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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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Tomorrow I'm putting my finger over the goddamn flash (can't turn it off)...



Not sure what's worse, too much light or too little...

Pierucci black one button suit

Taetossian of London dress shirt

Giorgio Morelli tie (your guess is as good as mine...but it's black with white roses)

Boss Black Label shoes

Prada briefcase

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  cultpop 0217 said:
received a package in the mail today, a new shirt from chris.

imagine my suprise when it fit a fatty like me perfectly.

thanks man.


preloved evil mickey t

cultpop vintage polka dot tie bracelet

same ole jeans

vintage chelseas


Dude, you're not fat.

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  False Prophet said:
Tomorrow I'm putting my finger over the goddamn flash (can't turn it off)...



Not sure what's worse, too much light or too little...

Pierucci black one button suit

Taetossian of London dress shirt

Giorgio Morelli tie (your guess is as good as mine...but it's black with white roses)

Boss Black Label shoes

Prada briefcase

Ok. I'm gonna get shit for this but I have to say it: Please cut your hair. The style doesn't suit your head IMO. A shaggy wolf-cut would look really dope on you.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:

great to see a pic out-of-doors

I'm glad you wore the gokeys instead of the nikes

killer jacket----it murdered my face with extreme prejudice.


fixed it for ya

vintage schott flight jacket

brand new cateau roux "sunnys" tee... thanks greg



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  Ratatat said:
is it just me, or are posts disappearing from this thread pretty regularly?

its not just you, minya and hap are relentless these days. Not a bad thing though, leeps the clutter down. They are doing the mod thing without being dicks about it which is nice. Some message boards, if anything goes slightly off course, the mods usually flip shit about it and band your ass for any stupid little stunt pulled.


cheap thats a great outfit man, love the jacket

witts good to see that you still post here about as much as i do. I feel a little less lonely with my new era's and nike's. dope sweatshirt too man, i love that thing, been fiending for the red one

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  vladimir said:
I'm not sure what a shaggy wolfcut is, but he has a long, masculine face, and the long hair isn't working at all. Long face and long hair doesn't work. A nice short conformist haircut is what he needs.

The long hair can stay just fine, it just needs a trip to a good hairdresser to get a lot of layering and texturing done if you ask me.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
i live for witts', kixslf's, and sxxxe's fits; not my aesthetic at all, but i enjoy things that are foreign to me

why thank you. It's funny cause thats almost the same way I feel when I post here. I love the clash of styles and tastes on superfuture.Main reason I migrated here fron NT. Over there its just the same old shit in every post....blah, it gets so boring and mundane This really is a place where a lot of different things meet up in one place and we can all appreciate each other for the things we do...even if it is completely different from our own personal tastes. Plus it gives me inspiration in my own personal style. If it werent for superfuture, I dont know how I would be dressing these days. prolly in some outlandish abercrombie and hollister get up like the rest of the chumps who strut about my campus...

now i know this may sound stupid and kinda weird too but something about superfuture changes you. Personally, it has allowed me to appreciate EVERYTHING in life a little more... i dont just mean clothes and shit like that but everything. Different cultures and countries, being on ST and interacting with people from all around the globe has altered my vision of the world we live in. While it certainly isnt shrinking, superfuture has def made my world a bit smaller.

...and who else freaked out when they figured out that MilSpex wasnt japanese......

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  kixslf said:
why thank you. It's funny cause thats almost the same way I feel when I post here. I love the clash of styles and tastes on superfuture.Main reason I migrated here fron NT. Over there its just the same old shit in every post....blah, it gets so boring and mundane This really is a place where a lot of different things meet up in one place and we can all appreciate each other for the things we do...even if it is completely different from our own personal tastes. Plus it gives me inspiration in my own personal style. If it werent for superfuture, I dont know how I would be dressing these days. prolly in some outlandish abercrombie and hollister get up like the rest of the chumps who strut about my campus...

now i know this may sound stupid and kinda weird too but something about superfuture changes you. Personally, it has allowed me to appreciate EVERYTHING in life a little more... i dont just mean clothes and shit like that but everything. Different cultures and countries, being on ST and interacting with people from all around the globe has altered my vision of the world we live in. While it certainly isnt shrinking, superfuture has def made my world a bit smaller.

...and who else freaked out when they figured out that MilSpex wasnt japanese......

i agree with everything here. and i still cant believe mil spex is white. i still want real proof.

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  cheapmuthafukr said:
i agree with everything here. and i still cant believe mil spex is white. i still want real proof.

i know, there is a WDYW of him from a few weeks back of when he went to do his air soft thing and he is standing next to a japanese guy and he looks extremely white in that pic....he's like 4 inches taller then the asian guy, lol

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Thanks chim et al., I was kinda self-concious about the hat. Truth be told, the hat came after I returned from classes so I haven't worn it in public yet.:o

LIVENUDEGIRLS, Pipe down! Snipes is keeping on the low in my basement... The jacket is my brother's, I think he got it this spring, but it may have been F'05, so I don't think it's around.

1995chardx, I've been killing this thread for a minute now--you ain't know?:D:P:rolleyes:

haptronic, waistcoats have been a fetish of mine for a while. That's how I'd like to wear them.

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