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ROY X CONE contest, 1.1.11 - 2.1.12

Paul T

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Good stuff TheClerk, Cash and especially Roy6, who has obviously had his roys specially made with some kinda quick-fading japanese denim so as to get ahead of the competition :D.

My roys after two washes and one soak, apologies about the rubbish pics.

Worn with the t-shirt I bought from TheClerk's stall in Greenwich -



Dont know how relevant this is, but thought it was interesting to note that my main mode of transport at work, i.e. this -


..was invented by a chap from the town where I live, which amongst other things is famous for its' woolen mills, but also for this -


..one of two originals in the local museum -


...Who was inspired by a machine invented 15 years earlier, designed to take the nap off of cloth made from wool, similar to this one -




As a side note, one of the earliest customers of the new lawnmower was Regents park zoo, who in 1831 claimed that it did the work of 6-8 men using scythes!


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Roy6, who has obviously had his roys specially made with some kinda quick-fading japanese denim so as to get ahead of the competition :D.


It's the hummingbird droppings.

Interesting historical claim for your town- from now on I'll offer you all a prayer of thanks whenever I trot out the lawnmower.

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Looking good, Docblue!

As a side note, one of the earliest customers of the new lawnmower was Regents park zoo, who in 1831 claimed that it did the work of 6-8 men using scythes!

And yet the prevailing grass-cutting in technology in Uganda remains the "slasher": a long skinny machete with a bent tip:


Whenever I see someone cutting grass, I get empathy-back-pains


The highest tech I ever see for grass-cutting here is weed-whackers. Someone could make a killing by importing a shipping container full of push-mowers.

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What timing with the recent posts as I was finally able to get some non-soggy, rainy time at the shop space I rent to do a little Roy6 action on the grass that had gone nose high. I triple cuffed so I wouldn't get perma-green at the cuffs.


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Roy6, Dkatz, Dr Heech, Joseph, Doc - nice to see those updates! Roy, that bath-water... :shudder: ;)

Had an awesome weekend - beautiful, cool summer weather.





Will try & get more pics up later this week!

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Looking good, Docblue!

And yet the prevailing grass-cutting in technology in Uganda remains the "slasher": a long skinny machete with a bent tip:


Whenever I see someone cutting grass, I get empathy-back-pains.

Wooah, Dkatz, what a terrifying looking tool, and with a name like the 'slasher', I bet grass is not the only thing it's used for (?)

When I lived/worked in Israel, I used a similar tool to cut thorns from date tree palm-stalks.

The amount of times I nearly took my fingers off!

Looking good there Joeseph and Riff


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Doc, Daniel and Joseph good updates, particularly like the triple turn ups. Dr Heech nice t shirt sir.

Don't normally bother to tout my shirt designs on sufu partly as they're not quite the style that a lot of cats here are rockin' but mainly as it's a little crass. However, in Greenwich market a few weeks ago I saw a guy that at first I thought was trying to look like Johnny Depp. It soon dawned on me that Mr Depp may owe more of his style to this gentleman than the other way round.

The gentleman in question bought one of my t shirts and my seven year old self tried desperately not to just jump up and down with excitement. A couple of days later this photo appeared in the Evening Standard (horrendous London newspaper). Ladies and gentleman may I present, modeling a Dept of Works t shirt, Mr Adam Ant.......


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+rep for that

Did he pull a gun on you? Or did you just Stand and Deliver the goods?

He looks amazing now, although I thought he'd become a bloated nutter. He was my first childhood pop hero.

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Dreadful gag Martin, but it was there for the taking so I forgive you. To be honest he didn't really want to do eye contact, so I was quite glad he didn't come back with a baseball bat. It was kinda sweet though cause he must have people recognising him all the time.

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^ Quite exciting, congratulations!

Some quick updates from way over here.

Worked all weekend, but on Saturday evening I attended a colleague's wedding.

The couple enters, preceded by some great Banyankole dancers:


I have a great video, but the internet hasn't been strong enough for me to upload - I'll post it once I can get it up.


This dude is seriously stoked



Aaaaand then there was just a lot of sitting through boring speeches. No vis.

Sunday, workin workin workin away


But today... today is a big day, friends. After 20.5 months, today is my last day of work! This is what i look like today:


I have learned an absolutely insane amount through the course of this job, but I'll be honest: the work and my life here has been one of the roughest experiences of my life, and I'm ready for it to be done. I'm proud of myself for having made it through and having accomplished what I did - there were not a few times where I was toeing the line of saying "fuck this" and walking away. But - whether I call it "stubbornness" or "perseverance" - I made it through, and I'm stronger for it. I genuinely feel that, having made it through this, I can do absofuckinglutely anything.

