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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/25 in Posts

  1. Made an omlette with some Gruyere ..made a flask of coffee ..set off through Whiteley Woods, it's very icey! ..looking over the city near the Peak District border, we live around here ..took a right at Ringinglow, looking at Stanage Edge ..rode the Burbage loop first ..stopped for a coffee ..featuring a new pack to replace my 30yr old Lowe Alpine fell running pack (i don't think i'll be doing anymore fell running anytime soon ) along with a water bottle which @CSL kindly proxied from the SimWorks sale The Velo Canteen comes with a different cap which incorperates a straw system for drinking? but i figured, if im civalised enough to drink decent coffee, im civalised enough to not do it through a straw so i brought along a Snow Peak double walled Ti cup. ..into the stanage loop ..hampers hang ..some boldering pr0n for @julian-wolf dude on the left is wearing rock shoes, bouldering pants, sheepskin trapper hat and 3/4 length sheepskin jacket.. ..warm and dry without down or gore ..up to Stanage Pole ..down to the reservoirs at Redmires ..around the reservoirs.. through Wyming Brook to Lodge Moor.. looking back ..through the Mayfield Valley where my legs turned to jelly so i ate a full box of blury Jaffa Cakes while i cleaned my bike ..the end
    14 points
  2. Momotaro Type II / SC Okinawa / Random Rubber Boots / Taylormade or Ping? Cap
    13 points
  3. Flat Head shirt and jacket, Hollows belt, Stevenson trousers, Viberg boots.
    10 points
  4. Back in the Rockets the last few days. Rugged Wear (80s I think?)/Brooks Brothers/Rockets/Alden
    8 points
  5. I also picked up the Sunny Garden chore coat, the denim is very nice! I think they're going to make some late 1800's inspired pairs out of it this year.
    6 points
  6. Interesting the way this conversation has gone. In general, I don’t buy the concept of aging out of jeans. Aging out of particular ways to wear them or styles of fit, yes, yes. Yes, originally they were workwear, but we’re talking decades and decades since they leapt out of the factories and the mines and into the general population. I guess there are levels to this - and I suppose this is more specific to when and where I’ve grown up and lived - they’ve been the ultimate neutral and sort of signal flattener. They don’t really convey class or position on society one way or the other - but they do convey a basic sense of giving at least the tiniest of a shit in most cases - where sweats/tracks/pajamas are on much less stable territory here. They go at least as far in one direction as chinos or trousers do another direction. This might be a less popular opinion and really is just about my own sensibility but I find the attempts to formalize or “dress up” jeans to be misguided. A blazer with jeans - even dark jeans with tonal stitching - and dress shoes, for me, conveys a sense of a sort of conformist or an institutionalist who wants to be seen as a touch less serious in order to ingratiate themselves. If it’s a 5 pocket design, it should not be paired with a sport coat. I am painting with a broad brush here - but in the most basic sense, the gut reaction is to run the other direction - or to suggest putting on pants that don’t confuse the tone of the sport coat and probably the person wearing it. I think the only thing worse is sneakers with a sport coat and jeans, or those awful shoes that have dress style tops and fat rubber soles. As always, exceptions exist, and in the heritage world there are things like sack coats and chore coats that confuse this sort of assertion even more. I apologize if I’ve offended anyone’s general sensibility - take a free shot at me. Or, even better, wear it well and be in the world proving me wrong.
    6 points
  7. I got a size 44 flannel direct from Warehouse. It has a promising 25” pit to pit pre-wash. It did come with the new catalog.
    5 points
  8. Just been out to Olive on Eccesall Rd South for some fat t-bones (Sarah had Casarecce Arabiata) Starters of calamari and mussels were awesome too! .. it's def worth a visit.
