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Ooe-Yofukuten & Co.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How often does Ooe tend to make their more standard jeans? I think I've been looking on the S+S website periodically for over 2 years now for a restock. 

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Very hard to predict. I have the feeling they slowed down with their standard offerings since they started to branch out and offer more products (like the jackets, bags, etc.). before that it was around once or twice a year.
That said they also supply some smaller Japanese stores and maybe you have more luck in finding a standard 5P jeans there.

Barnstormers Gotemba for example will have some new jeans soon (although those needed a pre-order).

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Earth-shattering question:  Which way should the flap go?  First way hides the flap better. Second way protects the jeans from the prongs. The fate of humanity is in your hands.




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You’re almost half way there with the second option—pull the flap against the prongs so that they puncture it & hold it in place, then feed the flap through behind the hinge of the cinch so that it’s hidden behind the other side

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On 7/22/2021 at 6:11 AM, AlientoyWorkmachine said:

How often does Ooe tend to make their more standard jeans? I think I've been looking on the S+S website periodically for over 2 years now for a restock. 

I emailed S&S last week, and they said that there is an 01 restock in the works. There isn’t a timeframe, but when the time gets close, there will be a pre-order. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are the 03s and 1927s side by side.
I was reading the Barnstormer blog and the denims are actually slightly different despite looking very similar.
Main difference seems to be color with the 03 version being a bit darker. Looking forward to comparing them to my Roy's that used a similar lot of deadstock Cone.


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On 12/14/2020 at 3:51 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

Like with most Ooe, the differences are just the legs. 03 is the widest, a WW2 pair:



On 12/14/2020 at 3:52 AM, Broark said:

@JohnM my understanding is that it's the widest / straightest leg offering from OA, even more than the 01.
Also typically has WWII detailing.

Edit: b_F beat me to it. -_-

@nick682 Broark and beautiful_freak mentioned this a couple pages back 

hopefully it helps, but if you were after the 01s these should be up your alley 

Edited by olmecasteve
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5 hours ago, olmecasteve said:

Can you buy them directly from barnstormer or are you guys using a proxy?


5 hours ago, nick682 said:

I would also like to know this.  And is there info on the 03 fit?  I struck out on the 01s!

I get in touch with them via Instagram messages, might take them a couple days to respond but they're usually good about it

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14 minutes ago, JohnM said:

^ Nice Broark.  Anyone have a timeline on the OA03XX-BS?  Maybe the 1927 Cone model will come first, not sure.

Thanks John, 1927 is first (already sold out actually I believe), 03 to follow shortly after. :ph34r:

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^^ This isn't the first time I've seen this fabric referenced as being similar to the fabric(s) Roy used for his last round of jeans—is there any source for that, or is it just speculation? Would be interested in reading up, if so

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