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Well I'm on the west coast, so I can't make it. But tell Richard congrats on the continued success.

Unfortunately, I can't make it either. I'm in the south right now, so I can't stop by til' December.

But def congrats to FF. Their staff's always friendly and accommodating.

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i read that voltage rating for tokyo is approx 100volts (50hz) for the electric outlet. i'm pretty confident i can plug my u.s.a. digi camera charger (110v-240v rating )into that outlet without an adapter. but just wanted to verify if i can do so without any consequences. (i serched voltage/electric/electricity & didn't get anything). thanks in advance

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You can plug anything in, it won't have a negative effect unless whatever you're plugging in has some sort of motorized mechanism like a fan or something that is effected by the Hz. My computer is always dying because of the fan sucking but I am too lazy to replace it.

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from t.v. and in certain situations the original use of ky was just saying "ky."

for instance if some girl had a bad break up with her guy, and she's drinking with her gang to drown her sorrows... suddenly that guy comes in the same bar with a new girl. if that shit goes down, people recently say ky. it can probably be used in other contexts, but the most common way i've heard it used is just people saying "ky" in certain situations. kuuki yome, or kuuki yonde. "read the atmosphere" / "understand the vibe."

sorry, but i can't think of anyother way to explain it, but i am sure you get it. i personally have never heard it to belittle or adjectify a person...maybe its just me.

hanpa nai is common. i wouldn't say that it's some phase only slang shit cause i used it without even thinking about it and it's been said for the longest.

ginza and aoyama. or just try omiai pubs. they have certain ones for ages. if you are seriously seriously interested i can get you locations...

Makes sense, wasn't contradicting (far be it from me to correct a native speaker) just saying I've heard it used differently recently.

I guess I just associated hanpa nai with slang since I only hear it when out with groups of young friends, I guess it's more of just a useful word for foreigners or jax or whatever since using it appropriately will get somewhat of the reaction he was looking for.

Hmm... omiai pubs. Somehow I have a feeling that even if I knew places I would never go.

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I don't know how they stay in business, they're so out of the way from everything else. great store though

Yeah I'd have to agree here. They are a great store that I drop by fairly frequently, but most people won't bother to walk all the way over there if they can buy the same products elsewhere. Lately though, Famous Friends seems to be losing exclusivity to brands that were once hard to find in elsewhere. If I can buy the same brands at Atrium (aka AMJACK heaven), what does that say for Famous Friends? In the end, perhaps being so far east will keep the integrity of the store in tact. As long as they can maintain their ability to be the first on the block with good labels, they should be fine. Also in many ways, being out of the way of the classic Soho-to-Nolita-to-LES loop is a good thing.

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Yeah I'd have to agree here. They are a great store that I drop by fairly frequently, but most people won't bother to walk all the way over there if they can buy the same products elsewhere. Lately though, Famous Friends seems to be losing exclusivity to brands that were once hard to find in elsewhere. If I can buy the same brands at Atrium (aka AMJACK heaven), what does that say for Famous Friends? In the end, perhaps being so far east will keep the integrity of the store in tact. As long as they can maintain their ability to be the first on the block with good labels, they should be fine. Also in many ways, being out of the way of the classic Soho-to-Nolita-to-LES loop is a good thing.

FF is the only NYC-based store that carries DBSS. In fact, Atrium doesn't carry ANY of the brands at FF's showcase tonight (check their website).

Also, FF really isn't that far away...if you don't mind walking. Then again, I'm used to it.

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I think the problem w/ FF is that they need to play both sides of the fence because they don't have the cache/fan base of say Atelier (black goth/ninja) or Seven (electro/neu-rave) or the major breathe/accessibility of say Opening Ceremony, so they can't afford to go all up-and-coming labels w/ an unproven guarantee to generate a solid stream of revenue since they are so small. They still need to provide "accessible" labels that are similiarly sold at Atrium, etc. to draw in the casual buyer and then introduce them to the more niche labels. I feel FF is a good intermediary between the super-niche boutiques labeled above and the more accessible boutiques like Atrium and Steven Alan. Being so far out there doesn't help either but in general helps to maintain its allure. Remember FF was the first boutique to ever carry Nudie jeans in the states (at least from what I remember).