    4 points
  9. Great points, the subject of the formality of jeans, or lack thereof, is a fascinating topic. I think a crucial aspect of this is the color, detailing, and cut of a given pair. A dark, classic 501-type straight fit is extremely versatile and while I wouldn't say it really looks formal in any context, you can easily dress it up with a nice pair of shoes, a sport shirt, and jacket of some sort, so you look well put together on date night, at church, teaching the class, or whatever. A well-kept, naturally faded pair is almost as versatile. Where things get a bit iffy is with obviously with torn-up or distressed jeans, but also, I'd argue, with a lot of mid-blue prewashed jeans. The average prewashed pair tends to have this very flat and processed sort of appearance and shapeless, floppy drape that has more of a pajama or leisure wear kind of quality to it. Even if you just wear a pair of TCB 50s or Sugar Cane 1947 and wash them once a week it's still going to look and fit way better than floppy mall jeans after a year. Personally, I can't stand leisure wear not because I'm opposed to being comfortable, but because I hate polyester and floppy shapeless clothing. There's an interesting parallel between the rise of jeans and "work wear" as everyday casual clothing coinciding with a romanticizing of the rugged working man as an ideal in an increasingly urbanized and white-collar context post-World War II, and the rise of leisure wear as everyday casual clothing coinciding with "being in the gym/exercising/active" as an aspirational lifestyle when the norm is for middle and upper class people to be fat and sitting on their butts in front of a computer screen all day. Going around all day in Lululemon or whatever sends the message that you've Made It enough to enjoy the privilege of free time enough for exercising and sculpting your ideal physique. Most of this is happening on the subconscious level, but I think there's definitely something there. Other, related historical instance: when agrarian work was the norm, fair skin was the beauty ideal because it signaled you were above laboring in the sun all day, and when industrialism and the rise of white-collar work made indoor labor the norm, tanning because a status symbol because you had wealth and leisure time to relax on the beach and all that.
    4 points
  10. LVC sweatshirt, At Last Co. 147’s (size 30), Converse The 147’s did not shrink anywhere near as much as I had expected so I’m holding off hemming until the next wash or two. Not a fan of cuffs but I pressed them this time and think it doesn’t look half bad
    4 points
  11. Nowt more than the usual stuff that's discussed - cuff or no cuff, double cuff, single cuff, Tender cuff, cinch or no cinch (sounds like a gameshow)... yadda yadda yadda for all other fit components. So yeah the basic tennets of top, bottom and footwear are common, but it's all different right. All part of the fun in deciding what to wear with what and how imo. Long live WAYWT and all other sources of inspo!
    3 points
  12. back when i went to work.. students used to ask me why I was allowed to wear track pants, wasn't I meant to dress like a teacher I was wearing my baggy Byborre Miffy pants, best answer I could come up with was "actually they are pyjamas"
    3 points
  13. It's funny to hear talk of putting on "real pants" to work (and not manual labour), where the real pants are jeans. Until the last thirty or forty years people would have been saying the same thing about putting on a suit. For that matter, there are still plenty of blogs around now where men will tell you that jeans are inappropriate for anything other than leisure, or even that men over thirty (or forty, or whatever arbitrary number they pick) should only wear chinos and "slacks" (does that term sound just as comical to other Brits?). I find them really entertaining actually. I find it interesting the way that trends have shifted over the last twenty years so that jeans have shifted a place up the formality scale, and leisure wear (in the UK, read "tracksuits") has come in to fill the place they vacated. The people who sneered at young people or perceived commoners for wearing jeans forty years ago are now sneering at young people or perceived commoners for wearing trackies. (None of this is a comment on anyone here, just some thoughts inspired by the discussion.)
    3 points
  14. I got this one off eBay for less than $50 (made in Narranganssett, RI). I’ve seen one or two others pop up in this pattern for similar prices since I got it too. There’s a few other Rugged Wear color ways out there too that I’ve run across but most are a little too vaporwave for me. Withernot sells a rugby really close to this one for $125 but I have no experience with their stuff
    2 points
  15. You wouldn't get me in a sport coat for love or money and I teach my classes in jeans and a T-shirt. One of the best things about the job.
