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Quick question for those that have the P24A-DS.


I wasn't able to try them on (Haven never got these) so I was wondering how much looser they felt compared to the P10A-S. I'm typically a size 36 but when I tried the Large P10A-S, they were definitely tight on me. The P24A-DS measurements look a bit more like a relax/straight fit so I might be able to fit into a (slightly over priced) XL that's still available over at Union. 



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So, here is a really easy way to explain this for retailers of ACR GT jackets since they're the largest customs hit. It is basically trying to get the jacket properly classified. Here's some boilerplate for you fellow f®iends with duty troubles. This is attempting to frame the classification as 6201.99.8030 @ 4.2%.

6201 (jacket) 99 (performance recreational outerwear of other textiles) 8030 (subject to other textile restraints because its nylon faced) 


As a disclaimer this ain't legal advice, this is simply my experience and my understanding of these authorities.

I would like to confirm that this works in Canada.  Please note that the first six numbers (6201.99) apply to Canada (as the first 6 digits are harmonized world wide) but the last 2 digits are unique to country.  I can't recall, off memory, what the exact last two digits are in Canada.


You're still going to pay taxes, though.

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I usually wear L, went with L for the P24A-DS and XL P10A-CH. I'd say they fit about the same around the waist.


Not sure if I'll be able to wear my normal P10 after having worn the P10A. I'm going to miss those pockets.


(sizing discussions are the bane of this thread ; )

Edited by kraak
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I would like to confirm that this works in Canada.  Please note that the first six numbers (6201.99) apply to Canada (as the first 6 digits are harmonized world wide) but the last 2 digits are unique to country.  I can't recall, off memory, what the exact last two digits are in Canada.


You're still going to pay taxes, though.

I would also like to say that most states impose a tax equal to their sales tax on use of property within their jurisdiction where sales tax was not paid on the initial transaction.  ;)

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A lot of conflicting testimonies on here surrounding the Presto sizing and fit. Could someone who owns a pair (or three) please clarify for those of us who might not have the opportunity to try them on in advance? Also, 'size-up' and 'size-down' don't seem to help when one is trying to establish their 'true'/point of reference within the Presto sizing spectrum and logic. 

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Quick question for those that have the P24A-DS.


I wasn't able to try them on (Haven never got these) so I was wondering how much looser they felt compared to the P10A-S. I'm typically a size 36 but when I tried the Large P10A-S, they were definitely tight on me. The P24A-DS measurements look a bit more like a relax/straight fit so I might be able to fit into a (slightly over priced) XL that's still available over at Union. 



I definitely wouldn't size up on the 24s, they're a really big fit as it is, unless you're really tall, you're going to get mad stacks as well with the XLs. If you're a 36 waist, I'd say you need large. Im a 35" waist and they're loose on me. Probably the only Acrnm pants I could ever size down on.

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A lot of conflicting testimonies on here surrounding the Presto sizing and fit. Could someone who owns a pair (or three) please clarify for those of us who might not have the opportunity to try them on in advance? Also, 'size-up' and 'size-down' don't seem to help when one is trying to establish their 'true'/point of reference within the Presto sizing spectrum and logic.

Imo it depends where you are relative to the sizing. I'm a US 10.5, went for the mediums (10-11) and they're super snug. If I was closer to an 11. I would have had to size up to a large. If I was a 9, I might have sized down to the small. Does that help?

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Quick question for those that have the P24A-DS.


I wasn't able to try them on (Haven never got these) so I was wondering how much looser they felt compared to the P10A-S. I'm typically a size 36 but when I tried the Large P10A-S, they were definitely tight on me. The P24A-DS measurements look a bit more like a relax/straight fit so I might be able to fit into a (slightly over priced) XL that's still available over at Union. 



Haven't tried the P10s but they're not skinny in the slightest. I am almost positive you'd fit in the XL. Also, odd that Haven didn't get them in-store as that's where I bought mine (but from their online store). 


Edit - if your question was "will I fit into the XL?" then yes, but with room to spare I would think. If it's "will the XL be snug on me?" then no, they'll be baggy AF, but that's a better look for these IMO. They remind me a lot of the P1TS-S but much more tapered below the knee, and with a much bigger waist (my P1s in size M are almost too tight and the P24s are waay bigger in an M than 33.5".

Edited by drgitlin
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I usually wear L, went with L for the P24A-DS and XL P10A-CH. I'd say they fit about the same around the waist.


Not sure if I'll be able to wear my normal P10 after having worn the P10A. I'm going to miss those pockets.


(sizing discussions are the bane of this thread ; )



I definitely wouldn't size up on the 24s, they're a really big fit as it is, unless you're really tall, you're going to get mad stacks as well with the XLs. If you're a 36 waist, I'd say you need large. Im a 35" waist and they're loose on me. Probably the only Acrnm pants I could ever size down on.



P24 could either be sized down or true to size on but would never consider going up a size. The XL I have fits pretty wide but surprisingly still managable to wear in my opinion. Only real probably would be too much stacking which can be fixed with a cuff like in the fit pictures.



Haven't tried the P10s but they're not skinny in the slightest. I am almost positive you'd fit in the XL. Also, odd that Haven didn't get them in-store as that's where I bought mine (but from their online store). 


