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Unknown Japanese Brands


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  On 10/2/2013 at 4:36 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

I'm sure you saw that pic before but here you go ;)





Kudos to you for your Samurai fit guide. But damn, I count 15 hangars there. I'm curious about what your point is in having all of that. I mean, you've been reposting these pics and/or enumerating your jeans in other threads for a while. Besides displaying and talking about it, is there a point? Maybe this denim thing has finally gone over my head.

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  On 10/3/2013 at 9:47 AM, Double 0 Soul said:

Hold up, coleslaw asked for pictures of the denim rack and b_F happily obliged. Why are you trying to create a problem where no problem existed before?


Okay, fair enough. I didn't see the request for the pic. However, I'm not trying to create a problem. It's okay to be curious sometimes. If he wants to reply, fine. If not, no problem there either. It's not as if I threatened him, called him names, cussed him out, etc. There is no need to jump to defensiveness and accusations.

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I am not the one being defensive or accusing. I never said you had threatened him or called him names or cussed him. You have just made all that up to try to further your argument.


If you have an issue with someone owning what you consider to be too much denim then you are probably on the wrong forum.

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Thanks for explaining Double 0!


Like he said, coleslawyum asked for this picture and my latest contribution to the "How mayn pairs do you own"-thread were also all posted by request from other members.

And of course I do like to talk about denim and jeans. If not there won't be a reason for me or others to be here if we wouldn't talk about it. I rather like to see some one talking and displaying his stuff without being asked for it, then the zillions of sizing questions of new/newish members. And then you never see or hear anything from them after they got their advice.


And a further explanation by my I did earlier:


  On 9/17/2013 at 9:27 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

As MaxPower already said, we had a little chat about that topic. And as many know I come from the collector’s corner. However I only buy jeans which I can also wear (unless the sizing was off) and you won’t find a pair in my collection that hasn’t been worn for a while or that I still wear every now and then. But still I have my favorite pairs which I wear more often than others. Reasons for this are the different seasons, the fit and style/mood and of course that I want to see their faded state.
That said, there are also some jeans which I nearly enjoy more in their pristine state like my S0500XX.
I enjoy the craftsmanship and the little details and the state of the raw denim. Its surface and character. For this I don’t need to break them in. But then I also like the personal touch of a well worn-in pair.
I try to keep myself in the middle of the pure collector who won’t touch his treasures and the ones who don’t really care and abuse their jeans to death.
Along our discussion yesterday we also talked about buyer’s remorse and which jeans or items you “regret†buying. But that could be a thread of its own :)
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I didn't make anything up. I don't have an issue with someone. Those are facts. You're overreacting, which is my opinion. The man's got 6,755 posts here. Don't you figure he can field my question or decide to ignore it without your help?


I'm not getting into, or furthering, an e-argument with you on a denim forum.

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  On 10/3/2013 at 10:19 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

And of course I do like to talk about denim and jeans. If not there won't be a reason for me or others to be here if we wouldn't talk about it. I rather like to see some one talking and displaying his stuff without being asked for it, then the zillions of sizing questions of new/newish members. And then you never see or hear anything from them after they got their advice.


Again, I thank you for your Samurai guide. I don't know if I could really wear 15 pairs of jeans in my adult life, maybe you have even more. Despite how my question was initially "interpreted", thanks for replying.

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  On 10/3/2013 at 9:55 AM, markr04 said:

Okay, fair enough. I didn't see the request for the pic. However, I'm not trying to create a problem. It's okay to be curious sometimes. If he wants to reply, fine. If not, no problem there either. It's not as if I threatened him, called him names, cussed him out, etc. There is no need to jump to defensiveness and accusations.


This question was addressed to me so i answered it, is that ok with you?

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  On 10/3/2013 at 10:39 AM, Double 0 Soul said:

This question was addressed to me so i answered it, is that ok with you?


Unbelievable. No questions were asked of you. If you had just minded your own business in the first place, you wouldn't... I mean, I wouldn't... sigh. I give up, man.

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  On 10/3/2013 at 11:20 AM, BlackPig said:

@markr04.  Friendly advice - STOP trying to argue with some of the most experience and knowledgeable forum members.

Fine. Double 0 Soul has taken personal shots at me regarding my reading ability, that I shouldn't be on this forum, etc. and I stopped responding to it.


