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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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why are they around his ankles seems like a better question. theres no way thats compfortable and non irritating.

--- Original message by adsurgo on Oct 21, 2005 07:12 PM

Im not comfortable unless my jeans are sagging. I know you like to pull em up a bit adsy, good for you.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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supreme thermal arch logo zip

pro club tee

W)taps `02 BDU pants

same old dunks

nexus 7 headwrap towel

g-shock frogman

--- Original message by MilSpex on Oct 21, 2005 08:07 PM

are you inseams tied then twisted around your ankles a bit?

--- Original message by aitsuka on Oct 22, 2005 04:02 PM

yeah, theres tie offs at the bottom, theres too much material down there so I fold em over and tie em. sit better that way imo.

thanks for backing me up on the `dress` thing Aitsuka but its cool, we put our pics up to get feedback right, so its all good.

MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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Sunday - skated, lunched with girl and now...raiden III on PS2!!


W)Taps corpsman cap

W)Taps `01 parasmock

Supreme box tee

Mad Hectic denim shorts



MILitary SPECificationS OO

Be Advised: Morgan Nixon AKA Moman631 AKA Moman6040 is a fraud.

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why are they around his ankles seems like a better question. theres no way thats compfortable and non irritating.

--- Original message by adsurgo on Oct 21, 2005 07:12 PM

Im not comfortable unless my jeans are sagging. I know you like to pull em up a bit adsy, good for you.

--- Original message by MilSpex on Oct 22, 2005 07:17 PM

although i am a dick alot that post wasnt meant to be taken like that. i was just amazed as to how you could do that without being irritated by it.
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I dont wear fake shit like your mom's breast. Sad ass instigator, internet homo thug. I bet your life revolves around talking shit on the internet.

Now watch me wreck your ass a new hole...


You aint got no raw skills but to talk shit... so I suggest you the one to put an F on ur chest and get a life.






Edited by BAPEDDY on Oct 23, 2005 at 10:50 AM

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I dont wear fake shit like your mom's breast. Sad ass instigator, internet homo thug. I bet your life revolves around talking shit on the internet.

Now watch me wreck your ass a new hole...


You aint got no raw skills but to talk shit... so I suggest you the one to put an F on ur chest and get a life.




--- Original message by BAPEDDY on Oct 23, 2005 10:33 AM

ehh. video link dont work.

my mom dont got fake breasts. im not a thug- just a stone cold killer. i do much more than talk shit on the internet. i dont need a new asshole. congradulations, you can stand on one hand, i guess that puts me in my place.

i dont see the diss

just kinda ironic your name is bape eddy when your bape is fake?


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er, not trying to flame here, but the hoody color does look different from the one at cliffedge


but i cant say for sure... im not a bape nerd

other than that props to him for the moves

--- Original message by hahnstch on Oct 23, 2005 11:09 AM

thats kaws x bape..
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I don't usually post in this thread but since I already took some pics...


Nice Collective khaki jacket

Black At The Drive-In shirt

Generic black leather belt

Dior Homme dry indigo jeans

Black Chuck Taylor hi-tops

--- Original message by verb on Oct 23, 2005 11:51 AM

verb, are those the 21cm versions?
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Im part of the niketalk wave that has flooded superfuture. Im not necessarily apart of what is wrong with that wave, but this thread is a huge indication of the negative aspects of the migration. Fuck guys, bapeddy was definitily instigating some e-beef with his pictures, but do people really feel the need to respond so immaturely when this post has been going well for a while now? Get the niketalk criticizing of outfits bullshit out of here

please dont bring up anything i have said in the past on niketalk, it has zero relevance

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I don't usually post in this thread but since I already took some pics...


Nice Collective khaki jacket

Black At The Drive-In shirt

Generic black leather belt

Dior Homme dry indigo jeans

Black Chuck Taylor hi-tops

--- Original message by verb on Oct 23, 2005 11:51 AM

wow that pair of jeans from dior are just amazing.. i want those 2icon_smile_cool.gif
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