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Sugar Cane Denim


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i meant, hinoya does not sell raw sugarcane 1947s (at least they don't have them online).

--- Original message by mizanation on Apr 26, 2006 09:30 AM

ah, sorry, I was asking in general...

So again: are their measurements for unwashed jeans before or after washing? I'm guessing it would make sense if they gave the actual measurements, thus before washing - but prior to ordering I would just like to be sure...

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they shrink down to tagged size

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 03:09 PM

Yeah, I know that - but I mean the measurements in cm they give on each of their product sites. are these before or after washing. sorry to be such a nag, just want to be sure...
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they shrink down to tagged size

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 03:09 PM

Do you know if I got a pair and were to say, wash or soak them in warmer water, would they shrink a bit more? Like say instead of a 30w, a 29.5 or so?

Edited by TheGrapist on Apr 26, 2006 at 03:36 PM

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they shrink down to tagged size

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 03:09 PM

Yeah, I know that - but I mean the measurements in cm they give on each of their product sites. are these before or after washing. sorry to be such a nag, just want to be sure...

--- Original message by dubwise on Apr 26, 2006 03:17 PM

convert the tagged size to centimeters and that will be how big they are when they are shrunk. if that number is different from the number on the site it is either a. washed measurement if smaller or b. unwashed if bigger. it isn't that hard to figure out.
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they shrink down to tagged size

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 26, 2006 03:09 PM

Do you know if I got a pair and were to say, wash or soak them in warmer water, would they shrink a bit more? Like say instead of a 30w, a 29.5 or so?

Edited by TheGrapist on Apr 26, 2006 at 03:36 PM

--- Original message by TheGrapist on Apr 26, 2006 03:36 PM

40*C will shrink them to tagged size, warmer will shrink them more. In my experience unsanforized jeans stretch about 2" though.

våran panel tycker att man ska koka pastan i två år

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just gotta say, it's only been over a week, but i really love my sugarcane '47s. the denim feels great, the fit is great, they are just a beautiful pair of jeans with a lot of character.

looking at the results other people have obtained with the cane '47s, i can't wait to wear these in over the next few months/years.

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Ok, I just got my pair of unwashed '47's, and I'm reading conflicting information on how to wash and shrink them.

The tag (and I asked minya) recommends warm wash. I've also read cold soak here. Which one should I do?

I'm thinking that a warm wash will give me the maximum shrinkage, which would probably be a good thing.

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Warm wash. Mine only shrank a bit when I cold soaked them. get as much shrinking out of the way as possible.

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Guest jeffvyain

hawaii sc40400n [thanks smackadog]


6'0" 155 lbs

30 x 34 tagged size [30 x 33 post soak]

Edited by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 9, 2006 at 04:06 PM

--- Original message by denimdestroyedmylife on Apr 9, 2006 02:16 PM

nice shiner bock.
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>Response for GuyH

I bought a pair of Samurai S5110VXJ that were 34x36 and they shrunk an inch to 34x35, after the hot water soak. They use the same denim as the right hand 17 oz zero mode (S3000?) .... so those should be fine too. I also have the SO110XJ (Left hand 17 oz) and those shrunk from 34x36 to 34x34.

Different denim will shrink different amounts.

Edited by Roland on Mar 15, 2006 at 01:10 AM

--- Original message by Roland on Mar 15, 2006 01:06 AM

do sugarcanes only shrink lengthwise? or should i be ordering an inch up in the waist too? and speaking of ordering, can anyone who is comfortable with rakuten help me order? japanese translation is tough since the grammar is so different. or someone could just steer me toward sugarcane retailers in the states, or american websites.


Edited by watchman on May 4, 2006 at 03:59 PM

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I believe you can find all the information you need and more reading this thread from the beginning. I could give you some answers but I would have to search for it on previous pages too.

there's history preservation in the States, but rakuten is much cheaper... they shrink in the waist, and three inches in the length, I think. For the correct size, please check the previous pages.

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thanks a lot man, i am going to do that. however, i still can't read rakuten, and is history preservation selling sugar cane? Is buzz rickson the same thing? im a little confused about this brand as a whole, but i will get on the reading.

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thatta boy.

[buzz rickson and sugarcanes are from toyo enterprises]

[you will find it will be MUCH cheaper buying from japan, but you can learn a lot through his/pres site]

[you will have an easier time exchanging and such thru his/pres; if you are made of money, it may be worth it]

[if you order thru his/pres and care about sugar cane detergent, get it when you buy your jeans, they won't sell the soap to you a la carte]

EDIT to add that this week, i was surprised/pleased to find that the back pockets of the sc40400n's are lined with the palaka print fabric. i keep finding new details that heighten my love for these dungarees.

Edited by denimdestroyedmylife on May 4, 2006 at 06:09 PM

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This Superdenim newbie just bought my first pair of Sugar Cane's. Got the Okinawa SC40301N on eBay. I planned on wearing this raw and unsoaked for a few weeks. But I didn't last two days. These buggers are scratchy as hell. Guess it's those pesky little sugar cane fibers. Hell, they felt like they were woven from cactus. Well, I put em on and took lukewarm soak in the tub for about an hour and hung them to dry. Today they're still pretty damn itchy and scratching. Any body else experienced this, or am I just ultra sensitive? I hate to have to throw these in the wash to get rid of those pesky little loose fibers. But I don't know if I can stand to just wait for them to fall out while I wear them. Any suggestions?

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Somewhere else in this thread or deep within the forum there is someone who had the same issue with a pair of Canes like yours. I think they said that you get used to it over time and its good for the skin or something too! Have a search of the forum, there's lots about them from the quick look I just had.

...and to think I actually used to iron denim.

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