I took responsibility in my second post on this whole matter, saying that I didn't initially see the request for Beautiful Freak's picture of his denim collection.


Beautiful Freak himself replied and I thanked him for it, and thanked him again for his Samurai guide.


You gave me negative rep, so I'm a little suspicious about this being "friendly" advice in the first place. And now you're jumping into it verbally.


Of all the people who you'd think would be offended, didn't even hint that he was. It sure seems like some people want some drama, so they're blowing something up beyond reality to get it. It's a shame that it's in a thread on a denim forum instead of Mac vs. PC, PS4 vs Xbox One, or wherever you'd normally see this kind of dramatic, knee-jerk reaction.


I'm apologizing to the one person who deserves it: Beautiful Freak. I'm sorry if my wording offended you. I didn't mean for it to or I wouldn't be defending my place here.


The rest of this is beyond me.

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This has all got a bit silly and unnecessary, however Beautiful Freak has stated that he's a denim collector and fetishist, therefore has a large collection. I'm not sure if that answered the original poster's question but if not, he is big enough and articulate enough to follow that up with BF by himself.

However, it should be remembered that this is a denim forum so lots of people will have inexplicably large, logic-defying denim collections.

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People are always welcome to PM me if they have an issue with me.

That said, I think MF summed it up quite well (I'd never thought I'd say that) and also Double 0 has his point: it's a denim forum after all and some are more extreme then others (in owning, wearing and/or talking about it).

Hell, from time to time even I think that some members are immoderate in accumulating (funny, I know).

But then I take a deep breath, take stock of myself and realize that I'm also beyond what the average person would be calling normal. But I do something that pleases a part of me and I don't think I hurt anyone else with my behaviour so it should be fine owning a collection of my size (or of any other size).

And slowly this discussion would be more appropriate in the "show what you got" or "how many pairs do you own" threads. This thread should be for unknown Japanese brands as the title already says ;)


@markr04: you are welcome for the Samurai Fit Guide!

Edited by beautiful_FrEaK
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  On 10/3/2013 at 12:34 PM, Double 0 Soul said:

mark- i cant spell for shit i found education very frustrating due to undiagnosed dyslexia i even have to paste my posts from gmail so i can use their spell check if i was to post what comes from my brain to my fingers it would be incomprehensible. So don't take the reading jibe to heart. But you have to admit for an opening gambit your first post was a little confrontational.....lets move on.

what should I say?

Arguing and discussing in a foreign language is not as funny as it seems. At least you fully understand what others write :D;)

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  On 10/3/2013 at 12:57 PM, Double 0 Soul said:

I am fairly well read with a good vocabulary i just have no idea how to form words using letters.

I think you should just express yourself through the medium of dance and post up the video links on here.

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I know that this the unknown Japanese brands thread, but I'm no denim racist. Currently digging Masterson and White Horse Trading Co from the USA, both of whom are Roy/ Ande Whall style one man band operations.





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  On 10/3/2013 at 10:19 AM, beautiful_FrEaK said:

. I rather like to see some one talking and displaying his stuff without being asked for it, then the zillions of sizing questions of new/newish members. And then you never see or hear anything from them after they got their advice.



Does anyone know the stretch of ____ "insert jean model" after soaking? I want my man parts to be as constricted as possible so I can have that srick fades and slim look. And by slim I mean I want little circulation down in my legs so that when I attempt any physical activity my chances of passing out are high!


OK awesome! Thanks also I am looking for a jean with _____, _____, ______, details but the denim needs to be _____, and the price can't be _____. Could you guys do all the research to accommodate my lazy ass and enable what can only be sensibly describe as an absurd request?  


Edited by Rightyow77
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  On 10/3/2013 at 10:51 AM, markr04 said:

Unbelievable. No questions were asked of you. If you had just minded your own business in the first place, you wouldn't... I mean, I wouldn't... sigh. I give up, man.


Just as you didn't mind your own business on why he chooses to own so many jeans.

Edited by jung
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Holy crap, I log on the next day, and a whole new conversation appears. That's the internets for you… I'll post my denim shelf on the "how many jeans do you…" thread.


By the way, this forum has always been about supporting each others obsession of denim. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that someone posts here owns more than 15 pairs of jeans. (myself included and still counting)

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