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Why do you WAYWT?

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So at one time or another, we all stumbled upon the WAYWT thread. For many it was a shock. To outsiders, it's definitely supergay.

I know that finding a thread full of pictures of other guys seemed so bizarre, especially when tied to a topic as mundane as "what are you wearing today."

Yet we all return, browsing, critiquing, flaming, and repping. It all draws us back.

I know I look at WAYWT as inspiration. I never would have known that dior jeans could look good relaxed until 78 came along. I never know that pinrolling could look legit until Milspex and Sidney put their different spins on it. WAYWT opened me up to hundreds of new brands and different aesthetics.

But more than that, it's an interesting evolution of internet personality. Look at Kix, who went from hypebeast to pinrolled white jeans. Look at Chard, who went from nudies and nikes to flatheads and vans. Look at Tangerine, who's branching into streetwear with supreme and visvim. And someone please pull up the picture of Carl in the pink dunks and huge jeans.

You can say all you want about "the sufu look." There's definitely similarities in many of the posters, but there is still an amazing diversity of aesthetics. Look no further than Chris and Cheep. Or Crillz and Ayn. Or Digital Denim and Milspex. Just a few examples, but you get the point.

So what brings you to WAYWT.

For posters...is it E-fame? Sharing your aesthetic with the world? Promoting your products? Earning rep?

For viewers...inspiration? Looking at guys in tight jeans?

Feel free to sound off...this is supertrash after all.

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I guess it started for me as wanting, for some reason, to "Share my aesthetic with the world", but now its more of an style diary for myself. its nice to have the possiblity to look back on alot of outfits, what works and what doesnt.

I´d lie though if i´d say im not interested in what other say. Its "always" cool with feedback.

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I guess it started for me as wanting, for some reason, to "Share my aesthetic with the world", but now its more of an style diary for myself. its nice to have the possiblity to look back on alot of outfits, what works and what doesnt.

I´d lie though if i´d say im not interested in what other say. Its "always" cool with feedback.

pretty much the same for me, I guess that I like to be somewhat creative with what I wear compared to the average guy, so its nice to share that with some people with a similar interest in fashion / style. and its also neat to look back, I've been posting in waywt for a year and its pretty funny to compare some of the pics :P

and yes I'd be lying too if I said I don't care what others think, of course I do a bit, it might not dictate my style or aestethic but its always nice to get comments.

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For feedback, which never seems to happen beyond "I love that fit" or "That band sucks!"

Also due to the fact that doing it started to make my peen grow at a fairly swift rate, which seems to be petering out now I've rinsed the band tee/Rakers tucked into hitops look to death.

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Really good question this man...But you didnt add, what about the people that go around all the fashion forums posting their hella sick fits every single day. (and there really is a whole heap of them).....surely one common ground is enough...What is the reason for doing that as well???

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It's entertainment. I've learned from WAYWT...

DH19s, APC, Supreme and Vans are part of the SuFu uniform.

Thank you for entertaining me. It's like watching a car wreck sometimes...

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Interesting topic, I suppose there are quite a few reasons to post in WAYWT. I dont post that much, but I guess when I do post I feel that I am trying to contribute to the thread and (I'm a little ashamed to say this) get respect from othe SF heads. Often Ill see someone's post and I think why would you even post that fit? I guess that inspite of the name I would only post if I had a worth while outfit to show for. Additionally, I do see this as a way to watch one's own style evolve and to not only reflect upon ones self, but also get (sometimes) constructive criticism from others (this goes back to the respect thing I guess, respecting the opinions of ppl on here). I have respect for those that post often and get props, but Im just too broke to do it at the moment also my work uniform is just redundant.


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terribly disfigured actually, from trying to rack 'Lo from Bloomie's when

Bangout Mcnastypants was on security duty.

he caught the ill jean paul gaultier parfum bottle to the face.

i've seen the myspace.

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i'd rather be raised by feral beasts than beat my wife is all i gotta say, cheeples.

me too... and wolvie, and you too j... you are doing a fucking meetup when im in town... you can wear a mask if you want, but im buying you a fucking beer.

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another day… another fit…

in a darkened bedroom somewhere on the planet… perhaps a bathroom mirror splattered by toothpaste… somebody is contorting the body… desperately trying to fit as much as they can into the mirror… in the hand is a camera phone held to partly conceal the face unsure of whether they will be received with open arms… the outfit is carefully chosen…

the urge to post…

this may have come from a recent purchase… a want to show the taste makers that one understands… a longing to belong to a group… for a few laughs…

how ever the bug is caught… it becomes addictive… after the first time… however well received… there is an urge for more… better… a new camera… a tripod… better light… more clothes… the posts more complex… titles… 1 pic 2 pics… a link… hidden angles…

a collaborative visual diary…

something i wrote last week thinking about waywt...why it is done why i do it...for almost a year it has been my main means of keeping a record of what is happening in my life...a way of expressing things that make more sense with less words...

i can read my posts like a book... a story...a true visual diary..i am lucky to afford the time to do this...and even luckier with the notion that there are people who understand...both the urge...and in at least one case the content...

nice fits everyone

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ive been a reader on and off sufu for a few years now.. i only just recently got an account b/c ive just moved to the states and as gay as this might sound.. mayb meet some ppl in my area with a common interest.

posting on waywt for me has been a number of things mashed together..

sharing my ideas, picking out ideas.. give and take...

(///_-) and to work some myspace angles.. (jk):)

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  • 2 months later...

..is because I really have nothing else to do with my spare time (seeing that I'm a bum

that hasn't applied to any colleges to transfer into yet and that is unemployed). Also

sidneylo's website kind of inspired me as well, thought it would be cool if I too were to

snap a photo of what I wore each day for an extended period, I'm thinking multiple

years though. Just to see how my own personal fashion/style evolves and changes.

Eh.. who am I'm kidding?! I do it for the e-fame!

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