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  GreenFrog said:
just ordered some 007 one wash jeans! im excited, but I sized down so I'm expecting the waist to be fairly tight.

in the case that they're REALLY tight, should I just wear em to stretch out?

at what point do I know they're TOO tight and that I might want to size up one more?

You should return them the moment you get them and size up. I'm not joking (0). All the homies in this thread lookin' like women.

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for real. people need to learn how to size on jeans.

there's more to it than just the waist measurement.

they give you a table with all the measurements for a reason.

and besides, asking for sizing advice on the internet isn't really helpful.

people will tell you TTS, size down one, size up one, purely based on your waist measurement.

truth is, they don't know what the rest of your legs look like.

just because someone has the same sized waist as you doesn't mean they can give you good sizing advice.

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It seems the xx are the type that represents PBJ. But here I present to everyone in PBJ some AI-002s that has a month of wear into them. Since these are natural indigo, not much has been going on. Please comment and tell me what do you guys think of these.





It seems though since my wallet is too big, I get two creases out on the sides of my hip...

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They look like a great fit, and I love the texture of those jeans. The XX is the standard since it's been around for a long time, is available for a lot of cuts, and is at a friendlier price point than the AI. If my wallet would allow for it, I'd likely have an AI, either from PBJ or Oni.

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I got some PBJ 007s in one wash and I tried on sizes 28 29 and 30.

Size 28 was unbelievably tight and would never work out.

Size 29 is very tight, and I just barely was able to button all the buttons (on an empty stomach in the morning)

Size 30 is kinda tight, but I could see the waist stretching a bit too much for my liking.

So I'm wearing the size 29s right now and they're sitting at my hip bones right now, where my waist is the widest. Despite them being very tight (I can't put anything in my front pockets), should I wait it out and let them stretch in the waist? I like how the thighs and calves fit in the 29, but I don't like how the thighs and calves are in the 30.

Pics in size 29:




These are kinda tight in the thighs, which is surprising becuase I'm really skinny and these are practically skinny jeans now.. similar to my dior 19 cm fit.

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So I've worn my 007s for a day now and the waist is stretching nominally, which is good. It definitely needs to stretch a bit more to be comfortable though. The thighs are also pretty tight. These are practically skinny jeans. I'm starting to wonder whether I should have kept the size 30s. Depending on how much the waist stretches, the size 29s are either the right size or one size too small.

That being said, I'm looking at the creases that are forming on my jeans and I'm kind of worried about the honey combs. I thought that stiff denim like this would form these tight, crisp creases -- as if one were to fold a fresh sheet of paper. But the creases on my denim aren't crisp and sharp. They're more 'thick' and wide. Dunno if I'm explaining that correctly. Bottom line is, I'm worried that my honey combs will be more 'muddy' when they fade instead of crisp, thin lines.

Anyone have any input on this?

Edit: also another annoyance is, even though I intentionally push my jeans down to sag them for crotch room, after walking around for awhile or sitting down and then moving around, the jeans will naturally rise up higher on my waist, causing the crotch region of the jeans to actually make direct contact with my crotch. This feels and looks weird, especially when I'm sitting down, because it looks like I have no crotch area at all. It's like how girls' jeans have no space between their nether regions and the denim. Any way around this? I think it may because my hip bones are wider than my upper waist, so the jeans naturally incline upwards where it will fit better, instead of wanting to stay put on my hip bones where they're tight as fuck.

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Hey Sufu,

I'm a bit of a denim newbie and I think I really fucked up here, so I need some help. Yesterday I went to BiG to get a new pair of jeans. When one of the employees asked me what size, I stupidly said 29, as that is the size I have gotten for all my APCs in the past, it is sized down two from my real waist size. I tried a bunch of pairs on and ended up settling with size 29 PBJ XX-005. They fit perfectly, like i had previously experienced with my other APCs, they were a little tight in the waist, but I figured they would stretch to become comfortable after about a week or so. When the employee saw how they fit, he said it looked good. I asked him if it was too tight in the waist and he said it was perfect. When I got home, I looked a few things up about PBJ and I found out that you need to pre-soak them. I figure, if I were to do this, they would shrink to a point where they would be unwearable, and would not ever stretch to a point where they would become wearable. Is this true? I got them hemmed a little bit, so I guess I wont be able to exchange them. So I guess what I'm asking is do I need to pre-soak them and did I get the completely wrong size?


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