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Roy. (expurgated edition)


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Sorry if this has already been posted, but I couldn't find a thread on this dude.

Has anyone around here heard of this guy? I have stumbled across his name and talents over a couple of blogs. It seems he started as a collector of sewing machines and became really interested in Jeans and has since attempted to perfect his skills at making jeans. I believe he made some canvas totes for Cone that were give aways at some trade shows. .

Here are some pics of a pair of jeans he has up for sale on the website.






I love plain rivets and those buttons holes are nuts. The plain donut hole buttons are also a nice little touch.

The price of a pair of jeans sewn by him is $150 made of Cone Mill selvage denim. Pretty good price. Anyone around here purchased a pair?

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  dralfonzo said:
they look nice I like the plain understated details. Look great for the price. Which blog did you find him on?

I agree with the understated details. No flare, just jeans well made plain and simple. I love it and at that price people should be snatching them up. I might have to buy a pair to see for sure, but from his mentions in blogs it seems like the craftsmanship is top notch.

One of the blogs I have seen him posted a couple of times on is:


The latest post is on his new website and attempt at a denim line.

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I am also wondering if this dude posts on here.

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Right now there is no good reason for me not to buy a pair of jeans. I just need to allot some money for them.

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Do post results.

I think he made Henry's jeans when he left Cone; they were amazing.

Remember there are lots of COne fabrics; not all of it is to everyone's taste, but the 1915 for instance (and I'd say the 1955) is as good as anything out there, period.

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  lostinthesupermarket said:
What's your take on the Black Seed, Paul?

And as a follow up, does anyone know if this guy uses it?

I really like the idea of the personalized chainstich embroidery...

The Black Seed is amazing; the real denim experts I know rate it too, but did mention it's very expensive. Don't know if ROy uses it.

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As Solix said Black Seed is Cone's premium line. It's made out of long staple pima cotton. They do it in both selvage and open ended style.


I have heard good things about it but have yet to see jeans made out of it. If Roy did it I would definitely be interested. I will ask him.

Thanks for the reply, Paul. Reading your Iggy book at the moment BTW. He was right... definitely not chopped liver.

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I emailed roy. the denim is a red cast. he feels that they are very close to japanese in terms of their "depth and touch". Im quite sure i understand that... I'll probably buy a pair later this month.

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  Solix said:
The Black Seed Denim fabricated by Cone. The seed in the name is just a reference to the cotton seed.

Edit: I think the denim IS black though and fades to indigo.

Black seed refers to the look of the cotton itself, which comes away easily from the black seed, before it's made into fabric, so it's a normal indigo. It's a Pima style cotton, essentially similar to the old Sea Island cotton used in the 20s, which is long stapl, soft and strong . Cone do produce a black denim, although, confusingly enough, I think that's part of their White Oak collection.

Edit PLease ignore the attempted explanation above and refer to ringring's instead. What I should also clarify is that, AFAIK, Cone Black Seed is a mix of the Pima cotton and a shorter staple variety. I've seen samples at Cone, it's absolutely beautiful, altho apparently pricey. It's a shame we don't see more of their specialised fabrics - it seems to be easier to find outlet for high quality Japanese denim than for high quality fabric from the Carolinas.

As ringring pointed out here before, Sea Island cotton was of fabled quality, used up to the 20s, when it was wiped out by the Boll Weevil, as mentioned in many blues songs of the 20s and early 30s.

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Traditionally, black seed refers to Gossypium Barbadense, which as Paul noted was the plant that produced Sea Island Cotton - it had a black seed. :)

As opposed to Gossypium Hirsutum, or upland cotton which has a much shorter staple length and has a green seed.

Pima is a cultivar of Barbadense, and has the black seed.

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  Paul T said:
Nice to see an expert round these parts - we've missed you! I've read my attempted explanation, it makes no sense (I plead posting before the first coffee of the day), yours is as illuminative as ever.

You made perfect sense to me.

Good to see you here again. And good luck to Roy.

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