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I sure as hell hope you're not talking about me.

I still don't fully understand the sneaker collecting culture which surrounds me at times. It's not something which i've been involved in but i can understand the dedication to a physical item which a person feels a connection to.

sadly, the current sneaker collecting "culture" has less to do with the physical item itself and more to do with the idea of having the item. (or more specifically - the idea of having an item that nobody else has)

my current dilemma is - jungle cloth vs trading in my semi-busted 15+ year old moonbeam for a comet. i had a dream last night i got thrown out of selfedge ny for asking to see these ahead of release, is this a sign?

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sadly, the current sneaker collecting "culture" has less to do with the physical item itself and more to do with the idea of having the item. (or more specifically - the idea of having an item that nobody else has)

so you don't think some consumers buy for "the idea of having the item?" you don't think limited production runs feed this trend?

are not some consumers trying to hide their 'beasting with a romantic ideal of an item's perceived utility and or craftsmanship?


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That's much too logical, beats.

I spend a lot of money on clothes because I don't have a girlfriend at the moment, and wearing MFSC is the closest thing to sex for me.

ahhhh. Did I tick you off in your "for profit" thread?

I get the feeling you are obsessed with thinking that everyone is a trend hypester and that you need to help them 'see the light'. Unfortunately, I think most people think you just come off sounding a bit like a dick.

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jeeez...how much longer will this be a topic to discuss ? Buy what you like - like what you buy.
That's much too logical, beats.

I spend a lot of money on clothes because I don't have a girlfriend at the moment, and wearing MFSC is the closest thing to sex for me.

I get the feeling you are obsessed with thinking that everyone is a trend hypester and that you need to help them 'see the light'. Unfortunately, I think most people think you just come off sounding a bit like a dick.

so buy what you like and what you want? how does that coincide with this?

quote from SF:

As far as escapism, it just seems so fake. To use your example of white collared harley riders, I always have to roll my eyes when I see clean-cut guys with the pristine Harley jackets, stone washed jeans, and white sneakers riding down the road on their shiny Harley. I'm not saying they don't have a right to ride a Harley, it's just that they really look like they should be riding a Honda Gold Wing. With any style one chooses to wear, it helps if it actually fits with the lifestyle and possibly the surroundings in which one lives.

so role your eyes at "fake" bikers but not fake workwear folks? what if they just like white asics and fresh leather? what if they like "chunky ball shoes" with skinny jeans? who are we to call them not runway enough?

i'm not calling anyone anything or claiming to be anything. i just think this topic is the center of our culture right now. and in a way, the better we understand it; the better our art will get. b/c regardless of the "why," we all appreciate the aesthetic.

again, i'm not pointing fingers just trying to play the devil's advocate.



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That's much too logical, beats.

I spend a lot of money on clothes because I don't have a girlfriend at the moment, and wearing MFSC is the closest thing to sex for me.

I get the feeling you are obsessed with thinking that everyone is a trend hypester and that you need to help them 'see the light'. Unfortunately, I think most people think you just come off sounding a bit like a dick.

I don't think everybody is a trend hypester, but when sufu floods in with a bunch of ex-nike freaks beasting over the next "happening thing" it gets a little annoying.

I don't even care if people are into nikes. It is possible to be into two different types of culture. I just don't like the beasting and consuming involved. The sneaker "culture" seems to exemplify that mentality and I don't want workwear to turn into that.

And I don't want anybody to see any light, just call a spade a spade and admit to being a beast. Stop claiming quality and craftsmanship when it doesn't matter if the shit is sitting in the closet. Admit that the "limited quantities," "special edition," "collab" - ness of the whole thing is what is driving this crap.

Jungle Cloth? Ain't many even seen "Jungle Cloth" before, but it is the hypeness, dopest, shit to drop. I gotta gotta have it. Must have jungle cloth, blah i'm done.

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From the MF thread:

I feel like it is someone's duty to snap some of y'all out of it.

I don't know why you care so much about what other people are buying and (not) wearing. It reminds me of the hate related to gay marriage 'diminishing the sanctity of marriage' bullshit, like it somehow effects how you feel about your own clothing.

If I own three pairs of jeans, wear them frequently, and haven't worn Nikes since fifth grade, am I allowed to claim quality and craftsmanship? Please say yes.

Congrats on taking another thread far off track.

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Awesome. Now, the trick is figuring out by whom it shall be rewarded. And if she'd let me wear my MFSC during.

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I don't think you read my post.

I don't care if you are into nikes or what not. The two are not mutually exclusive. Just stop hiding your consumerist drive and beasting in a veil of quality and craftsmanship.

As someone else pointed out, I do like that you can easily pass judment on white collar harley riders for their lifestyle not matching the way they dress.

Are you a sailor? Cuz you sure look like one in a lot of the pics you post. Does your lifestyle match the way you dress?

I feel like I am in the dragon's lair of beasting. This being the selfedge thread and all.

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Now I am lost. Shall we only wear clothes that match our work / job ? Does Zissou have to be a sailor to wear a pea coat ? Or for that matter - should everybody wearing Rick Owens garments be a model ? I don't get it ...

I didn't say that. Zissou said that in a post referenced earlier. Care to explain further zissou as to why one's lifestyle needs match their dress? Just as you said you giggle at dude's with harleys that don't fit the part.

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And I don't want anybody to see any light, just call a spade a spade and admit to being a beast. Stop claiming quality and craftsmanship when it doesn't matter if the shit is sitting in the closet. Admit that the "limited quantities," "special edition," "collab" - ness of the whole thing is what is driving this crap.

Jungle Cloth? Ain't many even seen "Jungle Cloth" before, but it is the hypeness, dopest, shit to drop. I gotta gotta have it. Must have jungle cloth, blah i'm done.

i can't rep so i quoted for greateness. he/you make a great point about the jungle cloth.

@ rnrswitch

blame the internet mister..

blame the internet or blame the internet marketing; the push to 'beast. we aren't kidding ourselves are we? guns don't kill people. people kill people.

From the MF thread:

I don't know why you care so much about what other people are buying and (not) wearing. It reminds me of the hate related to gay marriage 'diminishing the sanctity of marriage' bullshit, like it somehow effects how you feel about your own clothing.

If I own three pairs of jeans, wear them frequently, and haven't worn Nikes since fifth grade, am I allowed to claim quality and craftsmanship? Please say yes.

Congrats on taking another thread far off track.

first, i see what your point is about the same sex marriage. in that sense i totally agree, but i'm not sure that's whats happening here. the analogy is off a little. but we call agree on marriage equality... right? we're all just people regardless off how runway we are or our skin color or what not. lets not get personal.

second, taking threads off track? no new threads?. you guys are the elders here, the custodians of this place. do you want it to stagnate into an online dive bar for old guys with fancy clothes? I hope we can all respect the clothes for how they look and appreciate them as "Art." art has to evolve. i know you are all concerned with that evolution of the art you help to create, sometimes literally, and more often with your power as consumers. (and when you buy a Porter toothpaste sleeve, are you not really a patron of the arts in the truest sense? brand loyalty=supporting the arts for the online generation. Think Redwing, pendleton, porter) ..I digress. my point is these conversations will shape the formation of the next big thing; for us and potentially the bourgeoisie. b/c i buy what i like. and my style does evolve. and you can only copy a copy so many times.

tl;dr these conversations shape the evolution of the things we love; for however many different reasons.


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You guys have until the time Sidney gets me final photos of the SEXT11 to shit up this thread.

Hurry up and make your points, you have about 4 hours left till the photos and measurements go up then i board a flight to London. Sybaratical and Tweeds, get ready.

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