Edit - if your question was "will I fit into the XL?" then yes, but with room to spare I would think. If it's "will the XL be snug on me?" then no, they'll be baggy AF, but that's a better look for these IMO. They remind me a lot of the P1TS-S but much more tapered below the knee, and with a much bigger waist (my P1s in size M are almost too tight and the P24s are waay bigger in an M than 33.5".

Thanks for all the feedback guys! 

@drgitlin Haven definitely didn't have any pants in XL. They may have had the P24's but I must have over looked them when I went to the store to check out the pieces in person. It always sucks when you overlook one piece that quickly becomes a must have... and then realize, it's sold out everywhere else. I may have no choice but to go with the XL's or wait for the P24A-S. 

Which leads me to the next question... DS vs S. I'll have to dig up more on the debate of these fabrics, but correct me if I'm wrong when I say that DS seems to be a little more forgiving? Where as CH seems to be the most comfortable of the bunch?

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Thanks for all the feedback guys!

@drgitlin Haven definitely didn't have any pants in XL. They may have had the P24's but I must have over looked them when I went to the store to check out the pieces in person. It always sucks when you overlook one piece that quickly becomes a must have... and then realize, it's sold out everywhere else. I may have no choice but to go with the XL's or wait for the P24A-S.

Which leads me to the next question... DS vs S. I'll have to dig up more on the debate of these fabrics, but correct me if I'm wrong when I say that DS seems to be a little more forgiving? Where as CH seems to be the most comfortable of the bunch?

CH is comfortable when it's hot as buggery outside. DS has more stretch than the others. S not great for summer, but the hardest-wearing.

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Imo it depends where you are relative to the sizing. I'm a US 10.5, went for the mediums (10-11) and they're super snug. If I was closer to an 11. I would have had to size up to a large. If I was a 9, I might have sized down to the small. Does that help?


i wear an 11. faced this dilemma, went headfirst into a pair or large's. made the right decision. the L i'd say is a TTS 11.5 but considering the shoe, with a thick sock it fits me really well. friend who is a 12 would have to go XL. i haven't consulted anyone else bc i don't know anyone else who has them. 


hope that helps.

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Willing to draft customs ruling request for a peek at someone's subnet. Will draft Washington State nondisclosure agreements too so I can never tell...

Just kidding—but honestly, thanks for the rep. Really excited about Acronym. Been eyeing this stuff since forever and starting this January went on a shopping spree after reselling stuff. (By the way the US allows a refund of duties if something you paid duties on was subsequently exported).

Since January I've purchased:

3A-3TS, APM 100

J1A-GT, J55-MP (Black), J47A-GT, J28-K (Sand/Olive)


P20-S (Black), P10-DS, P15-S (RAF Green)


I also have a J46-WS, J43A-GT, P23TS-S (Black), and a P10A-CH (Black) coming.

On that note, Acronym occupies a weird space in my own consumerism. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I think the price is justified as there is inherent value in both materials and the designs. Acronym's garments go beyond mere simulacra that other clothing brands' designs result in. Acronym is doing something new—that is hopeful. As much as the designs seem to co-opt militaria or invoke a dark technological dystopian future, I feel that they make me feel more more Star Trek than Akira. Further, Errolson and company are not selling a lifestyle, celebrity, or any of the bullshit accoutrements that other brands sell—they're selling some dope-ass feature-laden modern weather-armor.

Finally, I think one of the best parts of Acronym is the worldwide nature of the brand. There are core fans distributed the world over, this forum is constantly updating, and, due to the global nature and high cost of the brand, tax geeks like me get to play apparel arbitrage.

Edited by CARLOOA
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A lot of conflicting testimonies on here surrounding the Presto sizing and fit. Could someone who owns a pair (or three) please clarify for those of us who might not have the opportunity to try them on in advance? Also, 'size-up' and 'size-down' don't seem to help when one is trying to establish their 'true'/point of reference within the Presto sizing spectrum and logic.

I'm a US9.5 and went with S. Found the width perfect but I have an extra inch of toe space(standing).
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"Mommy, look! Ninjas!!"

"Now, don't stare, Fabian OH MY GOD!! They've got purses *under* their coats!!"

I walk everyday in downtown Seattle toward the Amazon and the only Acronym pieces I have seen are a 3A-1 on an Amazonian and a J1A-GT on a dude near the University of Washington.


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I walk everyday in downtown Seattle toward the Amazon and the only Acronym pieces I have seen are a 3A-1 on an Amazonian and a J1A-GT on a dude near the University of Washington.

I've seen two 3A-1's in Seattle and I know one of the guys at Totokaelo has an acronym jacket, but that's all I've seen in like 4 years here. Seems like an Arc'teryx town through and through ;)

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Not in Seattle but have family there and went to visit twice in the past year and interestingly enough during both visits I saw someone in ACR at the Starbuck's Reserve Roastery. If you guys are trying to find ACR heads, maybe you'll find at least one there lol (or perhaps it was one of you).

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Not in Seattle but have family there and went to visit twice in the past year and interestingly enough during both visits I saw someone in ACR at the Starbuck's Reserve Roastery. If you guys are trying to find ACR heads, maybe you'll find at least one there lol (or perhaps it was one of you).

I live in fairly close to Cap Hill and take visitors to the Church of Starbucks frequently. I wonder if this was me. What was the person wearing?

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