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Ande Whall Denim


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I'm in for the deposit. Just say when, or are waiting till everyone agrees. Ande made some pretty sweet t shirts at one time. Maybe there could be a contest confirmation t shirt. I don't want the man to have more work but Those t's are sweet.

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I'm not opposed to the deposit system, but I think a lot of us would want some more concrete details before placing a non-refundable deposit. For instance, some pictures of the denim that will be used, and if the cut is set, or everyone can choose their own? (hopefully the latter). And when the contest will actually get underway.

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I'm not opposed to the deposit system, but I think a lot of us would want some more concrete details before placing a non-refundable deposit. For instance, some pictures of the denim that will be used, and if the cut is set, or everyone can choose their own? (hopefully the latter). And when the contest will actually get underway.

Agree, would like to know at least denim, cut(s), cost before putting down a deposit

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I'm not opposed to the deposit system, but I think a lot of us would want some more concrete details before placing a non-refundable deposit. For instance, some pictures of the denim that will be used, and if the cut is set, or everyone can choose their own? (hopefully the latter). And when the contest will actually get underway.


I live in SoCal so I'd like something on the lighter side, and if the contest denim turned out to be something super thick and heavy I would probably pass. I would want to know it's something I can wear in summer months before I throw $50 at Ande (which I have no problem with if I know what I'm getting).

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Hi guys. If they were to be made with all the selvage details, there would have to either 15 or 30 pairs for the competition. Poly and Robotbox are going to compile the names etc. So I guess the way forward is names, denim, design, dough, make, send, wear and win.

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Hi guys. If they were to be made with all the selvage details, there would have to either 15 or 30 pairs for the competition. Poly and Robotbox are going to compile the names etc. So I guess the way forward is names, denim, design, dough, make, send, wear and win.

I'll be sending out PM's to the list of 15 tonight and tomorrow. If anyone in that 15 decides to drop out, I'll keep going down the list.

Right now we have less than 30 people expressing interest, so we're gonna work based on 15 pairs for now.

Get excited!

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man, sign me up. fuck seeing what the denim looks like, guaranteed ande has that stuff dialed in.

+1 Count me in, people the worst that can happen is you will get a unique pair of AW jeans, there is no downside here.

I think basically everyone who ends up competing should concede the fact that they'll be battling for 2nd place, after poly...

This is true.


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If we are giving preference to people who are initially interested, then count me in. Though I haven't posted in the thread, I've been following he development of the contest posts everyday.

What has two thumbs and would give his right testicle for a pair of Ande Whall contest jeans? This guy!

This was my reply expressing interest a while back. I didn't get a PM though. Sorta bummed.

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I'm in! : )

Real quick, I had emailed Ande originally asking him about the contest denim and this was his reply:

The Special Roll model is different from the contest, the Special roll will be the third model up in the webstore and will change when the denim is all used up. The contest is a separate thing.

I guess I misunderstood his original post. The three rolls he mentioned are the three options that will be available in his webstore.

The contest denim, from everything I've gathered, hasn't been decided on yet.

just an fyi, if anybody was under the same impression I was.

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Real quick, I had emailed Ande originally asking him about the contest denim and this was his reply:

The Special Roll model is different from the contest, the Special roll will be the third model up in the webstore and will change when the denim is all used up. The contest is a separate thing.

I guess I misunderstood his original post. The three rolls he mentioned are the three options that will be available in his webstore.

The contest denim, from everything I've gathered, hasn't been decided on yet.

just an fyi, if anybody was under the same impression I was.

Thanks for the clarification.

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barely 3 months :(

Shitballs! How did you do that. Did you try to do a split while wearing Rakers?

I did something similar last week, though not as bas as that. Ripped my 14.5oz slackers along a whisker when I tried to jump up in the air for a photo in the snow. Hopefully Self Edge will finish repairs sometime next week.

I also ripped my grifters playing in the snow. Apparently I need to grow up and quit playing in the snow.

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