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Sugar Cane Denim


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  Lars said:
Are Levis doing anything about the other japanese brands? Sda and warehouse have much more similar back pocket stitching than SC..

since they are made for sale in the japanese market only(until recently) they couldn't do anything about it, now that they are coming to the states....i hope not.

i saw a brand called bootleggers in americaya in ueno, exact same thing as levis. but they just changed the name to bootleggers.

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  beatle said:
Beatle says " Buy em while they still have the arch"

just checked looked into this at the hinoya site:


what it's saying is that the 47s have been without the arcuate stitchings beginning August 23, 2006. yes, if you love the arcuates, get them while you can!

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aren't the '47s one of the few canes with a levi's arcuate? the rest are either the circular okinawa/hawaii design or the lazy lee "S"

and that's bad to hear about the loss of the arcuate on the '47. i'd still buy them, but less incentive to now. maybe it's time to stitch my own arcs onto blank pockets,a la ryu.

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Just have a questions for any HKers on SuperFuture...

I was just wondering how much Sugar Cane's sell for over there? I believe they can be found at 1001 Originals...

Just would like the heads up for the next time I go over there to make sure I pick up a pair.

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but i don't think the rest of the companies are trying to make a dent in the american market as sugarcane is. like BIG has oni's and studios and samuari's but they are the only stockist of this shit in north america as far as i know. Sugarcane is trying with the help of history preservation to break into the american market it seems

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Ya, watchman, the way it has been explained to me is that the copyright is not valid in Japan for whatever reason, thus all the companies with very similar branding. However, when you get to be a big enough player at all in NA, or where the copyright is valid (maybe refer to Denime in UK), then Levis radar spins.

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Ya, watchman, the way it has been explained to me is that the copyright is not valid in Japan for whatever reason, thus all the companies with very similar branding. However, when you get to be a big enough player at all in NA, or where the copyright is valid (maybe refer to Denime in UK), then Levis radar spins.

I think it's more of an issue of attitude toward copyright. in the states, you can copyright pretty much anything and courts are much much more likely to side with the copyright holder than in any other country in the world. The reason Sugar Cane (and other denim makers) can get away with it is that if Levi's would sue them in Japan (or in Europe), they most likely would not win anything, if more than a few cents per jeans (let's face it, you kind of can't confuse a pair of SC with a pair of Levi's). while in the states, Sugar Cane would be in grave danger if being sued...

although it regard patents, the RIM/Blackberry case is very similar. this small bullshit company managed to win 650 millions in the states for a bullshit patent (and something that should not have been patented in the first place anyway). at the same time, courts in Canada, the UK and other countries in Europe wouldn't even want to hear to suit cause they all said there was no ground for it. there's a reason why lawsuits concerning copyrights or patents are always in the states...

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  wilwin said:
Just have a questions for any HKers on SuperFuture...

I was just wondering how much Sugar Cane's sell for over there? I believe they can be found at 1001 Originals...

Just would like the heads up for the next time I go over there to make sure I pick up a pair.

Depends. The 47's run about 1280 Hong Kong Dollars. Didn't see any at 1001 Originals but did at Take5. If you hit Taiwan, they'll run you about 5000 NT (New Taiwan Dollar) at Faith (although their stock is really small so everything pretty much has to be ordered).

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In respect of the missing pocket stitching, I received this from Paul at the UK SCs distribution site:

many thanks for your mail. When we became the distributor of Sugar Cane, we decided collectively that Sugar Cane back pocket on the SC41947 looked to similar to that of Levis. To avoid any confusions, Sugar Cane agreed with our request and are re-designing the back pocket detail. in the mean time, until a new design has been agreed by all of us, all of the SC41947 will be available with plain pockets or the stitching removed so consumers can become accustomed to accepting that this style will be changed in the new year as a sudden change over night may be hard to accept. The Jeans speak for themselves and we felt that we do not have to have a pocket design that resembles any other brands. I have seen some of the possible designs put forward and believe what ever is finaly chosen will be unique.

Possibly translates as 'we nearly got our *sses sued', but that's a matter of interpretation.

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Guest jeffvyain

it's our intellectual properties laws that result in the US being the biggest entertainment country in the world, without contest. those laws are the only thing keeping america leading the economic world.

sucks for jeans. but thank the fuckin lord they're as strict as they are here, or your ideas would be worth shit

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