So. What's next? Well, first thing will be to drink the delicious Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA I have been saving for this occasion since returning in January, promptly at the stroke of 5:00pm, GMT+3 (raise a toast to me then, eh?). Then... probably a lot more beers tonight. And then, the next adventure begins!

I'll be spending the next bumming around here - visiting a couple places in Uganda I've still not been, visiting a friend in Nairobi and checking out Kigali.

Next, it's off to India for six weeks with Homegirl. Woo!

On my way "home", I'll be taking an extended layover in Instanbul and popping up to Germany to have a couple weeks' holiday with my brother, who will be flying in to join me there.

After Germany... well I might as well spend a few days wandering around Istanbul, eh?

And, finally, homeward bound in late September... and restarting the job hunt.

I'll try to keep you all updated as I gallivant around, but not having office internet, nor having my mobile internet subsidized by work, will significantly reduce my internet-time. I hope you all can forgive my occasional absences!

Cheers from Uganda!

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But today... today is a big day, friends. After 20.5 months, today is my last day of work!

Dkatz, all I can say is a big THANK YOU! Can't express how much I've enjoyed your updates, & crazy adventures! It was a view into a different world for sure - thanks for sharing & taking us along for the ride! :-)

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i dont know what to say to you daniel, but its been one fucking hell of a ride together with you on your daily adventures (or sometimes misfortunes) and i can safely say that me as a city boy who grew up in a complete urban concrete jungle, i dont think i can ever do what you did, so that is a true fantastic job that you did. i hope you enjoy your upcoming trips, because they sound fantastic. cheers to you and do pay our friend almostnice a trip when you are in germany! congrats again!

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Alright! I now have internet access at home, so I should be able to keep up with this thread a little better. Amazing that it took ten days to come out for ten minutes and turn it on. First order of business, of course, is check this thread.

The Clerk- that is so cool. I can remember thinking Adam Ant was the shit when I was a kid.

dkatz- I'd like to add my voice to the congratulations! That's quite an amazing accomplishment, and you sure are tough for getting through it all. I can't wait to see your travel updates.

Mike- that is one HELL of a burger!

Roy6- very impressive! I had been viewing your photos on my phone, and they look even better in larger format :)

My Roys had stretched a ton, and were pretty disgusting from renovation work and moving over the course of a couple of hot days. So, I decided to give them their second hand wash in the tub. Here are my 5 month updates, post wash and a little wear:






The outline of my wallet is coming through pretty well.


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NIce to see all the updates here. Nice work stirring the pot Roy6.

Speaking of...

Ran into a couple jerks at the Rose Bowl. Shoving kids and bossing people around.


But their pants looked nice.


Saw This Sunday as well should have gotten a pic of all three of you guys. I'm sure someone did.

Really nice meeting everybody this weekend.

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NIce to see all the updates here. Nice work stirring the pot Roy6.

Speaking of...

Ran into a couple jerks at the Rose Bowl. Shoving kids and bossing people around.


But their pants looked nice.


Saw This Sunday as well should have gotten a pic of all three of you guys. I'm sure someone did.

Really nice meeting everybody this weekend.

That jerk on the left, is clearly showing superior wear on his Roy's:D

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so.. i dont know how to break this to you guys but i shipped my pair off to someone who really really really wanted these, over the past week.

point of this was that i was getting really minimal wear to it, almost none, because of me being in a new job and all. so i think for the sake of my own conscience, they should go to someone who could really promise to put some wear into them. while there might be some hate (or neg train) coming my way , i think its only fair to let these off to someone who want these so much and expressed interest even right before the start of this competition and was still very keen 6 months on. to be honest, when i put up the offer a month ago, there were quite a few interesting characters who were interested in these but eventually i decided to let this off to someone who wasnt a high profile poster so that he could document his journey and add more dynamism to all you fantastic people. with sadness i leave but i will still be involved in this thread very much.

with everyone wondering who these went to, i shall not drag the story any longer and hereby i proudly introduce you the honourable ADH92 who will continue this fantastic journey in the CONE x ROY that i have enjoyed so much when i had them.

and to Andrew, i know you will do a great job in them. good luck!

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