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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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Id talk about clips/straps/cages, but Ive talked to about 10 different people this past week about them haha. Cant see myself using them. But, if I had them on, I prolly woulda flew where my bike went (if I got stuck). Which coulda been worse for me.

One thing that pissed me off, was that I didnt take a picture of my bike after the paint job.

At least this gives me an excuse to work on her before December... fuck.

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  junglejane said:
might be a bit late, but I appreciate the criticism (rajio's). I wasn't offended by it at all, he wasn't rude, just sincere. I think it's great that I am treated like everyone else and am not commented on solely because i am a girl, but because of what i'm wearing. I dress to please myself and I am aware that there will be people who will not like it.

he wasn't even critquing your outfit, just the 3 pics...

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  insidertrading said:
Didn't feel too colorful today...



- Wool 'VoTC' bomber w/ epaulettes by Dior Homme

- Silver 'Reflection' pin by Dior Homme

- Tee by Number (N)ine

- Whiskered jeans 'F/W 06' by Dior Homme

- Shoes by Converse


- Black tote by Florian Denicourt

Vnice look -- jeans and bomber!!

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  stuntastic said:
andrewfuncrew - lees looking like theyre coming out dope.

From a decent, wet day, to a shitty wet nite.

Huf Polka Dot New Era

Black crew neck

White tee

Fucked up Sugarcane Okinawas


To get hit by a car.

Time to shop for a front wheel today.

I wonder if Ima end up on youtube. aha.

Im curious how do you stop without brakes lol? Do you just slide?

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Milspex I never said a proper fitting jacket must be "fitted" ie: higher arm holes, tigher sleeves, slim body.... something can still fit properly without being slim-fit

but i'm sure you've seen plenty people wearing horrible cut, and poorly fitting leather jackets...like the old dude i posted. when i see someone wearing a black leather coat, 90% of the time it's not done right. thats all

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That is a fucking great jacket/hoodie combo. It looks especially good from the back. I think it'd be perfect if the hoodie didn't come out below the jacket, but that's only a minor detail :)

Again, great combo.

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  giantsdrink said:

That is a fucking great jacket/hoodie combo. It looks especially good from the back. I think it'd be perfect if the hoodie didn't come out below the jacket, but that's only a minor detail :)

Again, great combo.

I wish the hoodie didn't pop out below the jacket but I don't think they make hoodies that short. :o

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diamonds- Those AW's look really nice. They look like they have some wear. You should post them in the evo thread sometime.

Will do.

I just need to wait for the sun to come out someday, so I can get some decent lighting.

  xcoldricex said:
diamonds, that jacket makes you look like you've got a lotta junk in your trunk - or just the angle. jacket is hella dope though esp. since it was a vintage find.

I do have a lot of junk in the trunk.

The jacket does make it look bigger though... Especially when i put my hands in the pockets. :o

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do you actually ride ur bike - or do u push it around ?/ I mean - I bike every day - and they invented them because you do need them...Really need them...how do u stop ?? Or do you always hit a car to stop ?? Lots of questions - but I've never ever seen a bike with no brakes -

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