    2 points
  16. I rarely miss England, but that post certainly did it for me. Very nice bike too.
    2 points
  17. "Sweatpants" is a relatively recent Americanism for what I've always called tracksuit bottoms, whether of polyester or similar (Daley Thompson-style) or cotton jersey (sweatpants). Anyway, sweatpants is what I'm talking about.
    2 points
  18. I wear what I wear because I like it. That's always been the case… from being a young lad with a very keen interest in clothes and how they fit and feel.... and there's no sign of that stopping. I couldn't give a shit who likes it or doesn't, nor where I get fit ideas from – they all come from somewhere. There's been some great (and less great) stuff on Sufu over the years and notably on the internet (looking at you Instagram) – I’m grateful for it all. But let’s face it, the jeans and jackets I (we) wear might have been made by FW, SC, Denime or (select one from many many brands) within the last 20 years or so, but they’re repros of jeans from c80 years ago i.e. not exactly new ideas anyone can claim rights to. It’s all borrowed, unless you were primo, which non of us are old enough to be! On Sufu, we’re a cast of 25 or so regular posters, up to maybe a crowd of maybe 50 on a very good week – brand or fit popularity in this micro-world is an irrelevant ‘so-what’ in everyday life. In northern Enger-land, in real life, I can recollect hardly anyone (maybe a few people) wearing the gear I wear. Mavis on checkout 9 hasn’t got a scoobies. If you're confident enough to carry off your clothes - and I apply this to anyone of any clothing genre and any age as I don't see barriers - then that shines through and good on yer. I certainly don't like all choices but I don't have to and, vice-versa, neither does anyone else... now that would be odd. Ahhhh so this is why it’s called the General Nonsense thread! Long live Sufu!
    2 points
  19. I too had a period, let's call it 2016-2022, when denim was put on the back burner for more comfortable items like stretch waistband Uniqlo slacks and easy pants (styled with outdoor/tech wear), but also came full circle. Things got a bit too cosplay and stale for me if I'm being honest. Now I'd say I sort of just mix everything, with a focus on comfort, but have to admit that paying attention to trends and mixing in some of those "fashionable" items has kept things more fun, if not admittedly more capitalist lol. For example, I don't think I've ever loved a belt as much as my OUR LEGACY 2CM belt. I still mix in the odd Arcteryx jacket etc. for practicality (spend a good amount of time outdoors), but maybe layered with some army surplus, reverse weave sweatshirts, and some Alden's to clean it all up. But yeah, I'm definitely happier with my outfits now and have basically settled on this "look".
    2 points
  20. @yung_flynn Really envious of that rugby shirt; those are such a classic look. All the modern ones seem to be cheap & outsourced. McCoy’s did a great version 2–3 years ago (I think it was actually even in a similar color to yours) but the fit was all wonky. Gotta get back into scanning vintage shops, I guess
    1 point
  21. fit check. guess the drip. context: this was for a high society jaksel (south jakarta) wedding at our moma (tiny) where the dress code was strictly all black except for the bride who wore white. i was the witness for the bride. later on i went to a cocktail bar still in the same outfit.
    1 point
  22. It's been and gone Martin but i am off work for a few days.. remember when we had that storm after Christmas? it completely destroyed my mums fence.. the concrete fence post disintegrated, she said it sounded like an explosion.. it set all the car alarms off in the street .. but she was going on holiday with her mates on the 27th for New Year and her back garden was exposed so she was a bit panicky. The days after Christmas when i should have been off work with my feet up, i was digging fence posts out of frozen ground so i could build a new fence.. they'd been set in concrete 70cm deep so i had to chip them out with a cold chisel in -10 tempratures.. then when i got home, i noticed the storm had blown the bargeboards off our gable end, they were in nextdoors apple tree so Christmas week for me was just work.. so i've took some time off now the rain has stopped..
