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Japan Blue Momotaro


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Ok boys...I picked up the 0705SP's in size 33. When I went back to BiG, I was able to button them all the way. They are snug now, so they are going to be perfect in bit. I am going to wear these everyday for awhile then work in my Somet's 018's and N&F Kevlar's in a couple of days out of the week. These Momo's are a great pair of jeans...I will get some fits pics up soon.

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The president and manager of Momotaro came to SESF for a beer tasting party we had last week and dropped off these cool mousepads.


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^Doesn't really match the SE aesthetic IMO but I know Momotaro is trying to go big internationally...Wonder who else will carry them? Apparently they're going all over the US looking for stores...

I was kinda hoping that Context and BiG would be enough for them. Maybe they'll tap Blackbird Ballard or Blue Owl...

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Totally agreed on above!

The travel-show narrator and that canned porn-movie music is barf-worthy, as are all the pretentious douchebags feelin' up that pretty denim. But I loved the production footage.

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