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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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picked these up for $40 just because why not. the rise is a bit short but i might be able to pull it off once in a while. just figured what the heck. dont see many pairs of worn and faded geisha pairs around and i'm too impatient to break out my denimio pair yet. wish these fit a little better.


denim feels a lot heavier than texas cotton even though the weight isnt that much different.


GA0510LXX. unknown size but they fit like a  size 3. fit pics to come later.










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^ Never saw this Geisha brand before but I can see a good denim evolution potential in them if wearing them the hardcore dry way from the beginning

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Ed, I'm sorry to phrase it like this, but grow the fuck up dude! I totally respect all that you've done for this community, the passion you have for denim, and the relationships you've developed over your many years of involvement in this scene. But inclusivity is a fundamental component of a group like this, and it's clear to me that you have a very particular vision of what this community should be—one that discriminates by gender, sexuality, race and national identity; one that sexualizes women, uses "gay" as a slur, suggests that the women of a person's country are all whores, and denigrates anybody who might think otherwise—in short, a community that seeks to make anyone who doesn't agree with your politics feel unwelcome. Much of the reason I buy jeans from denim retailers is because I have a great deal of respect for the folks I've met in this industry—Jay and Kevin from Blue Owl, Kiya and Tyler and Young from Self Edge are all great guys and combine a passion for denim with an appreciation of all the people who might be interested in it. Honestly, though, I would never buy a pair of jeans from you because of the way you treat people, and I'm sure there are others that feel the same way. Hopefully there are some reconciliations you can make in the future; the community would be much better off for it.

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  On 6/1/2016 at 11:35 PM, chicote said:

Ed, I'm sorry to phrase it like this, but grow the fuck up dude! I totally respect all that you've done for this community, the passion you have for denim, and the relationships you've developed over your many years of involvement in this scene. But inclusivity is a fundamental component of a group like this, and it's clear to me that you have a very particular vision of what this community should be—one that discriminates by gender, sexuality, race and national identity; one that sexualizes women, uses "gay" as a slur, suggests that the women of a person's country are all whores, and denigrates anybody who might think otherwise—in short, a community that seeks to make anyone who doesn't agree with your politics feel unwelcome. Much of the reason I buy jeans from denim retailers is because I have a great deal of respect for the folks I've met in this industry—Jay and Kevin from Blue Owl, Kiya and Tyler and Young from Self Edge are all great guys and combine a passion for denim with an appreciation of all the people who might be interested in it. Honestly, though, I would never buy a pair of jeans from you because of the way you treat people, and I'm sure there are others that feel the same way. Hopefully there are some reconciliations you can make in the future; the community would be much better off for it.


Chicote, I understand where you are coming from but one thing you have to realise is that this is an online public forum that is pulling people from all over the globe together. Ed is a dude that grew up in probably a fairly racist environment with a slew of other issues (i find most Asian countries to be some of the most racist and backwards places on earth), which means he will carry those thoughts and ideas elsewhere. 


Is it a big deal in the grand scheme of things? No. Phrases like this don't bother me at all, maybe some people are pretty up tight about what they read on the internet and how people elsewhere in the world think but I feel you may need to take a step back and just see that Ed is all around a good dude. He's polite to everyone (never seen him say anything hurtful to anyone), he gives back to this community, I get a pretty damn good laugh at a lot of Ed's posts, just like if I would if i was to go see Jim Jerreries or Bill Blurr doing some stand-up again.


The world is a big place, the internet connects people from all over together, your ideas of what should and shouldn't be said on a public forum come from your more than likely Westernized view of the world. 

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Im sorry for it but i mean i didnt mean anything racist ir watever you call it im just speaking my thoughts . We dint need to be overly serious about this. Have you been to japan chicote not as a tourist . But try to talk to alot of japanese after work hours . You might commit suicide on things they say about women and how they talk about fetish and sex. And the fact that i was shocked at first but it slowly grew in me and yeah thats why they call me the unkle. Karanimal those are kind words i appreciate that seriously , chicote dont have to buy from us we are expensive and shipping is slow.

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  On 6/1/2016 at 9:52 PM, edmond said:

would love to smell the crotch on those geishas chan


they smell better than you could ever imagine Ed, like CK One and Kit Kats. I also forgot to mention they even had a crotch repair. i wonder how much grinding caused all the crotch wear?

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Ed, if you'll allow me to paraphrase, you're saying "I knew that (x) manner of speaking is offensive, but now I've gotten used to it, and so now it's no longer offensive." We don't have to continue this in the public forum, but either way, I am not sure we're going to find any common ground if that is your starting point.


Karanimal, I don't think that a person's culture or familial background necessarily determines their politics. I also grew up in a racist society—in fact, as the modern construct of race was cemented by Europeans during the colonial era, it's arguable that racism is fundamentally a greater part of Western society than it is of any society in eastern Asia—but regardless, the degree to which discrimination exists in a particular place is unimportant as it's altogether a global phenomenon. In the six months I spent working in Thailand, Cambodia and India I met a number of people who were bothered by these sorts of comments and by the culture that perpetuates them, and who, despite not having "Westernized" backgrounds, are actively working to change the environments they exist in. In fact, the crudest encounters I had during my time in each of those places were with Western tourists, who felt they had the right to insult (or ignore—see redragon's comments on his trip to Bali in the Warehouse world tour thread) each country's culture, abuse their women, treat their workers like dogs and their cities like amusement parks. I can guarantee you that if you were to ask many of the folks whose livelihood depends on their acquiescence to the desires of these tourists and their adaptation to the cultural mores that they bring with them, you would find many who are bothered by this dynamic, and who do find it a big deal in the grand scheme of things. It's fine that you find an offhand comment harmless, and I don't expect to change your opinion through directly opposing it, but I would invite you, also, to take a step back and see that this sort of comment is made in the service of a greater system of power that actively contributes to the suffering of a great deal of people.


One of the wonderful things about an internet forum, as you said, is that it brings together people from different backgrounds who would not otherwise have the opportunity to interact. I won't say any more here but would be happy to continue to speak in a message.


Sorry for taking up space in this thread with unrelated stuff. To get things back on track, here are a few of the pairs in my rotation: PBJ xx-009, Sugar Cane slack denim, Red Cloud R400H



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Whoa thats long dude yeah we get your point but really dont you wanna smell a girls crotch before you go down on her? Well yeah smelling a girls jeans crotch would be awesome too

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  On 6/1/2016 at 11:46 PM, karanimal said:

The world is a big place, the internet connects people from all over together, your ideas of what should and shouldn't be said on a public forum come from your more than likely Westernized view of the world. 

Sounds like the typical SJWs coming out of college in the US these days, sociology degrees in hand, with their safe spaces, no platforming, triggers, fear of microaggressions, and lack of love for freedom of speech.

Now I've gone all political; anyway, I hope Ed doesn't change!

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  On 6/1/2016 at 11:35 PM, chicote said:

I totally respect all that you've done for this community

if you're referring in any way to this forum, note that ed has always posted disturbing comments like this


edit: wow skimmed this little discussion, wish i hadn't, wtf..

Edited by ironheartfan123
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  On 6/2/2016 at 5:18 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

The Geisha line is part of Samurai Jeans :)


Thanks a lot for explanation!! 

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  On 6/1/2016 at 11:46 PM, karanimal said:

(i find most Asian countries to be some of the most racist and backwards places on earth)


The world is a big place, the internet connects people from all over together, your ideas of what should and shouldn't be said on a public forum come from your more than likely Westernized view of the world. 


irony ain't your strongest suit eh? 

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