar, but if there's only sizes 31 and 33 as someone stated, you're out of luck. Unless you were to size up to a 33, which may be a good idea anyway, seeing as they supposedly experience a lot of shrinkage. I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I've been researching them since I want a pair myself. Good luck.

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grouse_allergy, your pair in size 34 was sent to you today, you'll have it by July 13th.

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The main reason I've been researching sexsc06's shrinkage is because I'm afraid of the thighs being tight. If you have skinny legs on the other hand, maybe it doesn't matter as much. Again, I don't have a pair, yet, so don't read too much into what I say. It's too bad there isn't a pair in 32 available for you somewhere. Have you looked around besides selfedge and denimbar?

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what's the diff b/t oki's and hawaii's?

same fit.

okis have snakeskin patch, diff pocket bags, made with indigo from okinawa, and are left-hand twill

hawaiis have horsehair patch, diff pocket bags, made with indigo from hawaii, and are right hand twill

anything i miss, guys??

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