    1 point
  23. Looks tasty. Is it your birthday Neal?
    1 point
  24. I live a university town, I see a lot of it already haha.
    1 point
  25. Healthy feet are cool!
    1 point
  26. Wait till mini-alien is a little older.. you'll see a lot of this^ biz at parents evening
    1 point
  27. Great Especially lovely the mostly blue sky.
    1 point
  28. Finally ACR goes barefoot/widetoe. 💪 upd: yeah, I remember there were five fingers.
    1 point
  29. Got ya' i used to call the cotton jersey type 'jog bottoms' or 'joggers'.. the Daley types trackies and lets not forget the shell suit for an air of sophistication
    1 point
  30. please post measurements post wash!
    1 point
  31. What would one consider a trackie in 2025?.. i haven't seen a Daley Thompson or Goldie Lookin Chain-esque trackie for years.. it's mainly sweatpants / drawstring pants.. yuppie types have been dressing them up for the office for some time.. worn with lofas, sports jacket.. knitwear and such, they can cost a small fortune, (£1000+) but if you saw a crackhead wearing them you would assume £20 from Sports Direct.. Tell us more of these fit ideas.. isn't it just denimz.. sweats, tees, jackets and pumps like the rest of us? You don't know that for sure.. she could be normcoreing like a mofo.. "i had one of them 2009 era denimheads at my checkout today".. she'll be saying on the middle-isle WhatsApp group.. When i go to the Tesco near work, i'm so threadbare that security clock me instantly and assume i'm either homeless or a shoplifter.. little do they know, i'm cultivating a sufu accredited WH jacket Viva La Nonsense!
    1 point
  32. So far I’ve not grown bored of the heritage workwear thing. I do recall getting bored with the vintage rockabilly uniform back when I was into that - gabardine shirts, pleated pants, suits, and such, probably due to my gradual disillusionment with that scene. Funny thing was, once I’d emotionally disconnected from it, on my occasional sporadic interactions with that world, I found I was having a much better time than I ever used to, and now I don’t mind mixing in that style of dress sometimes. But then again, from the mid 1980’s on, cuffed selvedge denim jeans were most definitely a part of that look, and I could never imagine wearing anything denim that wasn’t that. I will say that I started to find the basic Levis 40’s/50’s pattern kinda boring, so when fancier, more whimsical looking, turn of the (last) century waist overalls type jeans became available, I was captivated. Now I’m happy wearing either one. I’ve occasionally thought to myself, should I get some kind of neutral, contemporary cut suit of clothes (appropriate for certain occasions…) but then when I look at people wearing that stuff it just looks like shit to me. Uncomfortable low waist pants, pockets pulling, generally unflattering silhouettes. Maybe it’s just the particular set of goggles I’m viewing through but there it is.
    1 point
  33. @vIGGiou riou posted some pre and post wash measurements on page 16 on the At Last thread
    1 point
  34. When i lived out in sticksville.. one of the guys who went in the local boozer.. we'll call him Ken, cos that was his name.. he had shoulder length scraggly grey hair, bald on top.. he wore a metal tee.. often Saxon or Iron Maiden.. snug fitting, washed out typ3 over the top and a pair of washed out snug fitting Levis with a bit of a podge hanging over the top.. dude obviously reached his peak in 1979 and never managed to move on.. this was 2008. That's what we are.. the next generation of Ken's ..as i say, i'm not looking to change my style, i can appreciate trends vicariously through my offspring, i love my collection of jeans and i have enough clothing to last me another two lifetimes but for as long as i can remember.. i've always been absolutely obsessed by clothing and footwear.. even when i was a junior school kid aged 8 or 9 i would catch the bus into town just to look at the sneakers i couldn't afford.. whereas now i feel bored shitless by clothing and the only reason is.. i've been into the same shit for the last 20yrs.. bit of a paradox i suppose..
