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Self Edge, SF/NY/LA/PDX - updates & info


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What does that have anything to do with Sonny or the 81?

He actually did talk about Obama and both him and his wife expressed their happiness for having a president that "isn't Hitler".

In his words.

What does this have to do with sonny barger? Oh I don't know you posted a link to an article about sonny barger. I assumed we were allowed to ask questions about meeting him and how being around him was, because we all love motorcycle gangs.. right?

Maybe I should have asked if he sized down on those iron hearts or who makes a better repro: LVC or sugarcane. What does he think of the new mister freedom line?

I just know that the angels were anti-black back in the day and it would seem they are still anti-black and I just wanted to know how he felt about it. Also, it is good to know that sonny sets a high bar with the President. It is hard to beat out hitler. Also didn't sonny barger start the whole nazi paraphenalia within the angels?

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Ok then.. enough of the Sonny Barger questions.

If anybody is curious beyond this, email me, come into the store and let's talk, or drive out to the desert and ask Sonny yourself.

Make sure you call first, his house is well prepared to deal with uninvited guests.

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just want to ask, can we get the grey version of the dry bones twisted chambray through the online store?

The grey version is only available at SENY, call us up and you can place a phone order, same price and free shipping still:

212 388 0079

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Any imperial collab update??

September 5....

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just read that Sonny Barger clip from CH. I was kind of surprised to see Sonny endorsing a brand or a retail store, as in a way, it goes against what I've read of him, but I could be really off base. Cool read in any light, and even though most might not agree with a lot of his views, he is an extremely interesting person. Someone who knows shit, not just knows about it from a book or webpage. Anyhow, good connection Kiya. Definitely shows the big steps SE is making. Congrats.

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I have been away from SuFu for years...what is the story with you and him rnrswitch?

Check the distressed denim thread. Nothing big I just had a chance run in with him at a tattoo convention some years back.

edit: here ya go.


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Just an update.. The SEXI08 18.5cm jean will be released on September 5th.

Photos, measurements, and specs will be up on Monday.

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Is Self Edge going to carry the 3sixteen outerwear from the Fall/Winter collection?



We have partnered with Kiya Babzani of Self Edge San Francisco to open Self Edge New York, which will carry the entire 3sixteen collection every season, as well as product manufactured in small numbers exclusively for the store. SENY will become 3sixteen’s marquee retailer in New York.
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Kiya, will you be gettin a restock of the 3sixteen black coated.

We got a big 3sixteen jean restock today, but no more black coated till October.

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Hey kiya jut wondering if the price for the sexi08s is higher or the same as sexi04s, thanks

Price for the SEXI08 is $345.. producing them in Japan and using the type of denim which we did raised the costs on this one.

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Price for the SEXI08 is $345.. producing them in Japan and using the type of denim which we did raised the costs on this one.

Wow. I think I'll still cop a pair though.

It's a bit early, but I think remember you saying that the SEXI08s will be true to size, right? No sizing down like the SEXI04s? Or maybe I was dreaming.

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Yup, they run true to size, they come +1" over tagged size and shrink to the tagged size.

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Price for the SEXI08 is $345.. producing them in Japan and using the type of denim which we did raised the costs on this one.
Yup, they run true to size, they come +1" over tagged size and shrink to the tagged size.

oh dear. better get this job thing goin. cant wait:)

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All the 3sixteen jeans have been added to stock and the missing sizes have already sold out. We're getting more of the SL-200x black selvedge ones on monday..

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can you tell me what size sid's wearing in this shirt..



Size 38.

Keep in mind Sid also wears a size 27 or 28 in all Flat Head jeans.

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