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Iron Heart Jeans

Guest Guy H

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Yep checked here buddy need a 29 or 30 though.

We have one pair left in a 29 at SENY if you want to place a phone order.

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I have the SEXIH07BK and they have leg twist but my 301's, 7301's and my 9301's have little to no twist.

Yup, that makes sense cause the SEXIH07BK jeans you own are the only ones which are made of unsanforized denim.

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like he said - phone order.

self edge online doesn't cover stock from all stores, if you need something from seny you'll have to get in touch with them directly - no website. email works too if the time difference doesn't work out.

Still need contact details etc.. Ive never heard of seny so need to know legit

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Still need contact details etc.. Ive never heard of seny so need to know legit


(212) 388-0079


Monday - Sunday: Noon to 7pm


157 Orchard St. @ Rivington St. (Lower East Side)

New York, NY 10002
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hi guys..what's the fading properties of overdyed jeans?from pictures I've noticed it looks like black in color but does it eventually fades to blue?

Here is a comparison of the IH OD's, 3Sixteen & APC Rescue Jeans. Not the best photos but they show the difference in colors.


Another terrible photo attempting to show fade differences


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Ha ha you're right kb237

It seems that seul has quite a hard job at work!!

I hope that he can recover at home from this bad times there

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Amazing pics!! I admire this cowboy style!!!

I can't wait to see their evolution over the next years hopefully with a long period without washimg

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^^Great to see seul back in good shape!

^Nice pants itsbenhere. But the rip seems to be quite early considering the slow fading on those pants.

How much wear already done in them?

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Ohh that's much too bad and too early for such a strong and great pants.

I ride my bicycle everyday a lot and even then I usually don't have any crotch rips in the first year. On my Denime pants the rips started after 14 months of constant daily heavy wear only.

So you just have to fix them fast.....

Edited by swiss-jeansfreak
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