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What are you wearing today? (pics only)


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  l3ootlegs said:

MMJ x Epilogue - beanie

AA - hoody

Lad musician - tee

dsquared2 - belt

neighborhood - sp narrow blk washed

madfoot! x neighborhood - slip-on

you look confused. nbhd with a d2 belt and aa hoody?

its like wearing hysteric glamour and supreme and julius altogether. maybe throw in some BxH into the mix too.

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  backinthetrees said:
^^ thanks.

btw, bootlegs, are you chinese?

nope, but just in rush today. so can't find my regular belt...um..sorry..:P what's wrong with chinese? r u chinese "backinthetrees"? i am from taiwan ...and ya...i knew that belt was weird..ha! but in a hurry today..so..

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  backinthetrees said:
you look confused. nbhd with a d2 belt and aa hoody?

its like wearing hysteric glamour and supreme and julius altogether. maybe throw in some BxH into the mix too.

i respectfully disagree. i dont think a persons outfit should be dictated by brand (unless of course youre wearing nike shoes, with an adidas shirt, and a reebok hat. but thats an entirely different matter). if you saw him on the street, you wouldnt think there was anything wrong with his outfit. except that belt. that buckle is horrible. not to mention the way its hanging.

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  red said:
i respectfully disagree. i dont think a persons outfit should be dictated by brand (unless of course youre wearing nike shoes, with an adidas shirt, and a reebok hat. but thats an entirely different matter). if you saw him on the street, you wouldnt think there was anything wrong with his outfit. except that belt. that buckle is horrible. not to mention the way its hanging.

he aint perpetrating, BUT, the schematics of the belt (mainly) COMPLETELY threw it off.

d2 is such a gay brand.

i think his jeans are a little too high.

get your sag on, son!

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  backinthetrees said:
not an excuse, 13 oot legs. shldve gone beltless. and hoodyless and shirtless

lotsa chinese kids (esp here in singapore) have a bad habit of stacking everything "cool" together. so you get a dude wearing some snopants, a red camo bape shirt, unbuttoned, a preme box t on the inside.

well..chinese kids in singa have nothing to do with me. i do what i felt the most comfortable. you have your own taste. and my Lad tee is also short. so it felt like my "BIG" buckle is hanging. i usually cover them..belt is just a tool for me to hold my pants up. and my name is "L" not "1" thx.

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  su8m3rg3d said:


ships jet blue


swear sam

In my long time here I've never said anything here but I really like this. I would not do those shoes myself I would do vans or something but the pants are great

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  red said:
i respectfully disagree. i dont think a persons outfit should be dictated by brand (unless of course youre wearing nike shoes, with an adidas shirt, and a reebok hat. but thats an entirely different matter).

why doesn't this make any sense to me? Aren't you sounding contradictory?

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  l3ootlegs said:
well..chinese kids in singa have nothing to do with me. i do what i felt the most comfortable. you have your own taste. and my Lad tee is also short. so it felt like my "BIG" buckle is hanging. i usually cover them..belt is just a tool for me to hold my pants up. and my name is "L" not "1" thx.

+1 for being from Taiwan.

-1 for rocking Dsquared.

  su8m3rg3d said:



ships jet blue


swear sam

like the fit but your wallet looks like a backwards hard-on, is this a good look?? (maybe this should be saved for chat ed.)

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  backinthetrees said:
you look confused. nbhd with a d2 belt and aa hoody?

its like wearing hysteric glamour and supreme and julius altogether. maybe throw in some BxH into the mix too.

actually i think the fit itself is fine. there's two ways to look at it. if you just look at the clothes and disregard the brands (or if he just posted his fit without the description of the brands) , he wouldn't be getting this backlash of criticism.

I guess it's just a matter of perception. some people don't like putting together a fit made up of mixed cultures, and some people don't mind. but with the fine lines between cultures getting more and more blurred, I won't be surprised if the notion of "mixing brand cultures is taboo" gets eradicated some time in the near future.

my guess is that is wardrobe is in "transition" : i.e getting rid of the ol hypebeast brands (nhbd and all) , and replacing em with the new hypebeast brands (lad musician, AA etc...)

  backinthetrees said:
not an excuse, 13 oot legs. shldve gone beltless. and hoodyless and shirtless

lotsa chinese kids (esp here in singapore) have a bad habit of stacking everything "cool" together. so you get a dude wearing some snopants, a red camo bape shirt, unbuttoned, a preme box t on the inside.

yeap, very true about the "stacking everything cool", but its a completely different example though. snopants, bape, preme box tee are all of street culture (they just put together too many cool things that they forgot to make themselves look pretty)... whereas this dude stacked stuff that looked fine together, but not necessarily in the brand sense.

and true that about the singaporean chinese kids.

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