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I'm planning a 6-night trip for the end of the month. Airfare + hotel from LA amounted to $1100 (we're planning to stay in Shinjuku). I'm alloting about $600 for meals + daily excursions + such. That leaves me with $900-1000 for shopping. I don't honestly intend to buy that much stuff - pair of Flat Heads, perhaps either Eternals or Samurais, Head Porter pouch, maybe some Visvims if I can find Hockneys anywhere.

Am I insanely underbudgeting???

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Herp, you got pics? I haven't seen those yet.

I think the problem w/ FF is that they need to play both sides of the fence because they don't have the cache/fan base of say Atelier (black goth/ninja) or Seven (electro/neu-rave) or the major breathe/accessibility of say Opening Ceremony, so they can't afford to go all up-and-coming labels w/ an unproven guarantee to generate a solid stream of revenue since they are so small. They still need to provide "accessible" labels that are similiarly sold at Atrium, etc. to draw in the casual buyer and then introduce them to the more niche labels. I feel FF is a good intermediary between the super-niche boutiques labeled above and the more accessible boutiques like Atrium and Steven Alan. Being so far out there doesn't help either but in general helps to maintain its allure. Remember FF was the first boutique to ever carry Nudie jeans in the states (at least from what I remember).

I guess it helps that FF records all of their customers' e-mail addresses. That's a good way to keep in contact with a loyal base.

I don't think they want to compromise their identity as a carrier of the latest Japanese labels just to draw in the HonestForum crowd. And considering we really don't have any information about their revenue or their financial history, we can't really assume that they need to.

At the very least, their website should be updated. Their "Brands" link still doesn't work. xD

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Remember FF was the first boutique to ever carry Nudie jeans in the states (at least from what I remember).

I think you're right on this one. I remember in 2002 (maybe 2003?) going in and the salesperson was showing me their first run of Regular Ralfs.

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i like the galliano one but 500,000 yen is out of my range.

The junya one is 100,000. I don't think it's as warm as a leather jacket but hey it looks good.

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is that scan from HUGE?

I like the jacket, but could probably never find one in my size. Especially if 10 Corso is already sold out of longer ones.

Yeah, the scan is from the newest issue of HUGE.

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I'm planning a 6-night trip for the end of the month. Airfare + hotel from LA amounted to $1100 (we're planning to stay in Shinjuku). I'm alloting about $600 for meals + daily excursions + such. That leaves me with $900-1000 for shopping. I don't honestly intend to buy that much stuff - pair of Flat Heads, perhaps either Eternals or Samurais, Head Porter pouch, maybe some Visvims if I can find Hockneys anywhere.

Am I insanely underbudgeting???

i'll be headed there for 6 days during thanksgiving week. your air+hotel is cheap. damn, i spent $1300 flying in from s.f. & im staying in a small hotel in shinagawa. i'm gonna bring about the same amount as you are or maybe an extra $500. gonna bring my visa & atm just in case i get ripped off at the red light district in shinjuku. hahaha

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i'll be headed there for 6 days during thanksgiving week. your air+hotel is cheap. damn, i spent $1300 flying in from s.f. & im staying in a small hotel in shinagawa. i'm gonna bring about the same amount as you are or maybe an extra $500. gonna bring my visa & atm just in case i get ripped off at the red light district in shinjuku. hahaha

did you use a japanese travel agent to book your flights?

during thanksgiving, there is no way that the ticket from SF, which is so damn close to tokyo, costs 1300.

I will be traveling on dec 15th to tokyo. the second week of december is the MOST expensive week to travel to japan in any given year.

im flying from VERMONT to narita for 1199 all included.

you just got clowned, son

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check this club out if anyone is going to tokyo http://www.ageha.com/, this club was nuts, first off there was a bus that picked us up, and then took us across town to a big wharehouse looking building but when I went inside it was like another world. One thing about japanese clubs is that the people are more into the dj playing music so when you walk in a room the people are facing the dj and swaying back and forth which took some getting used to. But in shabuya it was a different story, because its more of a tourist spot and alot of us military go there to get loose.

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