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Sugar Cane Denim


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  Tenchi said:
Ooh didnt see that...but damn those pairs are sexy..

Agreed....but enough about Samurai in the Sugarcane thread.

Anyone have any experience with Sugarcane's chinos? I'm also eyeing the slim-cut Buzz Rickson chinos. I saw the standard-cut Rickson's at a store, and they're way too baggy.

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  bonanz said:
How did yours end up fitting after wear and washes? I was thinking about picking up some 47's but if they look for for 36 waist then i might reconsider.

I ended up selling them before even doing the first wash. They were SO tight in the waist and SO loose everywhere else that I figured it wasn't worth it.

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I almost did the same thing when I first got my pair of 55s. cut my losses, go with a slimmer jean, etc... Baggy with a tight waist just wasn't a good look. But I went to a lot of trouble to get those jeans and had wanted a pair with those deadstock zippers for a long time. If I was to take a massive hit selling these jeans, I figured I might give them some time to grow on me. And grow on me they did. I stopped worrying about what other people may think of the fit and just started to wear them. And they got more and more comfortable over time (they were pretty comfortable to begin with). And the denim is totally unique. Not really slubby or anything, but different to any other denim product I own. And hairy, something that bothered me at the start, but now miss on jeans that don't have it. Now I give them at least a wearing a week. Sometimes, if I go out with a slimmer jean like my Ande Whalls, after I come home, I change into my SCs just to lounge around the house with them. I totally don't regret buying them and am glad I didn't sell them when I first panicked over their fit.

But to each their own, I guess. There are some who really wanted a slimmer fit, and really, if I hated the fit, I would definitely have sold it. life's too short to hang onto something you're not going to wear. That being said, in my case, I'm glad I didn't. :)

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  gimmegimme said:

Anyone have any experience with Sugarcane's chinos? I'm also eyeing the slim-cut Buzz Rickson chinos. I saw the standard-cut Rickson's at a store, and they're way too baggy.

i don't have experience with their chinos, but i saw they do a sugar millet/cotton blend chino pant.


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i havent been keeping up on this, they are basically a patchwork of different types of natural indigo sugarcane denim? if so, they should have a really interesting fade after a long ass time

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So I'm in a bit of a tight bind. I can't decide: 47's, hawaii's, or okinawa's? Anyone that can tell me the biggest differences? As far as I'm told, the oki's and hawaii's are the same fit, but what are the major differences.

I've also got some questions:

1. So how much will a 30/34 Sugarcane shrink if I soak it?

2. And does anyone have pictures of themselves/someone else in any one of these pairs: 47's, Okinawa, or Hawaii?

Thanks for all the help

Can't wait to order them. :)

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Mmm just arrived in the mail yesterday was my Sugar Cane X Begins in raw/32".

I took a snap with my 1947's laid over the top, soi you can see how much they're probably going to shrink if they go back to the same tagged size!

They got a 2hr hot soak in salty water and I nearly cried at the amount of colour that came off in the bath, but Ill remeasure them when they're dry.



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I picked up a pair of the Okinawa One Wash Indigos and I want to fade them faster than wearing it everyday for a year. Any recommendations? I saw the a couple of pairs of jeans in on the wall display at Self Edge and I want this pair to look that those.

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  brentos said:

So I'm in a bit of a tight bind. I can't decide: 47's, hawaii's, or okinawa's? Anyone that can tell me the biggest differences? As far as I'm told, the oki's and hawaii's are the same fit, but what are the major differences.

I've also got some questions:

1. So how much will a 30/34 Sugarcane shrink if I soak it?

2. And does anyone have pictures of themselves/someone else in any one of these pairs: 47's, Okinawa, or Hawaii?

Thanks for all the help

Can't wait to order them. :)

Here's some photos of Okinawas:


Also, most retailers, including ourselves sell Sugarcane jeans in their one-wash state, therefore they don't require a soak and shrinking will be minimal once you do wash them.

