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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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Brian came close to getting this very nice pair of ('40s? Army dress?) boots:


If he's looking for something similar to those boots, the cordovan service boots from WWII Impressions would definitely work. I've heard good things about them, and a few people have posted some nice looking pics in the shoes thread.

Here's the link: http://www.wwiiimpressions.com/newusmccordovan.html

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First, and most relevant right now because I'm HUNGRY, something I think mikecch will enjoy:


the "Giant Burger" at a new restaurant in town: true to it's name!There's a fried egg and ham in there too. With pretty damn good chips, all for 12500 Shillings, or about $5.50. One of the best quality+quantity/dollar deals to ever show up in Kampala!

And, more importantly: I decided to reward myself for finishing my work by... washing my pants! They had gotten so filthy that they were stiff and shiney. Homegirl did not appreciate.

For the record, I had hot soaked them three times (the third was a near-boiling hot soak) with agitation, but they had never touched soap




Notice how different the color of the denim is on the waistband - where it's regularly covered by my belt - and you'll have an idea of how much filth I'm exposed to on a daily basis (you don't even want to imagine the color of the water that comes off me when I shower at the end of the day)



In the wash they went, with Dr. Bronner's (almond flavored... mmmm...) and a shitload of nearly-boiling water, heavily agitated (but not spun)

I snagged some of the water when they were finished washing


And the result. Night and freaking day. I didn't know they were blue!





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Love the shell overlock fades...


and the striation of color


The Ugandagrime has permanently stained the denim in splotches, as you can see a bit in this photo - there are dark splotches all over the fabric. Kinda like denim leopard-spots!



Also love the cinch-fades


Before and after fit. The waist shrunk from 32 to 30.5 and the inseam from 33.75 to 33.


Not sure what's with the ass-cleavage in the after shot, though. Bit disturbing, eh?

Unrelated, but while I have the camera out. A friend's mom beaded this belt for me. Pretty stoked! Unfortunately the beads make it so thick it's really not comfortable under the cinch, so it'll be doing sideline duty for now.


Today's mellow fit


And a lovely scene of life in Uganda to leave you with. This truck was stalled out and completely blocking off one of the main artery roads through this part of Kampala. Lovely.


Ta ta for now!

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Hit up the farmers market yesterday to get some bread.

This guy sells the best stuff around.


The Spice Truck is my second favorite stop..


They had this scary looking hot sauce (Then she took out some even hotter stuff from the back after I took the picture)


The market has been growing every year now they have all sorts of stuff going on.


They even got a guy to sharpen your knifes!


Saw this beaut' there(Im talking about the subaru, of course)


This pretty much sums up my city.


After that I had a repair job to do on my OG Roys:





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Your Roys look amazing, dkatz. The pre-wash photos look downright nasty :)

My Roys and I volunteered for the Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay this morning. It starts in my town and runs 191.7 miles up through the Wasatch Mountains and ends in Park City. Each person runs three legs of ~5-7 miles over the course of the race, which runs continuously for around 20-36 hours, depending on how fast the team is. There were 1127 teams of twelve people in the race!

I have a group of good friends racing, so I gladly offered to be one of their three volunteers. My job was to check in teams as they arrive. Here are my Roys looking official.


Many of the teams come up with amusing costumes. I saw one team all dressed as Captain Underpants, another was all fluorescent cavemen??


Some of the names were pretty funny as well. As I read one team's name- The Third Leg is the Hardest- I paused, and then burst out laughing.


It was a beautiful day for it! Perfect temperatures.


As one of the teams was checking in, I saw this one guy and thought, "Hey, is that guy wearing a kitenge bandanna??" Apparently, he thought, "Hey, that guy's jeans look pretty good!" Then there was a pause....

HEY!! It was cash! Despite living just 100 miles from each other, we hadn't met up yet. My life has been so busy lately that I hadn't been down to SLC much at all in the past 5 months. It was great to finally meet, albeit briefly... so random. I did give him a little bit of a hard time for not running in the Roys ;)


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As one of the teams was checking in, I saw this one guy and thought, "Hey, is that guy wearing a kitenge bandanna??" Apparently, he thought, "Hey, that guy's jeans look pretty good!" Then there was a pause....

HEY!! It was cash! Despite living just 100 miles from each other, we hadn't met up yet. My life has been so busy lately that I hadn't been down to SLC much at all in the past 5 months. It was great to finally meet, albeit briefly... so random. I did give him a little bit of a hard time for not running in the Roys ;)

Crazy and awesome to randomly meetup like that!

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Us ROYs are the new street gang taking over. Krips and Bloods' blue and red bandannas have nothin' on technicolor kitenge for to recognize!

Establishing some territory at the Edmonds ferry dock.


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^What, after seeing Daniel's jeans? I believe Beatle pegged him as the winner at the outset...

I've been hoping that he would stop wearing them because they're a little roomier than what he usually wears. No such luck

Anyway, here's my favorite building in LA










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So many great updates, seems like you guys are really having fun in LA!

But...dkatz, your jeans - AMAZING! Can't believe they've only had 6 months wear!

I do appreciate a nice burger :)

Had some average burger today:



Avian friend wanted some chips (I swear the family of birds living at McDonald's are all going to die early...)

Put jeans into washer shortly after lunch, must remember to take them out before spin cycle...

Took this baby out for a walk too:


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I washed the old ROYs for the first time since the initial soak. The were getting ripe. Some hot water from the tap and some boiling from the stove into the tub with Woolite. Add some agitation. Gloosh, gloosh, gloosh. Voila, pea soup. Drain and rinse, and the water went from sick green to a crazy blue. Wear to dry and... not much difference. Dang, what are you guys doing to your jeans? Mine only barely look like they're breaking. Maybe it's the looseness. I didn't need to unbutton to drop trow, just slip the suspenders. They've definitely trimmed up now though as the initial soak was just a short warm one. They'll actually stay up on their own now. I guess I'm off to go wrassle something.

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and then there's Saville Row, where many of London's best-known bespoke tailors are huddled. I love that the Japanese word for suit - sabiro - is named after this street.

Nice story, but I don't think it's true since sebiro 背広 the kanji means broad back, it isn't a katakana word as imported words are usually written.

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First off, TVShooter, I'm really sorry I didn't make the party. I checked the map and going out there would have turned my trip from 6.5 hours to 9 hours! Really really wish I could have made it.

That said, here's my last update before I'm off to the Brevard Music Center.

Got lunch with my parents yesterday. Before and after. Some mock meat of some sort. Really tasty.



Went to some state park. It was really beautiful. The Roys enjoyed it.


Lady found a raspberry bush.



They were just about the tastiest berries I've ever had in my whole life.

She's adventurous.


And a gift upon our departure. Every man needs some hankies and she took the time to embroider some for me. It's sad I won't get to see her for 6 weeks.


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