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Iron Heart Jeans

Guest Guy H

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As I remember, Giles basically said IH would keep making them as long as people keep buying them. I think he's already done a second order, based on demand from the initial run.

Beatle would know better than I do, of course.

Alright awesome thanks! I really want to pick up some BBs in overdyed when they come out, but I have no money right now. lol. And I wanted to sufficiently wear my Strike Golds before moving onto any others.

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If you guys remembered my buddy's SR's @ 2 months here they are now. That was back in June, so I guess that would make the 9 months old.




this needs to be on every page; foc'n unbelievable!

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^Pretty much summed it up. Construction, skating, working on auto.. Dude gets down right grungy.

btw can we get any fitpics!...

If you click on the 2 month link and view it in-thread, I'm pretty sure I posted fit-pics of them a couple posts afterward. I'll try and get some updated ones too tho.


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Hey solix, feel free not to answer if you don't want to share this kind of info, bit could you tell is what your buddy does in those jeans? those are some brutal fucking fades and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's curious as to what the wearer does in them.

Im a Construction worker in Chicago and Im wearing my SR's to work for about 3 weeks now. It is my first pair of "good" jeans ive worn to work and in 3 weeks the fades I have gotten are more pronounced then the Levis XX 55 501s I wore all summer.

Construction=Killer fades.

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