    1 point
  35. That’s an extremely powerful pre-soak fit bartles …. though the post soak is excellent too. Really all of these fits are great, you’re all getting things off to a tough start for the judges…
    1 point
  36. Wasn’t planning to WAYWT today but I liked this fit and was just standing around while my wife tried on some dresses. Viberg ball cap, Deluxeware thermal, McCoys A-2, Hollows belt, Flat Head 3003xx, Wesco 7500.
    1 point
  37. sassafras type 1 gardener jacket mont st. michel work shirt nudie ace denim jeans new balance 991
    1 point
  38. Talking of 'demonito's closet' ^ Can we get @edmond back?
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Forgive the sincere response, it's really all that I'm capable of. But I guess I see it a little differently - I was never too interested in the idea of cutting edge, in fact for years I enjoyed skateboarding in whatever hand me down gap and american eagle clothes that came my family's way, and only over time by hanging out in skateshops did I sort of go that way. Even at those shops I just wanted to find stuff that I felt "myself" in, whatever that means - stuff I was drawn towards tended to be more subtle I guess. In this way, I'm not dressing too differently than I was 20 years ago, which for some is sad and for me is something I'm content with, but it also just happens to work with the other facets of my life (most of the time, I can put on a suit if I need to). I just have mostly better versions of the same stuff - and that's why I like some of repro makers, because that's where you get the best versions of the basic stuff. I know the sort of consideration that went into it, and can appreciate it for that, but it's not much of a signal of anything other than ordinariness to most others. I have learned about and come to appreciate some of the more out there stuff, but it still is stuff that I feel "myself" in. Scare quotes because I don't put too much stock in that whole notion - I guess I don't really identify much with how I dress - or rather, it's something I find is fun to take an interest in and learn about, but I don't think it goes much beyond that for me. My deeper values or interests have tended to lie elsewhere. I think the closest it gets to having to do with values is that again - the jeans and sweatshirt, denim jacket etc is something that tends to disappear in public. It's ubiquitous - sort of a non-thing. Keen people can see it's maybe a nice version of a non-thing, and that's always fun, but in general - at least where I've lived, the way I've dressed has more or less been a non-statement - or for anyone who knows me, I've been in versions of the same thing forever. It's not really much noticed. Even back in my younger skating days I usually had the more anodyne versions of whatever was out there. I've never felt a huge need for a lifestyle to match up with clothing though. For context, I ran a marathon in surf shorts because that's all I had, and I couldn't be bothered to buy proper running shorts - finding them ridiculous looking and a waste of money. None of this means that I don't care at all what people think, it's just that if I find something I like and am comfortable in - it's pretty much case closed. The only thing I'm really not so chuffed on is that I still feel I've got a few too many things and not enough wear in some of them, so I've slowly been trying to whittle it down to the things I like the most and identify what's best for my daily uses. But um @exaptavist I do recall @Double 0 Soul posting a pic in his well worn Freewheeler 47's some time ago with recognition that they were indeed something solid. I'll admit, out of the repro brands, I do find FW the best, simply because they go the longest most reliably without having to repair busted ass threads or darn the crotch (good patterning!), both things I'm annoyed to do and have done with every other pair! I do agree that group think can kill flair, but like, we all came here because we really liked the most basic, ubiquitous garment on the planet.
    1 point
  41. A few details after a very cold 15min soak. Patch and Pizza details Unfinished Fly and the top button stitching Yellow and black waistband and belt loop stitching Off set left side belt loop Single needle cinch
    1 point
  42. So I did a load of steps yesterday... which really helped loosen them up. I ironed my jeans inside out when nearly dry to take out the crinkles... no hairy-ness as yet. This roping is going to be very tasty!
