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denime xx type & 66xx type 2 year contest


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in order to show the state of my 66xx, here´s a "family portrait" (taken indoors, bad lighthning, it´s raining 24/7 these days...)




from left to right:

samurai s710xx, 12 months

denime XX 15oz, worn by opeth

denime 66xx, 9 months

eternal 811, sth like 7-8 months

sda indy, few days

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beautiful family atzec. you guys (and beatle) like pics, so here's more taken today before the regular gig. i got a stone masonry job in the morn, so maybe i should've taken these next week after the weekly wash...but oh well enjoy



here's the fraying of the chainstitch at the top of the waistband. i think LVCs have this too, so i guess it's a true repro touch. note how frayed and tattered it is to the chainstitch that actually holds the waistband on. the waistband stitch is untouched, due to the tension of the thread which recesses the stitch into the denim so it gets far less abrasion. does anyone else have this. i like it. the top chainstitch did nothing to make the jeans last longer anyway...


the corner of pocket is coming undone. i'll fix it this week sometime...


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almostnice: Thanks! I need all the luck I can get to be competing with you guys! I got mine last year but just started wearing it yesterday. I have been exercising these days as months ago my weight kept fluctuating and the pair just didn't fit like when I first got them.

Atzec: Thanks for the complement! It's still not soaked though, I am contemplating if I should soak it. I am satisfied with the thigh and hip area, the calves are a little loose. It has minor hip flare which is negligible. And yeah, I am afraid the denim may "crack" as the denim feels stiff and brittle. Any comments or suggestions?

Eternal denims seem really nice and it has good fading potentials. I have been thinking of owning a pair of 811 for some time already. But between the contest pair and the "Blue In Green" pair, I am not sure about having the contest label on the exterior of the jeans. I guess I preferred the "Blue In Green" pair with its subtler details.

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A couple of quick questions.

Is temperature of 30°C a safe bet? How long (planning to wear them while soaking if the temperature is 30°C)?

Lastly, will it get the all shrinkage out of the way? How does shrink to fit denim work anyway, does it always shrink whenever it's soaked or washed?

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A couple of quick questions.

Is temperature of 30°C a safe bet? How long (planning to wear them while soaking if the temperature is 30°C)?

Lastly, will it get the all shrinkage out of the way? How does shrink to fit denim work anyway, does it always shrink whenever it's soaked or washed?

with a soak at 30° you won´t get all shrinkage out. it needs at least e.g. two washes at 60° to get ALL of it.

STF denim shrinks with every wash and streches while wearing.

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i have great news!!! (well, for me anyways but i wanna share!) a couple of months ago, my recently returned to me camera (long story involving ex-wife :mad:) was dropped at a Curious George show that i took the Quinnster to see. for my upcoming birthday, my awesome flathead wearin gal, took my camera to get fixed. they found that it wasn't the camera, but the lens itself had been damaged! so. . .tonight (just as i was uploading this vid to share with ya'll) she gave me my b-day presents (early cause i'm goin outta town). she bought me a new lens!!! how sweet is that! now, i can bring you denimheads more pictures! so look out for more updates in the future. peace out!
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all kinds of whiskes popping out...this pair is scary already. this pair will yield the killer contrast. bang bang, the shooter is back hoes! yo TV, WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE!!!


as hot as it's been here in the ole' virginny i've been hang-drying the denimes for the past 3-4 washes, and there's a noticeable difference in the texture of the denim as opposed to hot machine drying. the denim feels rougher, and more rugged in the darker, less abused areas, but the worn areas are rather soft in comparison.

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