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Levi's Vintage Clothing

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  www.cultizm.com said:

do you have a pic of the tag inside, eg year of production?

here you see the jeans no and the qtd of production.

could be a special?

I got problem uploading the pic now but I'll keep trying.

The tag inside says made in usa. Other numbers at the back are:



543 543826

730S 475019890

The booklet says 'Spring 2007' collection.

Please don't tell me it is a fake :(.....this is my very first LVC.


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Hi Paul,

to my mind you should see the Year and Season of Production.

Also you should see the individual Number of the jeans, eg 356999

This should be found on nowadays production run.

We are in years in this business, but made in italy is totally new.

It could be a special production, but I am not sure.

Year and sizing has to be on the leater tag, so fas as I know..



  Paul T said:
they don't look great, do they? Does the tag inside give a year of production? It will say something like S1 07, next to a line like 643M and the sizing. Is the design on the two-horse patch stamped in, or just printed on?

While they look legit, lots of details are weird; no sizing or Lot No printed on leather patch, differnet stitching and margins on the leather patch, a new internal tag, and a weird finish. The current 1947 washed 501s on sale in Europe are made in Turkey, but these are made in the US. I'm not impressed. I wonder if eBay vendors are maybe selling off factory seconds or other rejects?. Either way, I'd rather buy from a proven supplier and be sure about what I get...

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  Paul T said:
they don't look great, do they? Does the tag inside give a year of production? It will say something like S1 07, next to a line like 643M and the sizing. Is the design on the two-horse patch stamped in, or just printed on?

While they look legit, lots of details are weird; no sizing or Lot No printed on leather patch, differnet stitching and margins on the leather patch, a new internal tag, and a weird finish. The current 1947 washed 501s on sale in Europe are made in Turkey, but these are made in the US. I'm not impressed. I wonder if eBay vendors are maybe selling off factory seconds or other rejects?. Either way, I'd rather buy from a proven supplier and be sure about what I get...

I don't know about the finish but it fit me very well.

The two-horse is printed and no lot no. At least earlier mention one got better define patch:


I also notice the margins, a lot different from the one above and early LVC I'd say.


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  www.cultizm.com said:

If you like, I could try to get an opinion of LVC.

Probalbly interesting..

Yes...please do it. Interesting to know the legacy of this pair. FYI, I once saw a pair of '47 with the same inner tag like this on ebay before.

Apprecite you efford. Thanks!


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I think they're authentic, but I wonder if LVC are spreading production around between different factories.

Washed LVC comes from various places; they've made them in ROmania, and Italy, and I thought this year's came from Turkey. All those (washed) jeans AFAIK use Italian fabric.

Wywh's jeans are confusing becuase they seem to have gone back to old-style inner tags. Also the two-horse patch does look wrong, or at least the method of printing has changed. Previous the type was slightly impressed into the leather patch. This looks to be a chaper method of doing it. They look ok... but as I mentioned before, I think you're better off getting rigid jeans, made in America with fabric from Cone, from an established supplier like Dejan.

The other mindfuck is that these Euro-made jeans tend to have different sizing than the US ones, another confusing variable to contend with. I notice in the other thread that there's a lot of confusion, with the new range, about what's made where. Some of LVC'S washes are great, but I'm not at all impressed with some of the Euro ones, they're inferior to other European jeans like Diesel or Replay.

Edit: dejan, re the Thai Italian-made jeans, I do remember around 2001 and 2002, in the early days of outsourcing, was when LVC had some of the washed jeans made in Italy and ROmania - I believe, but I'm not certain, with Cone denim. No one is ever sure because the staff change round so often, but I think some of the earlier US jeans were washed in Italy, too. My impression was that they'd stopped making LVC in ROmania because of consumer resistance - American Classics in London mentioned they'd had real problems selling them.

Now, from what a couple of insiders have told me, the current washed jeans are mostly made in Turkey, using Italian denim, for trade tariff reasons. Would love to know more...

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Hi Paul and All,

  Paul T said:

Wywh's jeans are confusing because they seem to have gone back to old-style inner tags. Also the two-horse patch does look wrong, or at least the method of printing has changed. Previous the type was slightly impressed into the leather patch. This looks to be a cheaper method of doing it. They look ok... but as I mentioned before, I think you're better off getting rigid jeans, made in America with fabric from Cone, from an established supplier like Dejan.

Prior to winning this jeans, I've notice this irregularity on the leather patch but initially I didn't think the patch repro was this bad. I've re-check, there is a trace of very light black print on Lot no and size area but look like totally vanish.....I think in order to simulate the washing and shrinkage process. FYI, there is #R stamped at the back of top button.

I still having difficulty attaching the pic but I've upload other details here http://flickr.com/photos/14642886@N08/?saved=1

I don't mind LVC have gone back to put old-style inner tag but the fact that they put the lousiest two-horse leather patch on this jeans is shameful and unimaginable for collection with this iconic status:mad:. Yes, I think it is a cheaper method of doing it but still unacceptable to me in the sense that the leather patch on current Levis jeans 'made in Pakistan' are a lot better. LVC jeans deserve better leather patch than the best Levis jeans.

Is there other members got the same batch of LVC like this? I believe there are a lot more out there.


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Here is another one just look like mine but in different finishing:


So I think mine is not so special.:confused:

Edit: I should have done more homework before I bought my first LVC. I just read about exactly the same jeans that Serge reported here:


..and Serge got it at very good price!


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I have some questions about the 551 ZXX model:

I bought 2 pairs a few years ago, made of beautiful 14 OZ denim, they're stamped 555 on the top button. There is no silver tag inside, and no redline selvage in the coin-pocket. I have never seen LVC's made in Valencia Street without the silver tag... Something wrong with it ?

Are those 551 ZXX "STF" or will they shrink ?

Thanks to the specialists here !

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These have been discussed before. This was LEvi's first attempt at doing a reissue 501, before LVC, around 1994-5. I think it was called the Capital E reissue (not to be confused with the recent Capital E jeans).

It had lots of generic details, and wasn't an accurate repro of any particular year.

Edit: they were produced around 1992, and were a supposed 1962 reissue. One thread mentioning them:


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i have 4 pairs of 1996 551zxx.all have 555 on the waist button. all have the silver edged inner label. the denim is blue as blue can be. i imagine they'll take years to fade. oddly the rivets are silver backed' only the back pockets are copper backed. this fact unsettles me. does any expert think this is right?

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you can get 67,55 and some of the 30's models in levis outlet stores in the uk,some for as little as $80us.some are meant to be seconds but i think they are just returned sale or return stuff,as lots of shops over here over-order on lvc.also,a several stockists have shut down.i think they may have the raw type 2 jackets someone was asking about, i think theyre about $140-$160us.i found the best place for lvc in america was the thrift stores on haight in sf and melrose and fairfax in la.some were as little as $20(they werent the best though).there was one excellent vintage denim store on melrose(lots of deadstock workwear from the 50's etc.), ive seen it in denim books but cant remember the name.if anyone wants a pickup on lvc from uk outlets ill be going next week maybe,ill do it for 10% plus shipping,but will have to enquire about prices.

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only ever seen rrl and lee selvage in tk,regular levis outlets are the shout(bicester is best but portsmouth is good on a lucky day too.swindon is very rarely the scene of a lucky find,and bridgend never has anything).

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