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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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  drugs! said:
i got a hat

i got a shirt

i got a sweatshirt

i got a jacket

apc new standard

The name, the picture...icon_gu_b_slayer.gif

And please, everyone, Mikeys mocahomosins are supertrash. U G L Y, them shoes is ugly. And you still owe me for that Agnes B my friend and glad to see the Justins gettin some playin time ;)

Jantastic - It would be like you to swim with balls near your chin.

78 - Hate the shirt, love the shoes.

Icarus - Very nice. And good on you for being one of the tolerable new posters in this thread.

And lastly, there are two certain individuals that seem to have taken a liking to super saturated pictures. Makes me feel a little vacuum.gif mixed with a little icon10.gif

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  fade to black2 said:
mike, is that N(N) hoodie from this season or last's? I've noticed browns' has a hoodie like that up in the new stuff, but i remember seeing a multi-pocket hoodie like that last season (dont know if it was that color tho)...i want one of those.

probably last, maybe even one before. the new collection has a 2 pocket one I think.

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carl the moccs are hot, you know it...dont lie.

yes i do owe you for the sweater.

Mr LoweryI fucking love the sweatshirt. I was gonna ask you where and how much then saw it was number (n)ine and said fuck it....too broke.

chris nice to see you posting again.

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