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  brentos said:

So I'm in a bit of a tight bind. I can't decide: 47's, hawaii's, or okinawa's? Anyone that can tell me the biggest differences? As far as I'm told, the oki's and hawaii's are the same fit, but what are the major differences.

I've also got some questions:

1. So how much will a 30/34 Sugarcane shrink if I soak it?

2. And does anyone have pictures of themselves/someone else in any one of these pairs: 47's, Okinawa, or Hawaii?

Thanks for all the help

Can't wait to order them. :)

I tried on the Okinawas, Hawaiis, and 47s at my local shop (Collier in PDX). I don't remember the 47s fit being different or the same, but the Hawaii and the Okinawa fit exactly the same. The Okinawa was a DEEP blue almost black, whereas the hawaii was a fairly rich blue, like you would find in a color book. The 47s were not quite as dark as the Okinawas, but much closer to them than to the Hawaiis. Also, the Hawaiis and the Okinawas felt much rougher than the 47s when worn or handled. Hope this helps.

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  brentos said:

So I'm in a bit of a tight bind. I can't decide: 47's, hawaii's, or okinawa's? Anyone that can tell me the biggest differences? As far as I'm told, the oki's and hawaii's are the same fit, but what are the major differences.

I've also got some questions:

1. So how much will a 30/34 Sugarcane shrink if I soak it?

2. And does anyone have pictures of themselves/someone else in any one of these pairs: 47's, Okinawa, or Hawaii?

Thanks for all the help

Can't wait to order them. :)

I tried the Hawaii's in a 31 (my normal size is 30) and the sat very high and the legs were too short (I'm usually a 34). I ended up getting the Okinawa's in a 31. I may be mistaken, but they seemed to sit lower. I think the actual measurement on the 47's inseam is a bit shorter than stated too. Okay, I got sucked in by the python patch too...

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  individualsole said:
I picked up a pair of the Okinawa One Wash Indigos and I want to fade them faster than wearing it everyday for a year. Any recommendations? I saw the a couple of pairs of jeans in on the wall display at Self Edge and I want this pair to look that those.

Can't rush a beautiful process...no better way to fade jeans than to just wear them...otherwise you should just buy them distressed already (which on Sugarcane's...doesn't look the same).

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Ah I've just broken out my okinawas for the first time today. The denim is fantastic, the fit is pretty loose so be prepared for that, unless you want to size down I guess.

I don't think you get all the details of the hawaiis/okinawas on the standard 47s and the indigo used for each is different... but I guess you knew all that anyway.

I'm enjoying mine today!

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  JBee said:
and dont they bleed!!!

mine have been worn only a few times but they have destroyed the footwear on each occasion.....

No kidding...I was walking home one day holding a book at my side...but the time I got home there was a dark blue line where the book was brushing up against my leg! :eek:

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  gimmegimme said:
No kidding...I was walking home one day holding a book at my side...but the time I got home there was a dark blue line where the book was brushing up against my leg! :eek:

Same with me - I was walking holding my daughter's natural canvas violin bag for her and got indigo all over it from my Hawaiis.

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i have the hawaii, if you want to get them to stop the crocking a bit faster.. cold soak them a second time even if they are one washes already, and spin them in the washing machine to get the excess water out. i did this not only does it get rid of the ichyness but also made them stop bleeding all over everything from the slightest touch. it does not take out any noticeable color.

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  llit said:
Mmm just arrived in the mail yesterday was my Sugar Cane X Begins in raw/32".

I took a snap with my 1947's laid over the top, soi you can see how much they're probably going to shrink if they go back to the same tagged size!

They got a 2hr hot soak in salty water and I nearly cried at the amount of colour that came off in the bath, but Ill remeasure them when they're dry.



Sorry for double post. I've been searching for a Cane x Begin in size 30 or 32 for a while but they seem to be sold out everywhere. Any help would be highly appreciated. :)

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