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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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post-op, I get to use that sweet rollything for the next 8 weeks.

expect my post count to skyrocket :D


anyway I figured this is a blessing in disguise, now I can't wear jeans 'cause the opening won't fit over my splint, BUT that gives me a chance to break in my Evisu raw denim shorts I bought last summer.

We'll see how they turn out.

Velvet Underground



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greetings from hb lol hmm i got a few bape pieces i dont really wear but 2day i was like fuck it ima wear it its w/e

School -> Home ( to brick to go anywhere )

Bape X Northface Hotshot XLevis XNort's


salute to the flag ( oh man that was lame lol :P )



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greetings from hb lol hmm i got a few bape pieces i dont really wear but 2day i was like fuck it ima wear it its w/e

School -> Home ( to brick to go anywhere )

Bape X Northface Hotshot XLevis XNort's

ima like your fit better if you tucked those tongues in, but whatever, to each his own....

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bizzy, is that an evisu skirt?

Yes, Canada is BIG, and currently there are only H&Ms in Ontario and Quebec. Alberta is getting its first in April, and Vancouver is getting one in Fall 07 (Coquitlamn first). I've motored across all the non-maritime provinces, and one territory. Still a lot of see...

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