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Sprogs, nippers, bambinos: pint-sized denim

Paul T

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Gotta start him off right before the aunts and grandparents get in there... I wish I were craft enough to make a chambray onesie or something!

This might seem important to you now but when your wife gives birth denim will be the last thing on your mind!.

In 6 months or so when you have your head around what the heck has just happened, The bags under your eyes will diminish and thoughts will return to denim.

Enjoy it man.

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Does your kid suffers the same fate as mine fre-co.. Cute boy long hair. Daily somebody says to me "Ahh isnt she lovely" or "whats her name"

Hes a boy!!!

Usually the older generation.

They're never too young to start cross-dressing, he'll thank you for the character-building experience in the long run Double-O.

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  • 8 months later...
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  • 6 months later...


It's been a good wee while since I have posted around these parts.

Largely due to family explosion.

My oldest is just about to grow out of his WeSC Buddy selvedge (the youngest is still wearing a pair handed down from her brother - they have been great). I have been looking a round for some selvedge for a 5/6 year old, but nothing is jumping out.

Any tips? Cheers

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  • 6 months later...

My 6-yr old son (nearly 7) has had numerous selvedge pairs from Gap (1969 collection I think) and WESC. He now wears non-selvedge Levis 510 skinny fit as I can't be bothered to look or pay the ridiculous prices for the few brands selling it. I do, however have a pair of raw, original 1960s kids Levi's 502 redlines in size W25 for when he's a few years older.

EDIT: congrats on the forthcoming baby Hammer IH!

Edited by Maynard Friedman
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  • 7 months later...

Joining this club early next year for the first time. I know it will be a while until he/she can fit anything but thinking about laying in a few pairs now for fun while I still have spare time and a few extra bucks...


Who is currently offering kids sizes? Will entertain anything from toddler up through 4-5 years old. Thanks for pointers!

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CS - Kings of Indigo look like they have a quality offering if you're willing to spend a bit. Never seen them in the flesh though, seem a bit rich for kids clobber.

My lad has a pair of Gap selvedge. I'll get some photos up the next couple of days.

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Thanks for the tip I will take a look.


I had checked Gap, currently only offering "faux-selvage" on the kids models.  :(


Wish Samurai still made models like the ones fre-co posted above. Those look great.. and from my experience Samurai fades fast enough you might actually get some wear on a pair before the kid grows out of em.

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That's a shame. The UK ones were legitimate. I'll keep an eye out, if they come back in stock I'll drop you a pm to arrange sending over if you're interested.

You'll see soon enough mate, when they start moving properly they can fade even the most stubborn denim!!

Edit: congrats by the way

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I have a few pairs of kids selvedge jeans to get rid of - Gap and WESC, they're just languishing in the cupboard. I'm not looking to sell, just have my postage costs covered. I'll put the details up soon.

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Can't believe I've missed this thread. I've been wanting to get my 9 year old lad some jeans for a while. Like all kids, he wears his clothes hard, and the fake wear on all his existing jeans just seems shameful given what he can do. Didn't even think of H&M as an option, so cheers for a great thread

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Here are my lads Gap jeans. He's wearing these for the DWC so started around early April. He probably wears them twice a week & went through quite a lengthy spell wearing only shorts in the summer. If it was up to me he'd wear them all the time but I share him with the wife who usually overrules me.










For a £20/£25 pair of jeans (can't remember exact price) they're really good. They've got raised belt loops and are developing some very nice train tracks. Whiskers and honey combs haven't really set in as they were pretty soft to begin with, which I think is fair for kids jeans - it'd probably be a bit unjust to expect my 3yr old to wear rigid denim. That said, the denim is significantly heavier than normal kids jeans. Not keen on the unnecessary selvedge on the belt loop but you can't have it all. 

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