    1 point
  43. How are y'all feeling about the way you currently dress?... back when i was 20, i'd consider myself cutting edge.. i dressed like a cutting edge 20yr old, none of my clothing was easy to obtain or bought without careful consideration (i certainly wasn't shopping at Top Man) by the time i was 30, i dressed like a cutting edge 30yr old.. ie- 1940s Japanese repro sweatshirt, 1940s Japanese repro denim and old timey, handmade 40s era repro boots.. again, nothing one could buy on the highstreet. Coming here 15yrs ago, we were as cool as fuck but i've been stuck in this fucking loop of a rut for what feels like forever... we've all got old and the cool sufu style of days gone by is now just considered dad-wear The answer used to be 'just buy more stuff' which i did, but i was always bought stuff in our same 'repro' style which by now was already becoming pretty washed.. my journey through fashions was always organic and linked to my lifestyle.. when i was a young teenager, i would buy jeans from Bankrupt clothing, the brand was often irrelevant, as long as they fitted and looked dope, followed by (amongst others) >X for fashion / going out rave club wear, >skateboard / BMX jeans, Girl, Droors, Silas ect.. >vintage Levi's.. >LVC and finally JP repros all within a 15yr time span.. then my journey through fashion just stopped. JP repros are everything i ever want in a pair of jeans, they look great and fit my criteria perfectly.. i'm not looking for anything else but my god am i fucking bored! ! ! I looked at waywt probably 3 times last year and zero times this.. some handsome dude in a well worn pair of repros, a nicely fitted sweatshirt and a scuffed up pair of boots would make me go all gooey inside.. now it just makes me sigh.. We can never move on from this.. the brands are feeling it too with their imagined 1940, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59 and so on, repros.. they've milked the style for everything it's worth.. i can count on one hand how many threads i currently read and 3 of them have nothing to do with clothing.. so is this it now for me.., i'll still be wearing this same old 'stuck in 2009' shit when i'm 60? You might say just go buy some Techwear, Gucci or Maison Margiela for a change.., but i'm not that shallow that i would just buy into a brand that i have no affiliation with, it has to be part of my lifestyle.. i'm not the Gucci type, i'm just a bored sufuer..
    1 point
  44. Owner Redcloud overall MFG Co. has launched a new RueBlue line. You can find it on the international website. The price tag, of course, is quite serious. But my friend worked in China and agreed to bring me jeans. Like in the good old Soviet times. )) But he has an ambush with a length along the inner seam. Everything is around 30-31." I found only one pair of jeans with a length of 81.5 cm in the measuring tables. https://www.redcloudoverall.com/products/rc-240b-rueblue-tapered-denim-jeans-black Yes, there were W33-34s in the search. We bought it through TaoBao and they cost me 80 dollars cheaper. I don't understand why they were called skinnies. They are very similar in measurements to DENIME 66, in W32. And the back rise is a couple of centimeters longer. The length is at the limit, but I liked the pants so much. It is better to look at photos of the parts on the site, I will not do it better. As for landing, please. I apologize for the white tiles, but this is not a morgue, at least. ))
    1 point
  45. So the first 5150s I posted were a little less than chart, so Simo wanted to replace them... hence take 2 The new pair arrived last Friday - given the anticipation, I forgot the date stamp pic... so here's the delivery confirmation date and time instead 😉 Top job by Simo who's a top bloke... lovely denim, really well sewn... much slimmer than my usual which will take some adjusting... I do lots of leg weights to protect my knees... so the reasonably svelt top block and waist are snug for me... hindsight being a wonderful thing, I should have gone 1-2 sizes bigger (anyone wants a swap, hit me up ) Raw fit pics 1st wash was cold machine, hang dry; wore for a few hours. Then I rolled the dice... 30C wash, stretched the waistband while wet (which gave me 1cm) then hung dry... Meanwhile we went for pizza... alas, featuring FW WW2 denim Final pics are after a 3 mile walk earlier... pleased to hear there's more stretch to come too as I'm going to need it
    1 point
  46. Nonnative nonnative phigvel 301 wesco
    1 point
  47. OA01XX-0522 XX4 update 8 to 10 months of usage approximately
    1 point
  48. 1 point

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